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- Posted: 7 years ago
- Modified: 7 years ago
Post #1
TOWN of TOKEN Earn lots tokens!!!
A game of murder, deception, lying and mob hysteria. Town of Token is a d12 forum role playing game that challenges players on their ability to convincingly lie as well as detect when other players are lying. Players are divided into two main alignments Town & Mafia but there are 3 neutral players also.
Neutrals/Serial Killer are loners with objectives for their win clause. Serial Killer is a threat to both, and the remaining Neutrals in this game can sway either way throughout the game to meet their objective. Only the 4 Mafia will 100% know each other. Mafia and Serial Killer kill each night, but the Town and Neutrals can protect each other if they can manage to work together. The problem is, no-one in the town knows each other and they could be Mafia or a Serial Killer!
This role playing game has 2 phases, which are DAY and NIGHT.
Discussion partakes throughout both phases either the forums or in private message. The moderator must be included in every discussion if it's private. eg: create a message and Add recipient: Hoodlum to a conversation.
The moderator will only view the chat and answer IF there is a question that needs to be clarified and is able to answer where it doesn't give an advantageous clue or whatever. The moderator will therefore not answer all questions. The answers you seek are from the other players and what is written by the moderator in the forums. The moderator is just watching the game unfold and will be giving out MVP awards and such at the end of the game
The DAY phase is where the Town come together and choose to lynch the threats to Token Town. Each player can vote against one user in an effort to get them lynched (eliminated) out of the game. The majority of lynch votes against a user gets them eliminated. After a player is eliminated their role is revealed. Was s/he a threat to the Town or was s/he innocent?
When choosing to lynch a player, type LYNCH USERNAME. (Replace USERNAME with a players name).
To change your mind type UN-LYNCH USERNAME.
You can choose to vote NO LYNCH.
You can choose to abstain from lynching all together.
*If NO LYNCH votes outnumber LYNCH votes for the most voted player, then there is no lynch. If there is a tie with any of the majority, there is no lynch.
Then the NIGHT phase occurs where you use your night actions. Each role has a night action. Some roles are limited to when they choose which nights, others are every night. Types of roles are, Killing, Investigative, Distraction and Defensive.
Most night roles have a target. In this case, send a private message to the moderator and type TARGET USERNAME. (Replace USERNAME with a players name).
Other roles that don't have a target will be explained by the moderator when you receive your role.
MVP for Town = 500 tokens
MVP for Mafia = 500 tokens
MVP for Neutral = 500 tokens
Some roles earn special bonus tokens. See orange in role descriptions.
Winner: Remaining pool tokens divided between winners. All tokens calculated at the completion of game.
For this particular game, there is a Choosing Ceremony that happens during sign up. You can choose your roles!
in TOKEN TOWN everyone has a power role.
Read the roles. Choose your role! keep your choice anonymous of course
Send me a pvt message of your preference of roles. Favourite to least favourite and I will sort them out by preference, first in first serve, however, I am a corrupt Mayor and can be token bribed. Highest bidder wins. All buy-in and bribe tokens go into the pool. Game starts when all roles are filled.
Bribe tokens will be deducted at the end of the game for role anonymity, if other staff members are playing.
Town wins when all Mafia and serial killer is dead.
Mafia wins when all town and serial killer is dead.
Neutrals have a mission, and win when completed. (They can win with either faction).
The Serial Killer wins when he is the last man standing.
Story line
The Mayor (moderator). The new casino was his idea and now he has to live with the consequences. The casino has brought in a lot of $$ for the town, but it has attracted with it the evil Mafia. The Mayor is in a tough spot, he wants to keep his job, keep the love of his beloved town of Token, but he is being blackmailed. They have threatened to release pictures of him and a escort. A moment if weakness and it can all come crashing down! He prays that the town can band together and figure out how to eliminate the evil that is ruining everything, or he will have no choice but to band with the dark side. Politics eh.
For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a cop, just like my father. Law enforcement has always run in the family. As a child, I remember the late nights of Dad coming home and talking to us at the dinner table. "Son, it's my job to keep the streets clean and safe, so you and the good folks in Token can live their lives without fear." My father took pride in his work, and I took pride that my dad was the one who wore the badge. Dad was good at his job. Too good. When the Mafia started feeling the pressure after he found one of their men, the Godfather took a hit out for him. I remember the day the town found him shot on the street in the town square. Everybody pointed fingers, but we all knew the culprits. On that day, the town lost a hero who stood tall for what was right. On that day, I swore a vow to my father to continue his work. The badge that my father wore now sits proud against my chest. There is no mercy for people who try to hurt the innocent citizens. This is my town now.
Sheriff (TOWN)
Check one person each night for suspicious activity. Any Mafia members except the Godfather, along with anyone that was framed by a Framer, will appear as a Mafia member. A Serial Killer will be found alongside the Mafia. You will also receive the Lookouts results.
Investigation Message.
"Your target is not suspicious."
"Your target is a member of the Mafia!"
The Investigator carefully selects the person in question by day, then sneaks off to the house of the accused at night. Peeking in through a open window, he is stunned to see knives lining the walls of the house, blood-stained and gleaming in the moonlight. That's all the investigator needs to see before he leaves quickly. He is convinced he has found a Serial Killer, and makes sure to call him out by day. The "Serial Killer" panics and quickly claims he is a doctor, doing his job. With the help of the Town, the "doctor" is quickly lynched, as the Town crowds around the person as they look for hints of their role. Medical files fall out of the pocket of the dead body, as medication is loosely held in the dead man's hands. One person slowly looks up and points an accusing finger at the Investigator, before loudly and clearly stating: "Lynch him."
Investigator (TOWN)
Investigate someone each night for a hint of their role. You will be given three possible roles that your target may be. If your target has been framed, you will be given false information. You will also receive the Sheriffs results.
Investigation Message.
"Your target is either (____ , ____ , ____ )"
The Bodyguard shifted his cigarette from one corner of his mouth to the other and placed his kevlar vest over his undershirt. He was certainly going to need it tonight, he thought. He carefully set the smoldering cigarette in an ashtray as he strapped the vest tight. It had a few dents in it from previous close encounters. He tucked the cigarette back into the corner of his mouth and grabbed his white dress shirt and began to button it. "Gonna be one hell of a night," he chuckled to himself, "one for the record books for sure." He took an extended drag before grabbing his suit jacket. His mother always did say he looked good in pinstripe. But this was going to run smoothly, he told himself. His target and him had discussed the protection plan in depth. No way a single assailant could get him, and that's something the Bodyguard was willing to bet his life on. After checking his pistol he slid it into his jacket pocket. He picked the comb off his dresser and made some minor last minute adjustments to his balding hair. He placed it down and stared into the mirror. He could see his age finally catching up with him as his eyes drifted to his favorite thing on his dresser. He picked up the framed picture of his deceased wife and gave it a quick kiss before putting it back down. He extinguished the cigarette into the ashtray with one hand as he put on his sunglasses with the other. He grabbed the tacked-up picture of the Mayor and walked out of the door.
Bodyguard (TOWN)
Decide whether to protect a person from death each night. If they are attacked, you will kill an attacker and they will kill you, but your target will live. Your target will receive a message saying. "You were attacked but your defense was too high". You have one bullet proof vest to use once to protect yourself, but you will not counterattack.
The Jailer, a hardened ex-warden of one of the country's toughest prisons was asked by his childhood friend, the Mayor, to come to Token to help with the threat of the Mafia. Now he secretly detains suspicious people in a cell under his house, rendering them useless for the night while he squeezes information out of them. Taking every precaution to preserve his identity (including voice modifiers and blindfolding suspects), the only thing that makes the Jailer shudder is the thought of jailing the man with the knives.
Jailer (TOWN)
Jail someone each night by choosing who to jail during the day. Jailing a player, role blocks their night action, and any action on them while they are jailed. Jailed players are safe in jail. Attackers of your target will receive a message saying. "Your targets defense was too high".
The jailer has 2 interrogations to use throughout the game on a jailed target. If you choose to interrogate the jailed player you will know their full role. If they are revealed Mafia, you will execute them. If you interrogate the Serial Killer you will die.
+100 tokens earned if you save someone from being attacked. +100 tokens if you interrogate/kill Mafia.
The Godfather wasn't always a wicked man, for a long time he was a welcome member of the town in his youth. He and the Mayor were playmates in their childhood, but a disagreement lead to a bitter rivalry that exists to this day. The young man (Godfather) was known to be an up and coming town member who was generally loved and respected, and had a very good chance of being elected Mayor of the town. His rival (The Mayor) seethed in anger seeing this, as his campaigns were failing to win over the town members. The Mayor hired an Investigator possibly the Sheriff who was his cousin, to dig up some dirt on him, but they failed to find anything damning. Eventually fabricated damning evidence surfaced and horrified and disgusted the town, leading to the banishment of the young man. The young man was angry, betrayed by those he loved and cared for, and promised to get revenge on every single one of them for believing his corrupt rival over him. The Mafia at the time noticed the potential of this young man, and brought him in to the Family. As time went on, the original Godfather became very sick, and with his dying breath, he appointed the young man who became like a son to him. Brimming with a sense of darkness in his heart and a lust for revenge, the young man became the new head of the Family, and returned to his home town with his new-found Family backing him to kill those who turned him into a hard-hearted criminal, and more specifically, the corrupt Mayor.
Godfather (MAFIA)
Choose to kill someone each night. You can not be killed at night, with exception of a target who is protected by a bodyguard or if you are interrogated by the Jailer. Your defense is to powerful. If you are lynched the Framer will replace you first.
Attackers will receive a message saying. "Your targets defense was too high".
*The Godfather is a town detection immune role. False information will be given to investigative roles (Sheriff, Lookout, Investigator).
As a photographer, the Blackmailer was just a simple man, taking pictures of people doing the things they did. Some of these pictures were actually embarrassing pictures that can ruin a person's life and reputation to the Town. The Mafia had found out about the Blackmailer and the photographs he used and they knew that they can use him and his photographs to their advantage of taking over the Town. They had asked the Blackmailer if he had some sort of dirt on anyone that would keep them silent for at least one day and of course, he had some sort of dirt on the person they asked, even the Mayor. They had asked to see the picture and the Blackmailer showed them a picture of the Mayor late at night with the Town Escort. The Mafia knew that they needed the Blackmailer and that night before Mafia had went out to do their business, a yellow envelope laid in front of the Mayor's house with the picture of the Mayor and the Escort, saying: "Keep quiet or I place this on everyone's doorstep tomorrow..."
Blackmailer (MAFIA)
Choose one person each night to blackmail. You can not blackmail the same player twice. Blackmailed targets can not talk during the day, therefore can not participate to Lynch for that day and they will be role blocked that night. Your target will get the message "You have been blackmailed by the Mafia. You can not lynch today. You are role blocked tonight." If you visit a Veteran on alert and you are killed, they will still be blackmailed the next day. You will become the Godfather if you are the last Mafia.
You cannot find Detection Immune roles, such as the Godfather, or the Jester.
If your target was framed in the same night, they will show up as a member of the Mafia.
If you interrogate someone who is jailed, you will be unable to retrieve a result, and be told your target was jailed.
When investigating someone, the Investigator receives a notification depending on the target's possible roles. Below contains the possibilities.
Vigilante, Veteran, Consigliere,
Survivor, Blackmailer, Jailor
Sheriff, Framer, Lookout
Lookout, Escort, Transporter
Doctor, Serial Killer, Bodyguard
However, there are some exceptions on Investigator's results:
If the Investigator investigates a person who is framed by a Framer, the person will display under the Framer investigative results. Sheriff, Framer, Lookout
Investigators cannot investigate a jailed target.
You can see visits made by:
Any role that can choose a target at night. But not those that can only target themselves (Survivors and Veterans).
If an Escort, or Jailer forces a Serial Killer to kill them, you will not see the killer visiting their victim.
If a Doctor decides to heal themselves, you will see the Doctor visiting themselves.
If a Bodyguard decides to use their bulletproof vest, you will see the Bodyguard visiting himself.
You will be shot by a Veteran on alert if you choose to watch them at night.
Your jailed target is role blocked. This overrides Role block Immunity because your target is chosen during the day.
All visits against a jailed target will fail, including that of Investigators, Lookouts, Sheriffs, etc.
You will not receive any messages of any of these visits.
Any roles that visit your jailed target will receive a message saying, "Your ability failed because your target was in jail!"
If you choose to interrogate a Serial Killer you will die, however, you can be protected by a Doctor or a Bodyguard from this attack. The Doctor will not get a notification notifying them that their target was attacked in this scenario. In this scenario you will know the Serial Killer but he will escape and he cannot be jailed again.
If you interrogate a Mafia player you will execute them, including the Godfather.
If you interrogate a Town or Neutral player you will know their full role.
If someone who visits you on ALERT, is healed by a Doctor, they will not die.
