thanks to all
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elysium5 wrote:
You said you were able to do it because of your wrk experience and you said that you did it. You also said they necer attacked each other when they in fact did. Then you said they only attacked each other once when they attacked each other more than once. You never said it routing was a said you did it (routing their IP to prove they were the same person because that is what you did for a liviving) because you were 'smarter' than me and that all I knew how to do was ban chats. Would you like me to continue with your other bogus claims?
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
elysium5 wrote:
Fendi. this started as private and andrew22888 made it public. I will not tolerate these insults.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
urgul wrote:
OH MY GOD! Fendi just told you two to break it up and you guys didn't! Unbelievable!
Please just stop now!
andrew22888 wrote:
I am the one that told this site to switch servers. I am the one that made countless points that the server was overloaded. I'm the one that pointed out all this. I have tons of internet experience. The point now is i have done my part in helping this site grow and paying for my membership. Only to deal with a very rude staff member.
elysium5 wrote:
urgul, the thread can easily be deleted, but as long as someone is posting innacurate information in the pulic forums, I will counter it.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
urgul wrote:
Well, let's not judge Elysium5 by one action he did.
After all, he is a staff member, and the Elysium5 I know never normally acts like this. I am sure he is having a bad day.
Please, I am on my knees, take this to p.m-ing. Please.
urgul wrote:
There is no reason you have to drag the whole public into this. I would rather not get involved in this, but you know me.
urgul wrote:
okay thats good it's over, at least on the forum.
elysium5 wrote:
This started as private, urgul. I did not create this thread.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
urgul wrote:
Elysium5, no one is right or wrong as long as we just stop here.

I implore you to talk this out with whom ever in the private messaging system. Then you and everyone else can decide who is right and who is wrong. Hopefully, there will be no punishments. Hopefully, the public can be shielded from this useless debate. Hopefully, I can take a break from the computer knowing that there won't be any other problems regarding the public and the happiness of the members.
Only you and Andrew can do that, though, and stop missusing the forums. Please.
Fendi wrote:
urgul, this is being taken care of in private. Please stop commenting here. Thanks.
elysium5 wrote:
andrew22888 and I have both resolved our issues with this situation.

Without getting into details, we both have the same goals of keeping this site fun, fair and open to anyone who wants to play a competitive game without having to constantly look over your shoulder for cheaters. Both of our intentions is to create and maintain an environment that benifits us all.

We both feel that we do not need to discuss the details of our private conversation other than to state the fact that we both have a new found respect for each other and what we are all trying to accomplish.

Please look at this thread as an example of two people who seemingly can not come to a comprimise in their views discovering that both their views and intentions are more similar than anticipated.

Anyone who reads this, please remember that mutual respect can indeed result in a positive outcome to any situation.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
Sygmassacre wrote:
I hope you two settled it like TRUE riskers and filed it out on classic map
@urgul....there is a spot open for you at the UN peace negotiating table :)
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator