There are 7 pages of transcript/babble from 3rd Board Meeting. Here is a summary. Q and A available but give us time since we have lives. There needs to be some replys/answers from some of you suspects and unverified.
1 - Madagascarter - TOWN plumber - Outed scum ROCK - ROOTS OUT LIARS through role claims
2 - IrisPostTempestates - likely town - NO role claim voted Mada not rock. WHY?
3 -
Rockbert - Lawyer
SCUM - Dead Day 2
4 - Bluegoetz - TOWN GYPSY, Verified by Clubs KC Thick Mada Cry Notor Pyg Jacob and Ely
5 - ThickTalon - TOWN Grave Digger - can use the ability of dead town only 2 times ( 1 left), Called Town Board Meeting from using E5 Mayoral ability
6 - 2ofclubs - TOWN BOBBY - Verified again by Ely and through Board Meeting night 3
7 - notoriouspat TOWN RETIRED FARRIER TLM verified
8 - MacEohaid - claimed town person MECHANIC - Mada said so and so did Scum Rock regarding role not faction- voted Mada not rock - Scum Suspect. What say you.
9 - Ryomyr chat w/o claim SCUM Suspect. Need we say more - NO
10 - pygmyhippo277 - TOWN and Ability Verified by Clubs Ely TLM
11 - Crywolf - TOWN BARBER TLM verified also Pointed out Rock role discrepency
12 - Rcomer727 - Town PREACHER TLM verified - Haven't heard from him
13 - KC321- TOWN BUM TLM verified. Never look down on your neighbor.
14 - elysium5 - TOWN - MAYOR - killed N2
15 - anuorre - chat w/o claim NOT Hindu SCUM Suspect - but why the Hindu comment? Could be reporter or mail man
16 - Anaxagore - chat w/o claim Soft town SCUM Suspect - absent and is not participating - know he voted Mada but not sure why he said to vote Rock - suspect
17 - Jacob24 - Town PARK RANGER - Verified by Clubs KC Thick Mada Cry Blue Notor Pyg and Ely
#Lynch Mac subject to change