If someone who visits you on ALERT, is guarded by a Bodyguard, the Bodyguard will die also with no counterattack.
If the Godfather or Serial Killer visit you on ALERT, they will not die, they will escape and be told: "Your targets defense was too high".
In most cases, killing your visitor will not stop them from using their night ability.
If a Transporter transports you while on alert, the Transporter will die but the transport will still occur (therefore, whoever visited you originally will be spared, but anyone who visits the Transporters second target will die to you).
If a Blackmailer blackmails you while on alert, you will still be blackmailed, but you will kill the Blackmailer.
In some cases, you will not commit suicide after shooting a Town member:
If your target was jailed or healed.
The death message will claim that the victim was shot by a Vigilante, but you will not commit suicide.
You can be killed by a Bodyguard protecting your target.
If you are attacked and killed the same night you kill a Town member, it will also say that you died of guilt.
You have one bulletproof vest for yourself to use once, that will give you powerful defence, but you will not counterattack if anyone attacks you.
If you used your bulletproof vest and get transported, you will protect whoever you were transported with, leaving yourself open to attacks. You will still counterattack if an attacking role attacks your new target and you will die saving them.
You can protect your target from one attack during the night and counterattack their attacker. You will die if this happens. If multiple killers attack your target, you will die killing one, but the other will survive and kill your target, unless another Bodyguard or Doctor is protecting your target. You will counterattack the first attacker by time stamp.
You will counter an attack made by a Vigilante, Godfather and Serial Killer.
If you guard a Jailer, or an Escort who has role-blocked a Serial Killer, you can save your target and kill the Serial Killer.
If you and your target are transported with each other and your target is attacked, you will kill your attacker and die in the process.
Protection - no counterattack situation. You will not counterattack an attack made by the Veteran on ALERT if your target visits the Veteran. You will still save your target and die saving them.
You will not be able to save your target from leaving the game, a Jester's haunt, or a Vigilante committing suicide over the guilt of killing a Townie.
If none of the above apply, yet your target still dies, at least one of the following may have occurred:
You were role blocked by an Escort. You will receive a message.
Your target was transported with another target due to a Transporter. You will not know if this happens.
A Doctor can prevent you or the attacker from dying. If the Doctor heals your target, they will see that your target was attacked.
Being healed while counterattacking does not allow you to counter a second attacker on your target.
You can heal all attacks on your target caused by Bodyguards, the Veteran, Vigilante, Godfather, or Serial Killers.
You can heal a Bodyguard who died protecting someone. This does not allow them to kill a possible second attacker during the same night.
You cannot heal a Vigilante killing himself from guilt.
You will be notified if your target was attacked.
You will receive only one notification, no matter how many times your target was attacked.
Your target will receive a message about being healed.
You will still receive the message that your target was attacked even if they were counterattacked by a Bodyguard.
You can heal an Escort, and a Jailer who was role blocked the Serial Killer. However, you will not see that your target was attacked.
You will also not see that your target was attacked if they were attacked by a Bodyguard.
If you role block a Serial Killer, he will stay at home and attack you instead.
This does not occur if the Serial Killer is in jail. This is because jailing makes all actions against the target fail.
Your death message will notify you that you visited the Serial Killer. But if the Serial Killer also chooses to kill you, the message will be "You were attacked by a Serial Killer!".
You can be protected by a Doctor or Bodyguard from this attack.
There are multiple roles that are immune to your role block.
If you and one Mafia, and a Serial Killer are left, a stalemate will occur for the Mafia and Serial Killer and you will lose with Town.
Transporting a target swaps all visitors to them; targets will instead visit the other swapped target.
You may choose two people to transport each night. The order of selecting who to transport does not matter.
Both the people you transported will receive the message, "You were transported to another location."
Visitors, on the other hand, will not be informed that they hit the wrong target (although some, like killers, may be able to figure it out because their selected target wasn't killed.)
If a Jester is lynched, you cannot transport their haunting to another player.
If your transport causes a target to visit themselves:
Roles that can target themselves normally will use their personal action (e.g. Bodyguard using vest, or a Survivor using vest).
Transport fails.
Transporting is ineffective in the following situations:
You cannot switch a Survivors target. If they use a bulletproof vest, it will always target themselves. Any other visits to the Survivor will still be switched with your other target.
You cannot switch a Veteran's target. If they are on alert, you will be shot. They will still be transported (meaning that anyone who was trying to visit your other target will die, while anyone who was trying to visit the Veteran will be saved.)
You cannot transport targets who are in jail. When you try, you will be notified that one of your targets was jailed. Your targets won't know you tried to transport them, but a Lookout will still see you visit them.
You cannot transport the guilt from a Vigilante who shot a Townie. The Vigilante will still commit suicide. However, you may transport the Vigilantes target the night before.
Your transport cannot switch the following attacks:
If your target role blocked a Serial Killer, the killer will attack the role blocker even if you transport them.
If your target visited the Veteran on alert, they will be shot even if you transport them.
Investigators will see framed targets as a "Sheriff, Framer, Lookout".
A Sheriff will see framed targets as a "member of the Mafia".
You will know other members of the Mafia.
You can pick a target to attack each night.
You will know other members of the Mafia.
You have basic Defence and Detection Immunity.
A blackmailed target can not participate the following day in the forums and can not lynch, and can not use their Night actions. They can still communicate in private message at any time. They can communicate in forums in the night phase.
If you visit a Veteran on alert and you are killed, they will still be blackmailed the next day.
You cannot blackmail a target that was jailed that night. You will be notified that your visit failed and the jailed person will know that someone tried to blackmail them.
You will know other members of the Mafia.
You can still retrieve the role of your target even if they were framed by Framer.
Your role is very similar to the Investigator. However, your investigation results show your target's exact role, whereas the Investigator is given up to three or five possible roles.
Here are the roles given when a Consigliere visits someone:
Your target is a trained protector. They must be a Bodyguard.
Your target is a professional surgeon. They must be a Doctor.
Your target is a beautiful person working for the Town. They must be an Escort.
Your target gathers information about people. They must be an Investigator.
Your target detains people at night. They must be a Jailor.
Your target watches who visits people at night. They must be a Lookout.
Your target is a protector of the Town. They must be a Sheriff.
Your target specializes in transportation. They must be a Transporter.
Your target is a paranoid war hero. They must be a Veteran.
Your target will bend the law to enact justice. They must be a Vigilante.
Your target wants to be lynched. They must be a Jester.
Your target wants to kill everyone. They must be a Serial Killer.
Your target simply wants to live. They must be a Survivor.
You will know other members of the Mafia.
Using a bulletproof vest gives you Defense.
Even if you are not attacked, your bulletproof vest will be destroyed.
When you are transported, you will still use your bulletproof vest.
You will not use your bulletproof vest if you were jailed.
Survivors still win in the event of a draw if there is A Serial Killer, and a Mafia left.
You only win if you are lynched. This means if you are killed in any way other than by lynching, you automatically lose the game.
The stalemate will not end the game on the day you are lynched, since you can break any stalemate by your haunt.
You can choose to haunt one of your guilty voters the night after being lynched. Your haunt ignores Basic and Powerful defense.
A Doctor, Bodyguard or Jailor cannot protect your target.
A Transporter cannot switch your target.
You do not have Detection Immunity; you can be identified by a Sheriff as Mafia at night.
If an Escort, visits you, you will be forced to stay at home (visiting nobody and attacking the Escort instead).
If a Jailer interrogates you, you will attack the Jailer and escape.
Send Hoodlum a message of Role choice.
eg..Hi hood, here's my preference in order.
Serial Killer, Survivor, Godfather, Transporter, Jester, . . . . . . . . .
I really want to be a serial killer, I'll buy it for 1000 tokens!! thanks.
A game of murder, deception, lying and mob hysteria. Town of Token is a d12 forum role playing game that challenges players on their ability to convincingly lie as well as detect when other players are lying. Players are divided into two main alignments Town & Mafia but there are 3 neutral players also.
Neutrals/Serial Killer are loners with objectives for their win clause. Serial Killer is a threat to both, and the remaining Neutrals in this game can sway either way throughout the game to meet their objective. Only the 4 Mafia will 100% know each other. Mafia and Serial Killer kill each night, but the Town and Neutrals can protect each other if they can manage to work together. The problem is, no-one in the town knows each other and they could be Mafia or a Serial Killer!
This role playing game has 2 phases, which are DAY and NIGHT.
Basic Video Tutorial (click to show)
Discussion partakes throughout both phases either the forums or in private message. The moderator must be included in every discussion if it's private. eg: create a message and Add recipient: Hoodlum to a conversation.
The moderator will only view the chat and answer IF there is a question that needs to be clarified and is able to answer where it doesn't give an advantageous clue or whatever. The moderator will therefore not answer all questions. The answers you seek are from the other players and what is written by the moderator in the forums. The moderator is just watching the game unfold and will be giving out MVP awards and such at the end of the game
The DAY phase is where the Town come together and choose to lynch the threats to Token Town. Each player can vote against one user in an effort to get them lynched (eliminated) out of the game. The majority of lynch votes against a user gets them eliminated. After a player is eliminated their role is revealed. Was s/he a threat to the Town or was s/he innocent?
When choosing to lynch a player, type LYNCH USERNAME. (Replace USERNAME with a players name).
To change your mind type UN-LYNCH USERNAME.
You can choose to vote NO LYNCH.
You can choose to abstain from lynching all together.
*If NO LYNCH votes outnumber LYNCH votes for the most voted player, then there is no lynch. If there is a tie with any of the majority, there is no lynch.
Then the NIGHT phase occurs where you use your night actions. Each role has a night action. Some roles are limited to when they choose which nights, others are every night. Types of roles are, Killing, Investigative, Distraction and Defensive.
Most night roles have a target. In this case, send a private message to the moderator and type TARGET USERNAME. (Replace USERNAME with a players name).
Other roles that don't have a target will be explained by the moderator when you receive your role.
Rule$, $coring, & Token$ (click to show)
- Abide by D12's language rules. Please respect the rules for the forum.
- Once eliminated, you can not chat. (No dead talking). It's a team game for some, so dead doesn't necessarily mean you lost.
- If you are inactive for 2 consecutive days, (2 day phases & 2 night phases) you will be mod killed.
- All private messages related to the game must include the moderator. The moderator scores points and gifts tokens for MVP points.
- Token donations are accepted to the games token pool prize. (5000 tokens are pre-donated by Hoodlum).
MVP for Town = 500 tokens
MVP for Mafia = 500 tokens
MVP for Neutral = 500 tokens
Some roles earn special bonus tokens. See orange in role descriptions.
Winner: Remaining pool tokens divided between winners. All tokens calculated at the completion of game.
For this particular game, there is a Choosing Ceremony that happens during sign up. You can choose your roles!
in TOKEN TOWN everyone has a power role.
Read the roles. Choose your role! keep your choice anonymous of course
Send me a pvt message of your preference of roles. Favourite to least favourite and I will sort them out by preference, first in first serve, however, I am a corrupt Mayor and can be token bribed. Highest bidder wins. All buy-in and bribe tokens go into the pool. Game starts when all roles are filled.
Bribe tokens will be deducted at the end of the game for role anonymity, if other staff members are playing.
Town wins when all Mafia and serial killer is dead.
Mafia wins when all town and serial killer is dead.
Neutrals have a mission, and win when completed. (They can win with either faction).
The Serial Killer wins when he is the last man standing.
Story line
The Mayor (moderator). The new casino was his idea and now he has to live with the consequences. The casino has brought in a lot of $$ for the town, but it has attracted with it the evil Mafia. The Mayor is in a tough spot, he wants to keep his job, keep the love of his beloved town of Token, but he is being blackmailed. They have threatened to release pictures of him and a escort. A moment if weakness and it can all come crashing down! He prays that the town can band together and figure out how to eliminate the evil that is ruining everything, or he will have no choice but to band with the dark side. Politics eh.
ALL ROLES (click to show)
Sheriff (TOWN) (click to show)
For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a cop, just like my father. Law enforcement has always run in the family. As a child, I remember the late nights of Dad coming home and talking to us at the dinner table. "Son, it's my job to keep the streets clean and safe, so you and the good folks in Token can live their lives without fear." My father took pride in his work, and I took pride that my dad was the one who wore the badge. Dad was good at his job. Too good. When the Mafia started feeling the pressure after he found one of their men, the Godfather took a hit out for him. I remember the day the town found him shot on the street in the town square. Everybody pointed fingers, but we all knew the culprits. On that day, the town lost a hero who stood tall for what was right. On that day, I swore a vow to my father to continue his work. The badge that my father wore now sits proud against my chest. There is no mercy for people who try to hurt the innocent citizens. This is my town now.
Sheriff (TOWN)
Check one person each night for suspicious activity. Any Mafia members except the Godfather, along with anyone that was framed by a Framer, will appear as a Mafia member. A Serial Killer will be found alongside the Mafia. You will also receive the Lookouts results.
Investigation Message.
"Your target is not suspicious."
"Your target is a member of the Mafia!"
Investigator (TOWN) (click to show)
The Investigator carefully selects the person in question by day, then sneaks off to the house of the accused at night. Peeking in through a open window, he is stunned to see knives lining the walls of the house, blood-stained and gleaming in the moonlight. That's all the investigator needs to see before he leaves quickly. He is convinced he has found a Serial Killer, and makes sure to call him out by day. The "Serial Killer" panics and quickly claims he is a doctor, doing his job. With the help of the Town, the "doctor" is quickly lynched, as the Town crowds around the person as they look for hints of their role. Medical files fall out of the pocket of the dead body, as medication is loosely held in the dead man's hands. One person slowly looks up and points an accusing finger at the Investigator, before loudly and clearly stating: "Lynch him."
Investigator (TOWN)
Investigate someone each night for a hint of their role. You will be given three possible roles that your target may be. If your target has been framed, you will be given false information. You will also receive the Sheriffs results.
Investigation Message.
"Your target is either (____ , ____ , ____ )"
Lookout (TOWN) (click to show)
The Lookout quickly made his way to the Investigator's house. The Investigator had called out the Godfather earlier that day, and with the Doctor dead, he was in a lot of trouble. He clambered his way up the Investigator's house and crawled along the roof, until he was over the front door, looking down. He was betting someone was going to try and finish off the Investigator tonight for sure, and so he lay down to hide himself as best as he could in the dark of the night, and waited. He waited five minutes. He waited ten minutes. He waited fifteen minutes. He waited twenty minutes. His eyes never left the front door, not even for a split second. After about an hour or two, there was a rustling noise behind the house, and it did not go unnoticed by the Lookout. Carefully, he maneuvered his way across the roof to the back of the house and watched. A shadowy figure emerged from the undergrowth and disappeared through the back door of the Investigator's house. He only saw him for a split second, but he knew from the shape of their head just who that person was. There was a gunshot and a cry of pain. The Investigator had been shot, and the intruder quickly zipped out the back of the house. Less than five minutes later, another figure approached the back. The Lookout knew this person as well, from his height or lack thereof. A minute later, there was a strangled cry from the house and this figure too disappeared. The Lookout hurriedly wrote down who had visited the Investigator on this night and kept waiting, but nobody else came. The next morning, the Investigator was found dead with both a bullet wound and a stab wound. Both Mafia and Serial Killer had taken a turn on him. The Lookout quickly consulted his notes to check the names of both people and then exclaimed his findings to the town. The Serial Killer was lynched that day, while the Mafioso was shot dead by the Vigilante, both killed thanks to the Lookout's dedication to watching the Investigator's house all night.
Lookout (TOWN)
Watch someone at night to see who visits them. You will also receive the Investigators results.
If someone other than you visits your target, you will receive the message: "____ visited your target last night!" or "Your target visited ____ last night!"
Lookout (TOWN)
Watch someone at night to see who visits them. You will also receive the Investigators results.
If someone other than you visits your target, you will receive the message: "____ visited your target last night!" or "Your target visited ____ last night!"
Veteran (TOWN) (click to show)
The pain in his knee flared up again. The Veteran scowled at it. He didn't mind the pain, but he could have done without the memories it brought. The cursed Battle of Barrow Hill. He shuddered. So many people died that day. Yes, they had won ultimately, but the price for victory had been high. The Veteran had seen friend after friend fall to gunshots or explosions, unable to save them. After the war he had settled in a small town called Token to find some peace, but it wasn't meant to be. Lately town members have been disappearing, sometimes found brutally murdered in their homes. "Human nature never changes", thought the Veteran. He knew the shape of the world, knew how it worked. But he'd be damned if he accepted it without a fight. Jaw clenched he dismantled and cleaned his old rifle. A fine piece of craftsmanship from years gone by. Old as it was, it still packed a punch. "And so do I", thought the Veteran. "Sooner or later they'll come for me. And when they do, I'll be ready." With a satisfying clicking sound he put the last piece of the rifle back together.
Veteran (TOWN)
Decide whether or not to be on alert during the night. On alert, you will kill all your visitors. They could be innocent town folk though. You have 3 alerts. The Veteran on alert has role block immunity.
+100 tokens earned if you kill a Mafia/serial killer.
Veteran (TOWN)
Decide whether or not to be on alert during the night. On alert, you will kill all your visitors. They could be innocent town folk though. You have 3 alerts. The Veteran on alert has role block immunity.
+100 tokens earned if you kill a Mafia/serial killer.
Vigilante (TOWN) (click to show)
Taking the law into your hands hadn't been the plan. No, not at first. As the Sheriff's right hand man, you were sure that you would bring members of The Mafia and Serial Killer to justice. No villain against the town would escape you or the Sheriff's watchful eye. Gun always at the ready, you were more than ready to rid the town of evil. Until one day, when left at the office alone, you found it. A large envelope with the Sheriff's name on it, stuffed to the brim with cash. Your stomach plummeted when you recognized The Mafia's insignia gracing the seal. Dropping your badge on the desk, you walk away from that life, promising yourself that you would do whatever it takes to deliver true justice to the town of Token, your trusty gun at your side.
Vigilante (TOWN)
Choose to take justice in your own hands and shoot someone. If you shoot a Town member, you will die from guilt the following night phase. You have 2 bullets.
+100 tokens earned if you shoot a Mafia/serial killer.
Vigilante (TOWN)
Choose to take justice in your own hands and shoot someone. If you shoot a Town member, you will die from guilt the following night phase. You have 2 bullets.
+100 tokens earned if you shoot a Mafia/serial killer.
Bodyguard (TOWN) (click to show)
The Bodyguard shifted his cigarette from one corner of his mouth to the other and placed his kevlar vest over his undershirt. He was certainly going to need it tonight, he thought. He carefully set the smoldering cigarette in an ashtray as he strapped the vest tight. It had a few dents in it from previous close encounters. He tucked the cigarette back into the corner of his mouth and grabbed his white dress shirt and began to button it. "Gonna be one hell of a night," he chuckled to himself, "one for the record books for sure." He took an extended drag before grabbing his suit jacket. His mother always did say he looked good in pinstripe. But this was going to run smoothly, he told himself. His target and him had discussed the protection plan in depth. No way a single assailant could get him, and that's something the Bodyguard was willing to bet his life on. After checking his pistol he slid it into his jacket pocket. He picked the comb off his dresser and made some minor last minute adjustments to his balding hair. He placed it down and stared into the mirror. He could see his age finally catching up with him as his eyes drifted to his favorite thing on his dresser. He picked up the framed picture of his deceased wife and gave it a quick kiss before putting it back down. He extinguished the cigarette into the ashtray with one hand as he put on his sunglasses with the other. He grabbed the tacked-up picture of the Mayor and walked out of the door.
Bodyguard (TOWN)
Decide whether to protect a person from death each night. If they are attacked, you will kill an attacker and they will kill you, but your target will live. Your target will receive a message saying. "You were attacked but your defense was too high". You have one bullet proof vest to use once to protect yourself, but you will not counterattack.
Doctor (TOWN) (click to show)
His first-aid kit dangled from his lanky fingers as he ran to his destination, the full moon beating down on his head. Time was of the essence. The town Doctor was prepared for what he saw inside of the broken-down grey house. He kicked open the door. His father was a Serial Killer, and just like him, he had the odd desire of comfort in the cold darkness of night, but he had taken a different interest in knives.
He knows the smell. The house reeked of blood. He cautiously stepped further into the house, only to see a man splayed out on the floor. The man looked around the room, confused and slightly scared. The Doctor set his kit down next to the twitching man, and proceeded to get his tools.
The man's torso and legs had been torn open. He grabs the needle and string from his kit and swallows down bile, ready to sew together the remains of this death-fearing man. This was the work of the towns new serial killer. The rumours of Token Town are that the good town Doctor is the Serial Killer, but thankfully the victims can dispel those rumours. If they live!
Doctor (TOWN)
Heal one person each night. If they are attacked, you will heal them, granting them Powerful Defense for a night. You have one self-heal, also granting you Powerful Defense for a night.
If someone attacked your target, you will be notified by the moderator. Your target will also be notified that they were attacked and saved. Attackers will receive a message saying. "Your targets defense was too high".
+100 tokens earned if you save someone who was attacked.
He knows the smell. The house reeked of blood. He cautiously stepped further into the house, only to see a man splayed out on the floor. The man looked around the room, confused and slightly scared. The Doctor set his kit down next to the twitching man, and proceeded to get his tools.
The man's torso and legs had been torn open. He grabs the needle and string from his kit and swallows down bile, ready to sew together the remains of this death-fearing man. This was the work of the towns new serial killer. The rumours of Token Town are that the good town Doctor is the Serial Killer, but thankfully the victims can dispel those rumours. If they live!
Doctor (TOWN)
Heal one person each night. If they are attacked, you will heal them, granting them Powerful Defense for a night. You have one self-heal, also granting you Powerful Defense for a night.
If someone attacked your target, you will be notified by the moderator. Your target will also be notified that they were attacked and saved. Attackers will receive a message saying. "Your targets defense was too high".
+100 tokens earned if you save someone who was attacked.
Escort (TOWN) (click to show)
The Godfather was fuming. The Vigilante had gotten a lucky shot on his Mafioso, and he aimed to get the Vigilante back before he could find the Mafia's Framer as well. That fool had revealed himself to the town, like he was expecting a parade in his honour for shooting the Mafioso. He instructed the Framer to frame the Jester, in hopes the town investigative found it and decided to lynch him, thus hurting themselves. The Framer nodded and walked out, while the Godfather prepared the very weapon he'd passed onto the Mafioso before. He would get the Vigilante back for this. Before he can leave however, the lovely Escort finds her way into his home. Completely distracted by her looks, he stops what he was doing while the Escort encourages him to share a drink with her. The Godfather decides a drink wouldn't hurt, and humours her request. As they're almost finished with their drinks however, a shot cracks through the house and hits the Godfather square in the shoulder. The Vigilante was taking another guess. The Escort, startled quickly runs out of the house, yelling that somebody had been shot. The next morning, the Escort reveals to the town that she had kept the Godfather home all night and nobody had died. The proven Vigilante confirms he shot the Godfather, and yet there the Godfather was, still alive. Before the Godfather knows it, he's on trial with confirmed townsfolk designating him as the Godfather. The Escort cheekily blows him a kiss, exclaiming "Better luck next time, sweetie." and it's the last thing the Godfather sees and hears before the rope tightens around his neck and he is hung.
Escort (TOWN)
Distract someone each night to block them from using their night ability. If you role block a Serial Killer you will be killed.
You get paid +50 tokens for each client guaranteed.![smile :)](https://dominating12.com/assets/img/forum/smileys/smile.png)
Escort (TOWN)
Distract someone each night to block them from using their night ability. If you role block a Serial Killer you will be killed.
You get paid +50 tokens for each client guaranteed.
![smile :)](https://dominating12.com/assets/img/forum/smileys/smile.png)
Transporter (TOWN) (click to show)
He was once a promising street racer. Never strived for wealth or power. All he wanted was to drive without any restraint. Somehow news of him reached the Godfathers ears and his whole life took a turn. The Mafia told him he would just be the getaway driver and in exchange he can get all the cars he wants and drive as fast as he can. Everything went smoothly for a while. He would drive and would not think of what the others were doing. It was just him and the open road. But then one night he got distracted. While he was waiting in his car an Escort caught his eye. She was beautiful. They talked the night and he was on cloud nine, but his night of excitement was cut short. Turns out his Mafia brethren were in a crazy old Veteran's house and they would have needed his help. His foolishness caused the death of a Mafioso . The Godfather wasn't happy. The next day a new appointed Mafioso was sent to kill the Escort. He had no choice but to drive him... He had to do it...She was killed. He didn't sleep that night, he was angry, he was ashamed. The Godfather wasn't going to get the best of him, break him, turn him evil. He would try to get the Mafia to kill each other by switching people around at night, to get OUT!
Transporter (TOWN)
Choose two people to transport at night, including yourself. Transporting two people swaps all targets against them. Your targets will know they were transported. You can not be role-blocked by Escort. The Transporter has role block immunity.
Transporter (TOWN)
Choose two people to transport at night, including yourself. Transporting two people swaps all targets against them. Your targets will know they were transported. You can not be role-blocked by Escort. The Transporter has role block immunity.
Jailer (TOWN) (click to show)
The Jailer, a hardened ex-warden of one of the country's toughest prisons was asked by his childhood friend, the Mayor, to come to Token to help with the threat of the Mafia. Now he secretly detains suspicious people in a cell under his house, rendering them useless for the night while he squeezes information out of them. Taking every precaution to preserve his identity (including voice modifiers and blindfolding suspects), the only thing that makes the Jailer shudder is the thought of jailing the man with the knives.
Jailer (TOWN)
Jail someone each night by choosing who to jail during the day. Jailing a player, role blocks their night action, and any action on them while they are jailed. Jailed players are safe in jail. Attackers of your target will receive a message saying. "Your targets defense was too high".
The jailer has 2 interrogations to use throughout the game on a jailed target. If you choose to interrogate the jailed player you will know their full role. If they are revealed Mafia, you will execute them. If you interrogate the Serial Killer you will die.
+100 tokens earned if you save someone from being attacked. +100 tokens if you interrogate/kill Mafia.
Godfather (MAFIA) (click to show)
The Godfather wasn't always a wicked man, for a long time he was a welcome member of the town in his youth. He and the Mayor were playmates in their childhood, but a disagreement lead to a bitter rivalry that exists to this day. The young man (Godfather) was known to be an up and coming town member who was generally loved and respected, and had a very good chance of being elected Mayor of the town. His rival (The Mayor) seethed in anger seeing this, as his campaigns were failing to win over the town members. The Mayor hired an Investigator possibly the Sheriff who was his cousin, to dig up some dirt on him, but they failed to find anything damning. Eventually fabricated damning evidence surfaced and horrified and disgusted the town, leading to the banishment of the young man. The young man was angry, betrayed by those he loved and cared for, and promised to get revenge on every single one of them for believing his corrupt rival over him. The Mafia at the time noticed the potential of this young man, and brought him in to the Family. As time went on, the original Godfather became very sick, and with his dying breath, he appointed the young man who became like a son to him. Brimming with a sense of darkness in his heart and a lust for revenge, the young man became the new head of the Family, and returned to his home town with his new-found Family backing him to kill those who turned him into a hard-hearted criminal, and more specifically, the corrupt Mayor.
Godfather (MAFIA)
Choose to kill someone each night. You can not be killed at night, with exception of a target who is protected by a bodyguard or if you are interrogated by the Jailer. Your defense is to powerful. If you are lynched the Framer will replace you first.
Attackers will receive a message saying. "Your targets defense was too high".
*The Godfather is a town detection immune role. False information will be given to investigative roles (Sheriff, Lookout, Investigator).
Framer (MAFIA) (click to show)
"I've found evidence linking her to the Mafia!" the venerable Sheriff declared as he pointed to the confused Escort . He then pulled out a handful of crumpled notes, detailing the locations of shady out-of-town meetings at night and written in blood-red ink while starting his 'death to the Mafia' spiel. The Escort tried to defend herself to the best of her abilities, claiming that one would have to be an abject fool to think that those notes could correlate to the Mafia, but fortunately (or unfortunately, in the Escort 's case), the Sheriff's years of experience led him to believe that he really had genuine info. He led the Escort 's execution, and then realized as she breathed her last... she was framed. Her last will held not her words of dedication to the Mafia... just the words of the deceased townsfolk. The Framer noted the irony in the Sheriff's spiel with his fellow Mafia comrades while the rest of the town turned a blind eye to the incognito Mafia, and one of the brave citizens shouted out loud to jail and execute the Sheriff for his mistake. As the meeting for the day concluded and almost everyone went back to their homes, the Framer congratulated himself on what he had accomplished. Who knew where a few old documents could get you?
Framer (MAFIA)
Choose a target to frame each night. Framed people will show up as members of the Mafia to a Sheriff for that night, and an investigator will get no accurate clues.
Framer (MAFIA)
Choose a target to frame each night. Framed people will show up as members of the Mafia to a Sheriff for that night, and an investigator will get no accurate clues.
Consigliere (MAFIA) (click to show)
The Godfather's right hand man, who can gather dirt better than the Investigator himself. Once an Investigator himself, the law was too muddy for him. Either they were the best for them, or the worst, not to mention the pay was awful. But when he joined the Mafia, it all became much clearer. They were either with us or against us, clear cut and dry, not to mention the pay and the connections. When he was an Investigator, it was all jokes about how he couldn't tell a Vigilante from a Transporter, but not now. He commands respect wherever he goes, and no one dare disrespect him. If they did the Mafia would soon have their number, and nothing good comes from that. The Mafia's own private eye, along with his new best buddy the Framer, both worked in harmony together to gather intel and frame a target at the Godfathers command. An Investigator gone wrong, an integral part of a good Mafia team.
Consigliere (MAFIA)
Check a person each night for their exact role. Sort of like an Investigator, but with the addition of the exact role instead of 3 possible roles. You will become the Godfather if original Godfather and the Framer are dead.
Consigliere (MAFIA)
Check a person each night for their exact role. Sort of like an Investigator, but with the addition of the exact role instead of 3 possible roles. You will become the Godfather if original Godfather and the Framer are dead.
Blackmailer (MAFIA) (click to show)
As a photographer, the Blackmailer was just a simple man, taking pictures of people doing the things they did. Some of these pictures were actually embarrassing pictures that can ruin a person's life and reputation to the Town. The Mafia had found out about the Blackmailer and the photographs he used and they knew that they can use him and his photographs to their advantage of taking over the Town. They had asked the Blackmailer if he had some sort of dirt on anyone that would keep them silent for at least one day and of course, he had some sort of dirt on the person they asked, even the Mayor. They had asked to see the picture and the Blackmailer showed them a picture of the Mayor late at night with the Town Escort. The Mafia knew that they needed the Blackmailer and that night before Mafia had went out to do their business, a yellow envelope laid in front of the Mayor's house with the picture of the Mayor and the Escort, saying: "Keep quiet or I place this on everyone's doorstep tomorrow..."
Blackmailer (MAFIA)
Choose one person each night to blackmail. You can not blackmail the same player twice. Blackmailed targets can not talk during the day, therefore can not participate to Lynch for that day and they will be role blocked that night. Your target will get the message "You have been blackmailed by the Mafia. You can not lynch today. You are role blocked tonight." If you visit a Veteran on alert and you are killed, they will still be blackmailed the next day. You will become the Godfather if you are the last Mafia.
Survivor (NEUTRAL) (click to show)
Haunted by his past, the Survivor locks himself in a room and just wishes to live.
The Survivor was once a responsible Bodyguard, who protected the Mayor night after night. Until one dark night: the Bodyguard was foolish enough to yield to a beautiful Escort, who dazzled him with her seductive moves. Unfortunately, the next morning, the Mayor was found dead. His killers, the Mafia, went on a rampage soon after and destroyed everyone in their path.
One man from the massacre had survived: the Bodyguard. And ever since that day, he has confined himself to his mind, beating himself up over the fact that he could have prevented all of this from happening, if it hadn't been for that Escort.
To this day, the Bodyguardnow Survivorkeeps four bulletproof vests that represent each party that played a role in the massacre. One for the Town, who all died in the slaughter. One for the Mafia, who led them to their deaths. One for the abandoned souls, who kept to themselves. And the final one for himself, to remind him of his selfishness. He saved himself, and his friends paid the price.
The Survivors mind is clouded with the thoughts of his past, but one thing is clear for him: he must survive.
Survivor (NEUTRAL)
Put on a bulletproof vest at night, protecting yourself from attacks. You have four vests to use. Survive the whole game to win. You win when all offensive night kill roles are eliminated. If you are attacked while wearing a vest, attackers will receive a message saying. "Your targets defense was too high". You will know if you have been attacked.
You get paid +25 tokens for each day survived. (If survives till the end, still wins a token pool split with faction winners)
The Survivor was once a responsible Bodyguard, who protected the Mayor night after night. Until one dark night: the Bodyguard was foolish enough to yield to a beautiful Escort, who dazzled him with her seductive moves. Unfortunately, the next morning, the Mayor was found dead. His killers, the Mafia, went on a rampage soon after and destroyed everyone in their path.
One man from the massacre had survived: the Bodyguard. And ever since that day, he has confined himself to his mind, beating himself up over the fact that he could have prevented all of this from happening, if it hadn't been for that Escort.
To this day, the Bodyguardnow Survivorkeeps four bulletproof vests that represent each party that played a role in the massacre. One for the Town, who all died in the slaughter. One for the Mafia, who led them to their deaths. One for the abandoned souls, who kept to themselves. And the final one for himself, to remind him of his selfishness. He saved himself, and his friends paid the price.
The Survivors mind is clouded with the thoughts of his past, but one thing is clear for him: he must survive.
Survivor (NEUTRAL)
Put on a bulletproof vest at night, protecting yourself from attacks. You have four vests to use. Survive the whole game to win. You win when all offensive night kill roles are eliminated. If you are attacked while wearing a vest, attackers will receive a message saying. "Your targets defense was too high". You will know if you have been attacked.
You get paid +25 tokens for each day survived. (If survives till the end, still wins a token pool split with faction winners)
Jester (NEUTRAL) (click to show)
He'd been born with a curse. At every waking hour demons whispered in his ears, telling him to do things, terrible things. In the beginning he was strong, he resisted their words. But then one day a town member turned up dead. The next day another one. The members of the town kept dying, always at night, always when he was sleeping. Ready to be controlled by any demon who wished to do harm. He tried staying awake, but ultimately he always fell asleep, and the next day a new body were always found. One day, the town charged a man with the murder of his victims. Silently he stood by as they lynched him. He turned out to be innocent, of course. The guilt drove him mad - not only was he a murderer, he was turning the members of the town against each other! The next day he confessed his crime to everyone who would listen. Immediately they brought her to the town square and executed him. 'The town is safe', were his final words. But the next day another town member died. Again the town had executed an innocent person. One man, who'd driven for the execution of the cursed one the most, ended his life out of guilt. He were the only town member he'd caused the death of.
Jester (NEUTRAL)
Trick the Town into voting against you. Haunt a person who voted guilty if you are lynched, killing them. A Transporter can direct the haunt onto someone else who did not vote guilty, but only if you selected that person to haunt. Jester wins his own game when he is successfully lynched. Game does not finish for the rest.
*The Jester is a town detection immune role. False information will be given to investigative roles (Sheriff, Lookout, Investigator).
You get paid +500 tokens for completed mission. (If survives till the end, still wins a token pool split with faction winners)
Jester (NEUTRAL)
Trick the Town into voting against you. Haunt a person who voted guilty if you are lynched, killing them. A Transporter can direct the haunt onto someone else who did not vote guilty, but only if you selected that person to haunt. Jester wins his own game when he is successfully lynched. Game does not finish for the rest.
*The Jester is a town detection immune role. False information will be given to investigative roles (Sheriff, Lookout, Investigator).
You get paid +500 tokens for completed mission. (If survives till the end, still wins a token pool split with faction winners)
Serial Killer (NEUTRAL) (click to show)
"Oh, he is such a nice guy." This was one of the most frequent things said about the man who lived in the small house at the end of Smithy Road. Always quiet and well spoken. Always polite. And yet, no one knew him very well. He had no hobbies they knew of, he kept mostly to himself and seemed to have no close friends among the town members. Had any of them watched the man more closely, they might have noticed a few strange things about him. For example, he often went on a little stroll in the middle of the night. He also owned four large freezers, which he kept in his basement. Even more odd, they had locks on them. And if any of the town members had followed the man on one of his nightly strolls, they would have been likely to see a completely different man, a man behind the pleasant mask he showed to gullible town's folk in the sunlight. But of course none of them did. No one suspected him at all. He was safe. And he could continue his work. Oh yes, he had a mission. He would cleanse this town one by one. And when his grand work of art was finished and this town finally purified, he would be free and could finally rest. Finally be at peace. The man smiled contentedly as he donned his cloak and headed out into the night.
Serial Killer (NEUTRAL)
Kill someone each night. If an Escort role blocks you, you will kill them instead of your target, even if you didn't select one in the first place. You can not be killed at night, with exception of a target who is protected by a bodyguard. Your defense is too powerful. You can not kill the Godfather or anyone with a powerful defense. eg: Someone saved by the doctor, or bodyguard. If you are attacked your attackers will receive a message saying. "Your targets defense was too high".
You get paid +25 tokens for each kill.
Serial Killer (NEUTRAL)
Kill someone each night. If an Escort role blocks you, you will kill them instead of your target, even if you didn't select one in the first place. You can not be killed at night, with exception of a target who is protected by a bodyguard. Your defense is too powerful. You can not kill the Godfather or anyone with a powerful defense. eg: Someone saved by the doctor, or bodyguard. If you are attacked your attackers will receive a message saying. "Your targets defense was too high".
You get paid +25 tokens for each kill.
SHERIFF Game mechanics (click to show)
You cannot find Detection Immune roles, such as the Godfather, or the Jester.
If your target was framed in the same night, they will show up as a member of the Mafia.
If you interrogate someone who is jailed, you will be unable to retrieve a result, and be told your target was jailed.
INVESTIGATOR Game mechanics (click to show)
When investigating someone, the Investigator receives a notification depending on the target's possible roles. Below contains the possibilities.
Vigilante, Veteran, Consigliere,
Survivor, Blackmailer, Jailor
Sheriff, Framer, Lookout
Lookout, Escort, Transporter
Doctor, Serial Killer, Bodyguard
However, there are some exceptions on Investigator's results:
If the Investigator investigates a person who is framed by a Framer, the person will display under the Framer investigative results. Sheriff, Framer, Lookout
Investigators cannot investigate a jailed target.
LOOKOUT Game mechanics (click to show)
You can see visits made by:
Any role that can choose a target at night. But not those that can only target themselves (Survivors and Veterans).
If an Escort, or Jailer forces a Serial Killer to kill them, you will not see the killer visiting their victim.
If a Doctor decides to heal themselves, you will see the Doctor visiting themselves.
If a Bodyguard decides to use their bulletproof vest, you will see the Bodyguard visiting himself.
You will be shot by a Veteran on alert if you choose to watch them at night.
JAILER Game mechanics (click to show)
Your jailed target is role blocked. This overrides Role block Immunity because your target is chosen during the day.
All visits against a jailed target will fail, including that of Investigators, Lookouts, Sheriffs, etc.
You will not receive any messages of any of these visits.
Any roles that visit your jailed target will receive a message saying, "Your ability failed because your target was in jail!"
If you choose to interrogate a Serial Killer you will die, however, you can be protected by a Doctor or a Bodyguard from this attack. The Doctor will not get a notification notifying them that their target was attacked in this scenario. In this scenario you will know the Serial Killer but he will escape and he cannot be jailed again.
If you interrogate a Mafia player you will execute them, including the Godfather.
If you interrogate a Town or Neutral player you will know their full role.
VETERAN Game mechanics (click to show)
If someone who visits you on ALERT, is healed by a Doctor, they will not die.
If someone who visits you on ALERT, is guarded by a Bodyguard, the Bodyguard will die also with no counterattack.
If the Godfather or Serial Killer visit you on ALERT, they will not die, they will escape and be told: "Your targets defense was too high".
In most cases, killing your visitor will not stop them from using their night ability.
If a Transporter transports you while on alert, the Transporter will die but the transport will still occur (therefore, whoever visited you originally will be spared, but anyone who visits the Transporters second target will die to you).
If a Blackmailer blackmails you while on alert, you will still be blackmailed, but you will kill the Blackmailer.
VIGILANTE Game mechanics (click to show)
In some cases, you will not commit suicide after shooting a Town member:
If your target was jailed or healed.
The death message will claim that the victim was shot by a Vigilante, but you will not commit suicide.
You can be killed by a Bodyguard protecting your target.
If you are attacked and killed the same night you kill a Town member, it will also say that you died of guilt.
BODYGUARD Game mechanics (click to show)
You have one bulletproof vest for yourself to use once, that will give you powerful defence, but you will not counterattack if anyone attacks you.
If you used your bulletproof vest and get transported, you will protect whoever you were transported with, leaving yourself open to attacks. You will still counterattack if an attacking role attacks your new target and you will die saving them.
You can protect your target from one attack during the night and counterattack their attacker. You will die if this happens. If multiple killers attack your target, you will die killing one, but the other will survive and kill your target, unless another Bodyguard or Doctor is protecting your target. You will counterattack the first attacker by time stamp.
You will counter an attack made by a Vigilante, Godfather and Serial Killer.
If you guard a Jailer, or an Escort who has role-blocked a Serial Killer, you can save your target and kill the Serial Killer.
If you and your target are transported with each other and your target is attacked, you will kill your attacker and die in the process.
Protection - no counterattack situation. You will not counterattack an attack made by the Veteran on ALERT if your target visits the Veteran. You will still save your target and die saving them.
You will not be able to save your target from leaving the game, a Jester's haunt, or a Vigilante committing suicide over the guilt of killing a Townie.
If none of the above apply, yet your target still dies, at least one of the following may have occurred:
You were role blocked by an Escort. You will receive a message.
Your target was transported with another target due to a Transporter. You will not know if this happens.
A Doctor can prevent you or the attacker from dying. If the Doctor heals your target, they will see that your target was attacked.
Being healed while counterattacking does not allow you to counter a second attacker on your target.
DOCTOR Game mechanics (click to show)
You can heal all attacks on your target caused by Bodyguards, the Veteran, Vigilante, Godfather, or Serial Killers.
You can heal a Bodyguard who died protecting someone. This does not allow them to kill a possible second attacker during the same night.
You cannot heal a Vigilante killing himself from guilt.
You will be notified if your target was attacked.
You will receive only one notification, no matter how many times your target was attacked.
Your target will receive a message about being healed.
You will still receive the message that your target was attacked even if they were counterattacked by a Bodyguard.
You can heal an Escort, and a Jailer who was role blocked the Serial Killer. However, you will not see that your target was attacked.
You will also not see that your target was attacked if they were attacked by a Bodyguard.
ESCORT Game mechanics (click to show)
If you role block a Serial Killer, he will stay at home and attack you instead.
This does not occur if the Serial Killer is in jail. This is because jailing makes all actions against the target fail.
Your death message will notify you that you visited the Serial Killer. But if the Serial Killer also chooses to kill you, the message will be "You were attacked by a Serial Killer!".
You can be protected by a Doctor or Bodyguard from this attack.
There are multiple roles that are immune to your role block.
If you and one Mafia, and a Serial Killer are left, a stalemate will occur for the Mafia and Serial Killer and you will lose with Town.
TRANSPORTER Game mechanics (click to show)
Transporting a target swaps all visitors to them; targets will instead visit the other swapped target.
You may choose two people to transport each night. The order of selecting who to transport does not matter.
Both the people you transported will receive the message, "You were transported to another location."
Visitors, on the other hand, will not be informed that they hit the wrong target (although some, like killers, may be able to figure it out because their selected target wasn't killed.)
If a Jester is lynched, you cannot transport their haunting to another player.
If your transport causes a target to visit themselves:
Roles that can target themselves normally will use their personal action (e.g. Bodyguard using vest, or a Survivor using vest).
Transport fails.
Transporting is ineffective in the following situations:
You cannot switch a Survivors target. If they use a bulletproof vest, it will always target themselves. Any other visits to the Survivor will still be switched with your other target.
You cannot switch a Veteran's target. If they are on alert, you will be shot. They will still be transported (meaning that anyone who was trying to visit your other target will die, while anyone who was trying to visit the Veteran will be saved.)
You cannot transport targets who are in jail. When you try, you will be notified that one of your targets was jailed. Your targets won't know you tried to transport them, but a Lookout will still see you visit them.
You cannot transport the guilt from a Vigilante who shot a Townie. The Vigilante will still commit suicide. However, you may transport the Vigilantes target the night before.
Your transport cannot switch the following attacks:
If your target role blocked a Serial Killer, the killer will attack the role blocker even if you transport them.
If your target visited the Veteran on alert, they will be shot even if you transport them.
FRAMER Game mechanics (click to show)
Investigators will see framed targets as a "Sheriff, Framer, Lookout".
A Sheriff will see framed targets as a "member of the Mafia".
You will know other members of the Mafia.
GODFATHER Game mechanics (click to show)
You can pick a target to attack each night.
You will know other members of the Mafia.
You have basic Defence and Detection Immunity.
BLACKMAILER Game mechanics (click to show)
A blackmailed target can not participate the following day in the forums and can not lynch, and can not use their Night actions. They can still communicate in private message at any time. They can communicate in forums in the night phase.
If you visit a Veteran on alert and you are killed, they will still be blackmailed the next day.
You cannot blackmail a target that was jailed that night. You will be notified that your visit failed and the jailed person will know that someone tried to blackmail them.
You will know other members of the Mafia.
CONSIGLIERE Game mechanics (click to show)
You can still retrieve the role of your target even if they were framed by Framer.
Your role is very similar to the Investigator. However, your investigation results show your target's exact role, whereas the Investigator is given up to three or five possible roles.
Here are the roles given when a Consigliere visits someone:
Your target is a trained protector. They must be a Bodyguard.
Your target is a professional surgeon. They must be a Doctor.
Your target is a beautiful person working for the Town. They must be an Escort.
Your target gathers information about people. They must be an Investigator.
Your target detains people at night. They must be a Jailor.
Your target watches who visits people at night. They must be a Lookout.
Your target is a protector of the Town. They must be a Sheriff.
Your target specializes in transportation. They must be a Transporter.
Your target is a paranoid war hero. They must be a Veteran.
Your target will bend the law to enact justice. They must be a Vigilante.
Your target wants to be lynched. They must be a Jester.
Your target wants to kill everyone. They must be a Serial Killer.
Your target simply wants to live. They must be a Survivor.
You will know other members of the Mafia.
SURVIVOR Game mechanics (click to show)
Using a bulletproof vest gives you Defense.
Even if you are not attacked, your bulletproof vest will be destroyed.
When you are transported, you will still use your bulletproof vest.
You will not use your bulletproof vest if you were jailed.
Survivors still win in the event of a draw if there is A Serial Killer, and a Mafia left.
JESTER Game mechanics (click to show)
You only win if you are lynched. This means if you are killed in any way other than by lynching, you automatically lose the game.
The stalemate will not end the game on the day you are lynched, since you can break any stalemate by your haunt.
You can choose to haunt one of your guilty voters the night after being lynched. Your haunt ignores Basic and Powerful defense.
A Doctor, Bodyguard or Jailor cannot protect your target.
A Transporter cannot switch your target.
SERIAL KILLER Game mechanics (click to show)
You do not have Detection Immunity; you can be identified by a Sheriff as Mafia at night.
If an Escort, visits you, you will be forced to stay at home (visiting nobody and attacking the Escort instead).
If a Jailer interrogates you, you will attack the Jailer and escape.
Ability priority order (click to show)
1. Jailer Jailing someone can not be distracted. To help the moderator out, the jailer will be told it is more or less a day action to prepare the priority if night actions. The jailers interrogation/execution can be distracted by the escort. The transporter can also interrupt interrogation/execution if the jailer is transported to another location.
2. Veteran on alert overides distractions (except for jailer jailing. The jailer protects the veteran in jail, and potentially saves an alert action used.
3. Survivor (can not be distracted from vesting)
3.Transporter is immune to escort distraction. A transporter will die if visiting the veteran on alert, but the switch of actions will occur.
4. Escort will distract anyone but the transporter and will die if trying to distract the serial killer. The serial killers original target will be replaced by the escort. The Escort can not distract the Veteran going on alert. The Escort can not distract the survivor from vesting.
5. Blackmailer
5. Framer
6.Serial Killer can not be distracted by the escort. Will counterattack the jailer on interrogation. (can only be killed by the bodyguard counter attack)
6.Godfather (can only killed by the bodyguard counter attack or jailer execution at night)
6.Vigilante (can kill blackmailer/consigliere/framer)
7. Consigliere
8. Investigator (receives sheriff)
8. Sheriff (receives lookout)
8. Lookout (receives investigator)
9. Jester (can not lose if lynched)
2. Veteran on alert overides distractions (except for jailer jailing. The jailer protects the veteran in jail, and potentially saves an alert action used.
3. Survivor (can not be distracted from vesting)
3.Transporter is immune to escort distraction. A transporter will die if visiting the veteran on alert, but the switch of actions will occur.
4. Escort will distract anyone but the transporter and will die if trying to distract the serial killer. The serial killers original target will be replaced by the escort. The Escort can not distract the Veteran going on alert. The Escort can not distract the survivor from vesting.
5. Blackmailer
5. Framer
6.Serial Killer can not be distracted by the escort. Will counterattack the jailer on interrogation. (can only be killed by the bodyguard counter attack)
6.Godfather (can only killed by the bodyguard counter attack or jailer execution at night)
6.Vigilante (can kill blackmailer/consigliere/framer)
7. Consigliere
8. Investigator (receives sheriff)
8. Sheriff (receives lookout)
8. Lookout (receives investigator)
9. Jester (can not lose if lynched)
Send Hoodlum a message of Role choice.
eg..Hi hood, here's my preference in order.
Serial Killer, Survivor, Godfather, Transporter, Jester, . . . . . . . . .
I really want to be a serial killer, I'll buy it for 1000 tokens!! thanks.
[b][size=18]TOWN of TOKEN[/size][/b] Earn lots tokens!!!
A game of murder, deception, lying and mob hysteria. Town of Token is a d12 forum role playing game that challenges players on their ability to convincingly lie as well as detect when other players are lying. Players are divided into two main alignments Town & Mafia but there are 3 neutral players also.
[color=green]10 TOWN[/color] - [color=red]4 MAFIA[/color] - [color=purple] 2 NEUTRAL[/color] - [color=blue]1 SERIAL KILLER[/color]
Neutrals/Serial Killer are loners with objectives for their win clause. Serial Killer is a threat to both, and the remaining Neutrals in this game can sway either way throughout the game to meet their objective. Only the 4 Mafia will 100% know each other. Mafia and Serial Killer kill each night, but the Town and Neutrals can protect each other if they can manage to work together. The problem is, no-one in the town knows each other and they could be Mafia or a Serial Killer!
This role playing game has 2 phases, which are [b]DAY[/b] and [b]NIGHT[/b].
[spoiler=Basic Video Tutorial][youtube]HExlcWsuB98[/youtube][/spoiler]
[b]Discussion[/b] partakes throughout both phases either the forums or in private message. The moderator must be included in every discussion if it's private. eg: create a message and Add recipient: Hoodlum to a conversation.
The moderator will only view the chat and answer IF there is a question that needs to be clarified and is able to answer where it doesn't give an advantageous clue or whatever. The moderator will therefore not answer all questions. The answers you seek are from the other players and what is written by the moderator in the forums. [i]The moderator is just watching the game unfold and will be giving out MVP awards and such at the end of the game[/i]
The [b]DAY[/b] phase is where the Town come together and choose to lynch the threats to Token Town. Each player can vote against one user in an effort to get them lynched (eliminated) out of the game. The majority of lynch votes against a user gets them eliminated. After a player is eliminated their role is revealed. Was s/he a threat to the Town or was s/he innocent?
When choosing to lynch a player, type [b]LYNCH[/b] USERNAME. [i](Replace USERNAME with a players name).[/i]
To change your mind type [b]UN-LYNCH[/b] USERNAME.
You can choose to vote [b]NO LYNCH[/b].
You can choose to abstain from lynching all together.
[i]*If NO LYNCH votes outnumber LYNCH votes for the most voted player, then there is no lynch. If there is a tie with any of the majority, there is no lynch.[/i]
Then the [b]NIGHT[/b] phase occurs where you use your night actions. Each role has a night action. Some roles are limited to when they choose which nights, others are every night. Types of roles are, Killing, Investigative, Distraction and Defensive.
Most night roles have a target. In this case, send a private message to the moderator and type [b]TARGET[/b] USERNAME. [i](Replace USERNAME with a players name).[/i]
Other roles that don't have a target will be explained by the moderator when you receive your role.
[spoiler=Rule$, $coring, & Token$]
[li]Abide by D12's language rules. Please respect the rules for the forum.[/li]
[li]Once eliminated, you can not chat. (No dead talking). [i]It's a team game for some, so dead doesn't necessarily mean you lost.[/i][/li]
[li]If you are inactive for 2 consecutive days, (2 day phases & 2 night phases) you will be mod killed.[/li]
[li]All private messages related to the game must include the moderator. [i]The moderator scores points and gifts tokens for MVP points.[/i][/li]
[li]Token donations are accepted to the games token pool prize. (5000 tokens are pre-donated by Hoodlum).[/li]
MVP for Town = 500 tokens
MVP for Mafia = 500 tokens
MVP for Neutral = 500 tokens
Some roles earn special bonus tokens. See [color=orange][b]orange[/b][/color] in role descriptions.
Winner: Remaining pool tokens divided between winners. All tokens calculated at the completion of game.
For this particular game, there is a Choosing Ceremony that happens during sign up. You can choose your roles!
in [b]TOKEN TOWN[/b] everyone has a power role.
Read the roles. Choose your role! [i]keep your choice anonymous of course[/i]
Send me a pvt message of your preference of roles. Favourite to least favourite and I will sort them out by preference, first in first serve, however, I am a corrupt Mayor and can be token bribed. Highest bidder wins. All buy-in and bribe tokens go into the pool. Game starts when all roles are filled.
[i]Bribe tokens will be deducted at the end of the game for role anonymity, if other staff members are playing.[/i]
[color=green]Town wins when all Mafia and serial killer is dead.[/color]
[color=red]Mafia wins when all town and serial killer is dead.[/color]
[color=purple]Neutrals have a mission, and win when completed. (They can win with either faction).[/color]
[color=blue]The Serial Killer wins when he is the last man standing.[/color]
[u]Story line[/u]
[color=grey]The Mayor (moderator). The new casino was his idea and now he has to live with the consequences. The casino has brought in a lot of [color=green]$$[/color] for the town, but it has attracted with it the evil Mafia. The Mayor is in a tough spot, he wants to keep his job, keep the love of his beloved town of Token, but he is being blackmailed. They have threatened to release pictures of him and a escort. A moment if weakness and it can all come crashing down! He prays that the town can band together and figure out how to eliminate the evil that is ruining everything, or he will have no choice but to band with the dark side. Politics eh.[/color]
[spoiler=ALL ROLES]
[spoiler=Sheriff (TOWN)]
[color=grey]For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a cop, just like my father. Law enforcement has always run in the family. As a child, I remember the late nights of Dad coming home and talking to us at the dinner table. "Son, it's my job to keep the streets clean and safe, so you and the good folks in Token can live their lives without fear." My father took pride in his work, and I took pride that my dad was the one who wore the badge. Dad was good at his job. Too good. When the Mafia started feeling the pressure after he found one of their men, the Godfather took a hit out for him. I remember the day the town found him shot on the street in the town square. Everybody pointed fingers, but we all knew the culprits. On that day, the town lost a hero who stood tall for what was right. On that day, I swore a vow to my father to continue his work. The badge that my father wore now sits proud against my chest. There is no mercy for people who try to hurt the innocent citizens. This is my town now.[/color]
[color=green]Sheriff (TOWN)[/color]
Check one person each night for suspicious activity. Any Mafia members except the Godfather, along with anyone that was framed by a Framer, will appear as a Mafia member. A Serial Killer will be found alongside the Mafia. You will also receive the Lookouts results.
Investigation Message.
"Your target is not suspicious."
"Your target is a member of the Mafia!"
[spoiler=Investigator (TOWN)]
[color=grey]The Investigator carefully selects the person in question by day, then sneaks off to the house of the accused at night. Peeking in through a open window, he is stunned to see knives lining the walls of the house, blood-stained and gleaming in the moonlight. That's all the investigator needs to see before he leaves quickly. He is convinced he has found a Serial Killer, and makes sure to call him out by day. The "Serial Killer" panics and quickly claims he is a doctor, doing his job. With the help of the Town, the "doctor" is quickly lynched, as the Town crowds around the person as they look for hints of their role. Medical files fall out of the pocket of the dead body, as medication is loosely held in the dead man's hands. One person slowly looks up and points an accusing finger at the Investigator, before loudly and clearly stating: "Lynch him."[/color]
[color=green]Investigator (TOWN)[/color]
Investigate someone each night for a hint of their role. You will be given three possible roles that your target may be. If your target has been framed, you will be given false information. You will also receive the Sheriffs results.
Investigation Message.
"Your target is either (____ , ____ , ____ )"
[spoiler=Lookout (TOWN)][color=grey]The Lookout quickly made his way to the Investigator's house. The Investigator had called out the Godfather earlier that day, and with the Doctor dead, he was in a lot of trouble. He clambered his way up the Investigator's house and crawled along the roof, until he was over the front door, looking down. He was betting someone was going to try and finish off the Investigator tonight for sure, and so he lay down to hide himself as best as he could in the dark of the night, and waited. He waited five minutes. He waited ten minutes. He waited fifteen minutes. He waited twenty minutes. His eyes never left the front door, not even for a split second. After about an hour or two, there was a rustling noise behind the house, and it did not go unnoticed by the Lookout. Carefully, he maneuvered his way across the roof to the back of the house and watched. A shadowy figure emerged from the undergrowth and disappeared through the back door of the Investigator's house. He only saw him for a split second, but he knew from the shape of their head just who that person was. There was a gunshot and a cry of pain. The Investigator had been shot, and the intruder quickly zipped out the back of the house. Less than five minutes later, another figure approached the back. The Lookout knew this person as well, from his height or lack thereof. A minute later, there was a strangled cry from the house and this figure too disappeared. The Lookout hurriedly wrote down who had visited the Investigator on this night and kept waiting, but nobody else came. The next morning, the Investigator was found dead with both a bullet wound and a stab wound. Both Mafia and Serial Killer had taken a turn on him. The Lookout quickly consulted his notes to check the names of both people and then exclaimed his findings to the town. The Serial Killer was lynched that day, while the Mafioso was shot dead by the Vigilante, both killed thanks to the Lookout's dedication to watching the Investigator's house all night.[/color]
[color=green]Lookout (TOWN)[/color]
Watch someone at night to see who visits them. You will also receive the Investigators results.
If someone other than you visits your target, you will receive the message: "____ visited your target last night!" or "Your target visited ____ last night!" [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Veteran (TOWN)] [color=grey]The pain in his knee flared up again. The Veteran scowled at it. He didn't mind the pain, but he could have done without the memories it brought. The cursed Battle of Barrow Hill. He shuddered. So many people died that day. Yes, they had won ultimately, but the price for victory had been high. The Veteran had seen friend after friend fall to gunshots or explosions, unable to save them. After the war he had settled in a small town called Token to find some peace, but it wasn't meant to be. Lately town members have been disappearing, sometimes found brutally murdered in their homes. "Human nature never changes", thought the Veteran. He knew the shape of the world, knew how it worked. But he'd be damned if he accepted it without a fight. Jaw clenched he dismantled and cleaned his old rifle. A fine piece of craftsmanship from years gone by. Old as it was, it still packed a punch. "And so do I", thought the Veteran. "Sooner or later they'll come for me. And when they do, I'll be ready." With a satisfying clicking sound he put the last piece of the rifle back together. [/color]
[color=green]Veteran (TOWN)[/color]
Decide whether or not to be on alert during the night. On alert, you will kill all your visitors. They could be innocent town folk though. You have 3 alerts. The Veteran on alert has role block immunity.
[color=orange]+100 tokens earned if you kill a Mafia/serial killer.[/color]
[spoiler=Vigilante (TOWN)][color=grey]Taking the law into your hands hadn't been the plan. No, not at first. As the Sheriff's right hand man, you were sure that you would bring members of The Mafia and Serial Killer to justice. No villain against the town would escape you or the Sheriff's watchful eye. Gun always at the ready, you were more than ready to rid the town of evil. Until one day, when left at the office alone, you found it. A large envelope with the Sheriff's name on it, stuffed to the brim with cash. Your stomach plummeted when you recognized The Mafia's insignia gracing the seal. Dropping your badge on the desk, you walk away from that life, promising yourself that you would do whatever it takes to deliver true justice to the town of Token, your trusty gun at your side.[/color]
[color=green]Vigilante (TOWN)[/color]
Choose to take justice in your own hands and shoot someone. If you shoot a Town member, you will die from guilt the following night phase. You have 2 bullets.
[color=orange]+100 tokens earned if you shoot a Mafia/serial killer.[/color]
[spoiler=Bodyguard (TOWN)]
[color=grey]The Bodyguard shifted his cigarette from one corner of his mouth to the other and placed his kevlar vest over his undershirt. He was certainly going to need it tonight, he thought. He carefully set the smoldering cigarette in an ashtray as he strapped the vest tight. It had a few dents in it from previous close encounters. He tucked the cigarette back into the corner of his mouth and grabbed his white dress shirt and began to button it. "Gonna be one hell of a night," he chuckled to himself, "one for the record books for sure." He took an extended drag before grabbing his suit jacket. His mother always did say he looked good in pinstripe. But this was going to run smoothly, he told himself. His target and him had discussed the protection plan in depth. No way a single assailant could get him, and that's something the Bodyguard was willing to bet his life on. After checking his pistol he slid it into his jacket pocket. He picked the comb off his dresser and made some minor last minute adjustments to his balding hair. He placed it down and stared into the mirror. He could see his age finally catching up with him as his eyes drifted to his favorite thing on his dresser. He picked up the framed picture of his deceased wife and gave it a quick kiss before putting it back down. He extinguished the cigarette into the ashtray with one hand as he put on his sunglasses with the other. He grabbed the tacked-up picture of the Mayor and walked out of the door.[/color]
[color=green]Bodyguard (TOWN)[/color]
Decide whether to protect a person from death each night. If they are attacked, you will kill an attacker and they will kill you, but your target will live. Your target will receive a message saying. "You were attacked but your defense was too high". You have one bullet proof vest to use once to protect yourself, but you will not counterattack.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Doctor (TOWN)][color=grey]His first-aid kit dangled from his lanky fingers as he ran to his destination, the full moon beating down on his head. Time was of the essence. The town Doctor was prepared for what he saw inside of the broken-down grey house. He kicked open the door. His father was a Serial Killer, and just like him, he had the odd desire of comfort in the cold darkness of night, but he had taken a different interest in knives.
He knows the smell. The house reeked of blood. He cautiously stepped further into the house, only to see a man splayed out on the floor. The man looked around the room, confused and slightly scared. The Doctor set his kit down next to the twitching man, and proceeded to get his tools.
The man's torso and legs had been torn open. He grabs the needle and string from his kit and swallows down bile, ready to sew together the remains of this death-fearing man. This was the work of the towns new serial killer. The rumours of Token Town are that the good town Doctor is the Serial Killer, but thankfully the victims can dispel those rumours. If they live![/color]
[color=green]Doctor (TOWN)[/color]
Heal one person each night. If they are attacked, you will heal them, granting them Powerful Defense for a night. You have one self-heal, also granting you Powerful Defense for a night.
If someone attacked your target, you will be notified by the moderator. Your target will also be notified that they were attacked and saved. Attackers will receive a message saying. "Your targets defense was too high".
[color=orange]+100 tokens earned if you save someone who was attacked.[/color]
[spoiler=Escort (TOWN)][color=grey]The Godfather was fuming. The Vigilante had gotten a lucky shot on his Mafioso, and he aimed to get the Vigilante back before he could find the Mafia's Framer as well. That fool had revealed himself to the town, like he was expecting a parade in his honour for shooting the Mafioso. He instructed the Framer to frame the Jester, in hopes the town investigative found it and decided to lynch him, thus hurting themselves. The Framer nodded and walked out, while the Godfather prepared the very weapon he'd passed onto the Mafioso before. He would get the Vigilante back for this. Before he can leave however, the lovely Escort finds her way into his home. Completely distracted by her looks, he stops what he was doing while the Escort encourages him to share a drink with her. The Godfather decides a drink wouldn't hurt, and humours her request. As they're almost finished with their drinks however, a shot cracks through the house and hits the Godfather square in the shoulder. The Vigilante was taking another guess. The Escort, startled quickly runs out of the house, yelling that somebody had been shot. The next morning, the Escort reveals to the town that she had kept the Godfather home all night and nobody had died. The proven Vigilante confirms he shot the Godfather, and yet there the Godfather was, still alive. Before the Godfather knows it, he's on trial with confirmed townsfolk designating him as the Godfather. The Escort cheekily blows him a kiss, exclaiming "Better luck next time, sweetie." and it's the last thing the Godfather sees and hears before the rope tightens around his neck and he is hung.[/color]
[color=green]Escort (TOWN)[/color]
Distract someone each night to block them from using their night ability. If you role block a Serial Killer you will be killed.
[color=orange]You get paid +50 tokens for each client guaranteed. :)[/color]
[spoiler=Transporter (TOWN)][color=grey]He was once a promising street racer. Never strived for wealth or power. All he wanted was to drive without any restraint. Somehow news of him reached the Godfathers ears and his whole life took a turn. The Mafia told him he would just be the getaway driver and in exchange he can get all the cars he wants and drive as fast as he can. Everything went smoothly for a while. He would drive and would not think of what the others were doing. It was just him and the open road. But then one night he got distracted. While he was waiting in his car an Escort caught his eye. She was beautiful. They talked the night and he was on cloud nine, but his night of excitement was cut short. Turns out his Mafia brethren were in a crazy old Veteran's house and they would have needed his help. His foolishness caused the death of a Mafioso . The Godfather wasn't happy. The next day a new appointed Mafioso was sent to kill the Escort. He had no choice but to drive him... He had to do it...She was killed. He didn't sleep that night, he was angry, he was ashamed. The Godfather wasn't going to get the best of him, break him, turn him evil. He would try to get the Mafia to kill each other by switching people around at night, to get OUT![/color]
[color=green]Transporter (TOWN)[/color]
Choose two people to transport at night, including yourself. Transporting two people swaps all targets against them. Your targets will know they were transported. You can not be role-blocked by Escort. The Transporter has role block immunity.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Jailer (TOWN)]
[color=grey]The Jailer, a hardened ex-warden of one of the country's toughest prisons was asked by his childhood friend, the Mayor, to come to Token to help with the threat of the Mafia. Now he secretly detains suspicious people in a cell under his house, rendering them useless for the night while he squeezes information out of them. Taking every precaution to preserve his identity (including voice modifiers and blindfolding suspects), the only thing that makes the Jailer shudder is the thought of jailing the man with the knives.[/color]
[color=green]Jailer (TOWN)[/color]
Jail someone each night by choosing who to jail during the day. Jailing a player, role blocks their night action, and any action on them while they are jailed. Jailed players are safe in jail. Attackers of your target will receive a message saying. "Your targets defense was too high".
The jailer has 2 interrogations to use throughout the game on a jailed target. If you choose to interrogate the jailed player you will know their full role. If they are revealed Mafia, you will execute them. If you interrogate the Serial Killer you will die.
[color=orange]+100 tokens earned if you save someone from being attacked. +100 tokens if you interrogate/kill Mafia.[/color]
[spoiler=Godfather (MAFIA)]
[color=grey]The Godfather wasn't always a wicked man, for a long time he was a welcome member of the town in his youth. He and the Mayor were playmates in their childhood, but a disagreement lead to a bitter rivalry that exists to this day. The young man (Godfather) was known to be an up and coming town member who was generally loved and respected, and had a very good chance of being elected Mayor of the town. His rival (The Mayor) seethed in anger seeing this, as his campaigns were failing to win over the town members. The Mayor hired an Investigator possibly the Sheriff who was his cousin, to dig up some dirt on him, but they failed to find anything damning. Eventually fabricated damning evidence surfaced and horrified and disgusted the town, leading to the banishment of the young man. The young man was angry, betrayed by those he loved and cared for, and promised to get revenge on every single one of them for believing his corrupt rival over him. The Mafia at the time noticed the potential of this young man, and brought him in to the Family. As time went on, the original Godfather became very sick, and with his dying breath, he appointed the young man who became like a son to him. Brimming with a sense of darkness in his heart and a lust for revenge, the young man became the new head of the Family, and returned to his home town with his new-found Family backing him to kill those who turned him into a hard-hearted criminal, and more specifically, the corrupt Mayor. [/color]
[color=red]Godfather (MAFIA)[/color]
Choose to kill someone each night. You can not be killed at night, with exception of a target who is protected by a bodyguard or if you are interrogated by the Jailer. Your defense is to powerful. If you are lynched the Framer will replace you first.
Attackers will receive a message saying. "Your targets defense was too high".
*The Godfather is a town detection immune role. False information will be given to investigative roles (Sheriff, Lookout, Investigator).[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Framer (MAFIA)][color=grey]"I've found evidence linking her to the Mafia!" the venerable Sheriff declared as he pointed to the confused Escort . He then pulled out a handful of crumpled notes, detailing the locations of shady out-of-town meetings at night and written in blood-red ink while starting his 'death to the Mafia' spiel. The Escort tried to defend herself to the best of her abilities, claiming that one would have to be an abject fool to think that those notes could correlate to the Mafia, but fortunately (or unfortunately, in the Escort 's case), the Sheriff's years of experience led him to believe that he really had genuine info. He led the Escort 's execution, and then realized as she breathed her last... she was framed. Her last will held not her words of dedication to the Mafia... just the words of the deceased townsfolk. The Framer noted the irony in the Sheriff's spiel with his fellow Mafia comrades while the rest of the town turned a blind eye to the incognito Mafia, and one of the brave citizens shouted out loud to jail and execute the Sheriff for his mistake. As the meeting for the day concluded and almost everyone went back to their homes, the Framer congratulated himself on what he had accomplished. Who knew where a few old documents could get you?[/color]
[color=red]Framer (MAFIA)[/color]
Choose a target to frame each night. Framed people will show up as members of the Mafia to a Sheriff for that night, and an investigator will get no accurate clues.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Consigliere (MAFIA)][color=grey]The Godfather's right hand man, who can gather dirt better than the Investigator himself. Once an Investigator himself, the law was too muddy for him. Either they were the best for them, or the worst, not to mention the pay was awful. But when he joined the Mafia, it all became much clearer. They were either with us or against us, clear cut and dry, not to mention the pay and the connections. When he was an Investigator, it was all jokes about how he couldn't tell a Vigilante from a Transporter, but not now. He commands respect wherever he goes, and no one dare disrespect him. If they did the Mafia would soon have their number, and nothing good comes from that. The Mafia's own private eye, along with his new best buddy the Framer, both worked in harmony together to gather intel and frame a target at the Godfathers command. An Investigator gone wrong, an integral part of a good Mafia team.[/color]
[color=red]Consigliere (MAFIA)[/color]
Check a person each night for their exact role. Sort of like an Investigator, but with the addition of the exact role instead of 3 possible roles. You will become the Godfather if original Godfather and the Framer are dead.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Blackmailer (MAFIA)]
[color=grey]As a photographer, the Blackmailer was just a simple man, taking pictures of people doing the things they did. Some of these pictures were actually embarrassing pictures that can ruin a person's life and reputation to the Town. The Mafia had found out about the Blackmailer and the photographs he used and they knew that they can use him and his photographs to their advantage of taking over the Town. They had asked the Blackmailer if he had some sort of dirt on anyone that would keep them silent for at least one day and of course, he had some sort of dirt on the person they asked, even the Mayor. They had asked to see the picture and the Blackmailer showed them a picture of the Mayor late at night with the Town Escort. The Mafia knew that they needed the Blackmailer and that night before Mafia had went out to do their business, a yellow envelope laid in front of the Mayor's house with the picture of the Mayor and the Escort, saying: "Keep quiet or I place this on everyone's doorstep tomorrow..."[/color]
[color=red]Blackmailer (MAFIA)[/color]
Choose one person each night to blackmail. You can not blackmail the same player twice. Blackmailed targets can not talk during the day, therefore can not participate to Lynch for that day and they will be role blocked that night. Your target will get the message "You have been blackmailed by the Mafia. You can not lynch today. You are role blocked tonight." If you visit a Veteran on alert and you are killed, they will still be blackmailed the next day. You will become the Godfather if you are the last Mafia. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Survivor (NEUTRAL)][color=grey]Haunted by his past, the Survivor locks himself in a room and just wishes to live.
The Survivor was once a responsible Bodyguard, who protected the Mayor night after night. Until one dark night: the Bodyguard was foolish enough to yield to a beautiful Escort, who dazzled him with her seductive moves. Unfortunately, the next morning, the Mayor was found dead. His killers, the Mafia, went on a rampage soon after and destroyed everyone in their path.
One man from the massacre had survived: the Bodyguard. And ever since that day, he has confined himself to his mind, beating himself up over the fact that he could have prevented all of this from happening, if it hadn't been for that Escort.
To this day, the Bodyguardnow Survivorkeeps four bulletproof vests that represent each party that played a role in the massacre. One for the Town, who all died in the slaughter. One for the Mafia, who led them to their deaths. One for the abandoned souls, who kept to themselves. And the final one for himself, to remind him of his selfishness. He saved himself, and his friends paid the price.
The Survivors mind is clouded with the thoughts of his past, but one thing is clear for him: he must survive.[/color]
[color=purple]Survivor (NEUTRAL)[/color]
Put on a bulletproof vest at night, protecting yourself from attacks. You have four vests to use. Survive the whole game to win. You win when all offensive night kill roles are eliminated. If you are attacked while wearing a vest, attackers will receive a message saying. "Your targets defense was too high". You will know if you have been attacked.
[color=orange]You get paid +25 tokens for each day survived. (If survives till the end, still wins a token pool split with faction winners)[/color]
[spoiler=Jester (NEUTRAL)][color=grey]He'd been born with a curse. At every waking hour demons whispered in his ears, telling him to do things, terrible things. In the beginning he was strong, he resisted their words. But then one day a town member turned up dead. The next day another one. The members of the town kept dying, always at night, always when he was sleeping. Ready to be controlled by any demon who wished to do harm. He tried staying awake, but ultimately he always fell asleep, and the next day a new body were always found. One day, the town charged a man with the murder of his victims. Silently he stood by as they lynched him. He turned out to be innocent, of course. The guilt drove him mad - not only was he a murderer, he was turning the members of the town against each other! The next day he confessed his crime to everyone who would listen. Immediately they brought her to the town square and executed him. 'The town is safe', were his final words. But the next day another town member died. Again the town had executed an innocent person. One man, who'd driven for the execution of the cursed one the most, ended his life out of guilt. He were the only town member he'd caused the death of.[/color]
[color=purple]Jester (NEUTRAL)[/color]
Trick the Town into voting against you. Haunt a person who voted guilty if you are lynched, killing them. A Transporter can direct the haunt onto someone else who did not vote guilty, but only if you selected that person to haunt. Jester wins his own game when he is successfully lynched. Game does not finish for the rest.
*The Jester is a town detection immune role. False information will be given to investigative roles (Sheriff, Lookout, Investigator).
[color=orange]You get paid +500 tokens for completed mission. (If survives till the end, still wins a token pool split with faction winners)[/color]
[spoiler=Serial Killer (NEUTRAL)][color=grey]"Oh, he is such a nice guy." This was one of the most frequent things said about the man who lived in the small house at the end of Smithy Road. Always quiet and well spoken. Always polite. And yet, no one knew him very well. He had no hobbies they knew of, he kept mostly to himself and seemed to have no close friends among the town members. Had any of them watched the man more closely, they might have noticed a few strange things about him. For example, he often went on a little stroll in the middle of the night. He also owned four large freezers, which he kept in his basement. Even more odd, they had locks on them. And if any of the town members had followed the man on one of his nightly strolls, they would have been likely to see a completely different man, a man behind the pleasant mask he showed to gullible town's folk in the sunlight. But of course none of them did. No one suspected him at all. He was safe. And he could continue his work. Oh yes, he had a mission. He would cleanse this town one by one. And when his grand work of art was finished and this town finally purified, he would be free and could finally rest. Finally be at peace. The man smiled contentedly as he donned his cloak and headed out into the night.[/color]
[color=blue]Serial Killer (NEUTRAL)[/color]
Kill someone each night. If an Escort role blocks you, you will kill them instead of your target, even if you didn't select one in the first place. You can not be killed at night, with exception of a target who is protected by a bodyguard. Your defense is too powerful. You can not kill the Godfather or anyone with a powerful defense. eg: Someone saved by the doctor, or bodyguard. If you are attacked your attackers will receive a message saying. "Your targets defense was too high".
[color=orange]You get paid +25 tokens for each kill.[/color]
[spoiler=SHERIFF Game mechanics]
You cannot find Detection Immune roles, such as the Godfather, or the Jester.
If your target was framed in the same night, they will show up as a member of the Mafia.
If you interrogate someone who is jailed, you will be unable to retrieve a result, and be told your target was jailed.[/spoiler]
[spoiler= INVESTIGATOR Game mechanics]
When investigating someone, the Investigator receives a notification depending on the target's possible roles. Below contains the possibilities.
Vigilante, Veteran, Consigliere,
Survivor, Blackmailer, Jailor
Sheriff, Framer, Lookout
Lookout, Escort, Transporter
Doctor, Serial Killer, Bodyguard
However, there are some exceptions on Investigator's results:
If the Investigator investigates a person who is framed by a Framer, the person will display under the Framer investigative results. Sheriff, Framer, Lookout
Investigators cannot investigate a jailed target.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=LOOKOUT Game mechanics]
You can see visits made by:
Any role that can choose a target at night. But not those that can only target themselves (Survivors and Veterans).
If an Escort, or Jailer forces a Serial Killer to kill them, you will not see the killer visiting their victim.
If a Doctor decides to heal themselves, you will see the Doctor visiting themselves.
If a Bodyguard decides to use their bulletproof vest, you will see the Bodyguard visiting himself.
You will be shot by a Veteran on alert if you choose to watch them at night.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=JAILER Game mechanics]
Your jailed target is role blocked. This overrides Role block Immunity because your target is chosen during the day.
All visits against a jailed target will fail, including that of Investigators, Lookouts, Sheriffs, etc.
You will not receive any messages of any of these visits.
Any roles that visit your jailed target will receive a message saying, "Your ability failed because your target was in jail!"
If you choose to interrogate a Serial Killer you will die, however, you can be protected by a Doctor or a Bodyguard from this attack. The Doctor will not get a notification notifying them that their target was attacked in this scenario. In this scenario you will know the Serial Killer but he will escape and he cannot be jailed again.
If you interrogate a Mafia player you will execute them, including the Godfather.
If you interrogate a Town or Neutral player you will know their full role.
[spoiler=VETERAN Game mechanics]
If someone who visits you on ALERT, is healed by a Doctor, they will not die.
If someone who visits you on ALERT, is guarded by a Bodyguard, the Bodyguard will die also with no counterattack.
If the Godfather or Serial Killer visit you on ALERT, they will not die, they will escape and be told: "Your targets defense was too high".
In most cases, killing your visitor will not stop them from using their night ability.
If a Transporter transports you while on alert, the Transporter will die but the transport will still occur (therefore, whoever visited you originally will be spared, but anyone who visits the Transporters second target will die to you).
If a Blackmailer blackmails you while on alert, you will still be blackmailed, but you will kill the Blackmailer.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=VIGILANTE Game mechanics]
In some cases, you will not commit suicide after shooting a Town member:
If your target was jailed or healed.
The death message will claim that the victim was shot by a Vigilante, but you will not commit suicide.
You can be killed by a Bodyguard protecting your target.
If you are attacked and killed the same night you kill a Town member, it will also say that you died of guilt.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=BODYGUARD Game mechanics]
You have one bulletproof vest for yourself to use once, that will give you powerful defence, but you will not counterattack if anyone attacks you.
If you used your bulletproof vest and get transported, you will protect whoever you were transported with, leaving yourself open to attacks. You will still counterattack if an attacking role attacks your new target and you will die saving them.
You can protect your target from one attack during the night and counterattack their attacker. You will die if this happens. If multiple killers attack your target, you will die killing one, but the other will survive and kill your target, unless another Bodyguard or Doctor is protecting your target. You will counterattack the first attacker by time stamp.
You will counter an attack made by a Vigilante, Godfather and Serial Killer.
If you guard a Jailer, or an Escort who has role-blocked a Serial Killer, you can save your target and kill the Serial Killer.
If you and your target are transported with each other and your target is attacked, you will kill your attacker and die in the process.
Protection - no counterattack situation. You will not counterattack an attack made by the Veteran on ALERT if your target visits the Veteran. You will still save your target and die saving them.
You will not be able to save your target from leaving the game, a Jester's haunt, or a Vigilante committing suicide over the guilt of killing a Townie.
If none of the above apply, yet your target still dies, at least one of the following may have occurred:
You were role blocked by an Escort. You will receive a message.
Your target was transported with another target due to a Transporter. You will not know if this happens.
A Doctor can prevent you or the attacker from dying. If the Doctor heals your target, they will see that your target was attacked.
Being healed while counterattacking does not allow you to counter a second attacker on your target.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=DOCTOR Game mechanics]
You can heal all attacks on your target caused by Bodyguards, the Veteran, Vigilante, Godfather, or Serial Killers.
You can heal a Bodyguard who died protecting someone. This does not allow them to kill a possible second attacker during the same night.
You cannot heal a Vigilante killing himself from guilt.
You will be notified if your target was attacked.
You will receive only one notification, no matter how many times your target was attacked.
Your target will receive a message about being healed.
You will still receive the message that your target was attacked even if they were counterattacked by a Bodyguard.
You can heal an Escort, and a Jailer who was role blocked the Serial Killer. However, you will not see that your target was attacked.
You will also not see that your target was attacked if they were attacked by a Bodyguard.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=ESCORT Game mechanics]
If you role block a Serial Killer, he will stay at home and attack you instead.
This does not occur if the Serial Killer is in jail. This is because jailing makes all actions against the target fail.
Your death message will notify you that you visited the Serial Killer. But if the Serial Killer also chooses to kill you, the message will be "You were attacked by a Serial Killer!".
You can be protected by a Doctor or Bodyguard from this attack.
There are multiple roles that are immune to your role block.
If you and one Mafia, and a Serial Killer are left, a stalemate will occur for the Mafia and Serial Killer and you will lose with Town.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=TRANSPORTER Game mechanics]
Transporting a target swaps all visitors to them; targets will instead visit the other swapped target.
You may choose two people to transport each night. The order of selecting who to transport does not matter.
Both the people you transported will receive the message, "You were transported to another location."
Visitors, on the other hand, will not be informed that they hit the wrong target (although some, like killers, may be able to figure it out because their selected target wasn't killed.)
If a Jester is lynched, you cannot transport their haunting to another player.
If your transport causes a target to visit themselves:
Roles that can target themselves normally will use their personal action (e.g. Bodyguard using vest, or a Survivor using vest).
Transport fails.
Transporting is ineffective in the following situations:
You cannot switch a Survivors target. If they use a bulletproof vest, it will always target themselves. Any other visits to the Survivor will still be switched with your other target.
You cannot switch a Veteran's target. If they are on alert, you will be shot. They will still be transported (meaning that anyone who was trying to visit your other target will die, while anyone who was trying to visit the Veteran will be saved.)
You cannot transport targets who are in jail. When you try, you will be notified that one of your targets was jailed. Your targets won't know you tried to transport them, but a Lookout will still see you visit them.
You cannot transport the guilt from a Vigilante who shot a Townie. The Vigilante will still commit suicide. However, you may transport the Vigilantes target the night before.
Your transport cannot switch the following attacks:
If your target role blocked a Serial Killer, the killer will attack the role blocker even if you transport them.
If your target visited the Veteran on alert, they will be shot even if you transport them.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=FRAMER Game mechanics]
Investigators will see framed targets as a "Sheriff, Framer, Lookout".
A Sheriff will see framed targets as a "member of the Mafia".
You will know other members of the Mafia.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=GODFATHER Game mechanics]
You can pick a target to attack each night.
You will know other members of the Mafia.
You have basic Defence and Detection Immunity.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=BLACKMAILER Game mechanics]
A blackmailed target can not participate the following day in the forums and can not lynch, and can not use their Night actions. They can still communicate in private message at any time. They can communicate in forums in the night phase.
If you visit a Veteran on alert and you are killed, they will still be blackmailed the next day.
You cannot blackmail a target that was jailed that night. You will be notified that your visit failed and the jailed person will know that someone tried to blackmail them.
You will know other members of the Mafia.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=CONSIGLIERE Game mechanics]
You can still retrieve the role of your target even if they were framed by Framer.
Your role is very similar to the Investigator. However, your investigation results show your target's exact role, whereas the Investigator is given up to three or five possible roles.
Here are the roles given when a Consigliere visits someone:
Your target is a trained protector. They must be a Bodyguard.
Your target is a professional surgeon. They must be a Doctor.
Your target is a beautiful person working for the Town. They must be an Escort.
Your target gathers information about people. They must be an Investigator.
Your target detains people at night. They must be a Jailor.
Your target watches who visits people at night. They must be a Lookout.
Your target is a protector of the Town. They must be a Sheriff.
Your target specializes in transportation. They must be a Transporter.
Your target is a paranoid war hero. They must be a Veteran.
Your target will bend the law to enact justice. They must be a Vigilante.
Your target wants to be lynched. They must be a Jester.
Your target wants to kill everyone. They must be a Serial Killer.
Your target simply wants to live. They must be a Survivor.
You will know other members of the Mafia.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=SURVIVOR Game mechanics]
Using a bulletproof vest gives you Defense.
Even if you are not attacked, your bulletproof vest will be destroyed.
When you are transported, you will still use your bulletproof vest.
You will not use your bulletproof vest if you were jailed.
Survivors still win in the event of a draw if there is A Serial Killer, and a Mafia left.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=JESTER Game mechanics]
You only win if you are lynched. This means if you are killed in any way other than by lynching, you automatically lose the game.
The stalemate will not end the game on the day you are lynched, since you can break any stalemate by your haunt.
You can choose to haunt one of your guilty voters the night after being lynched. Your haunt ignores Basic and Powerful defense.
A Doctor, Bodyguard or Jailor cannot protect your target.
A Transporter cannot switch your target.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=SERIAL KILLER Game mechanics]
You do not have Detection Immunity; you can be identified by a Sheriff as Mafia at night.
If an Escort, visits you, you will be forced to stay at home (visiting nobody and attacking the Escort instead).
If a Jailer interrogates you, you will attack the Jailer and escape.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Ability priority order ]1. Jailer Jailing someone can not be distracted. To help the moderator out, the jailer will be told it is more or less a day action to prepare the priority if night actions. The jailers interrogation/execution can be distracted by the escort. The transporter can also interrupt interrogation/execution if the jailer is transported to another location.
2. Veteran on alert overides distractions (except for jailer jailing. The jailer protects the veteran in jail, and potentially saves an alert action used.
3. Survivor (can not be distracted from vesting)
3.Transporter is immune to escort distraction. A transporter will die if visiting the veteran on alert, but the switch of actions will occur.
4. Escort will distract anyone but the transporter and will die if trying to distract the serial killer. The serial killers original target will be replaced by the escort. The Escort can not distract the Veteran going on alert. The Escort can not distract the survivor from vesting.
5. Blackmailer
5. Framer
6.Serial Killer can not be distracted by the escort. Will counterattack the jailer on interrogation. (can only be killed by the bodyguard counter attack)
6.Godfather (can only killed by the bodyguard counter attack or jailer execution at night)
6.Vigilante (can kill blackmailer/consigliere/framer)
7. Consigliere
8. Investigator (receives sheriff)
8. Sheriff (receives lookout)
8. Lookout (receives investigator)
9. Jester (can not lose if lynched)
Send Hoodlum a [url=https://dominating12.com/messages/create]message[/url] of Role choice.
eg..[color=grey]Hi hood, here's my preference in order.
Serial Killer, Survivor, Godfather, Transporter, Jester, . . . . . . . . .
I really want to be a serial killer, I'll buy it for 1000 tokens!! thanks.[/color]