The land from The Elder Scrolls Saga
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PsymonStark wrote:
The saga of The Elder Scrolls. We're not waiting for permission anymore, I think, but I don't know how to change it ^^
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Pntbttr wrote:
Region Bonuses:
Black Marsh = 3
Morrowind = 4
Curodiil = 6
Eloweyr = 4
Skyrim = 5
Valenwood = 4
Hammerfell = 4
High Rock = 3
Summerdet Joles = 4

The region text is too hard to read...try making it one size bigger and/or getting rid of the territory outline on the mini the yellow region it is a little hard to tell that the two bottom territories are on both sides of the river, try moving the text into the territory and adding a connection line...or move the text over a bit so it is on both sides...

Love the map!
PsymonStark wrote:
Mmm... definitely hard to read... Font enlarged and bonus added.

Also, wided the line Matty said, and corrected a frontier that was pretty unrealistic (squared, Corinthe)

Bravil label moved so it's easier to tell that both sides are the same territory.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Pntbttr wrote:
I think it is still too hard to read...try removing the territory borders on the mini map...
Vexer wrote:
Thank you Pntbttr. I really needed someone to do the region bonuses. I'm ok will all of them except Summerset Isles. I think it should only be worth 3 because it is in a corner. This is one of those cases when you round down because of other advantages that the region has.

Ok, we are nearing completion here. I think I am ok with the connection lines now that a lot of the black dot islands are gone. This map will be pretty difficult to maneuver the first time you play on it but I think it's clear after you have already figured it out. There are a couple of places that are still confusing that I think can be improved, however.

One problem is that the tiny island to the right of Imperial City is only one pixel away from Cheydinhal. Some people might think they are connected. I think the island should be removed. There are also still two black dot islands near there that need to be removed.

I think something needs to be done to make it more obvious that Imperial City, Bravil and Leyawiin have parts on both sides of the inlet. Maybe you could try slight brightness variation between the 3 territories. For example you could make Imperial City and Bravil 10-20% lighter and Leyawiin 10% darker. 

Or you could try a special inner border to help distinguish the boundaries similar to how the white glow on the Oregon Cities map distinguishes the City bonuses from the region bonuses.

With Bravil and Leyawiin you should also try and center the territory circle in the region. With Bravil you can try putting the territory circle almost directly above the label but to the right just a little. With Leyawiin you should move the label down and the place the territory circle above it but also to the right a bit.

Also, I zoomed in and found two places where there are color pixels in the wrong spot. Zoom in and look at the very far right of Riverhold. There are green pixel outside the boundary line. Also, part of the color from Leyawiin creeps into Stormhold down near Gideon.
PsymonStark wrote:
Let's see...

-Bonus in Summerset Isles set to 3.
-Deleted wrong colored pixels, and small dot islands.
-Deleted Cheydinhal/Imperial City island.
-Moved labels and circles of Bravil and Leyawiin so it's easier to see that both sides of the river are part of them.

I tried to make darker and lighter the colours, and also to put that inner border, but it looked pretty unrealistic, or eye-calling, so I decided not to put it. I think that now, with the circles in the new position, it's pretty obvious that the western part of the territory is still part of it. There isn't any other reason to put them almost out of the territory, isn't it?
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
PsymonStark wrote:

I made a little frontier change, so it's harder to go north and south by Eastern Cyrodiil.

What do you think?
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Vexer wrote:
Ok we will see how well people do with those territories during the beta testing. If they have too much trouble then i can try to do something to make it less confusing but not look unrealistic.

And about the border change. I like it either way. When we do the capitals positions then we can decide which one to use. We can use whichever one makes the cap positions more balanced. We will pick the capitals after playing some test games so we can get familiar with the game play first.

I'll go ahead and set this up to get inputted into the system. Feel free to continue to make improvements though and the map is still open for comments and suggestions for a few more weeks.
Holt wrote:
What if we made the outter borders on the river territories a little bolder and the inner lines that actually border the river a little thinner. That way we can actually tell exactly how much land each territory has and its easier to spot. We could also possibly remove any boder that touches the water completely. If there is a border that actually touches water just take out the line and have the territory actually meet the water. (Almost like it looks where the wording is in Imperial City)
Thorpe wrote:
I watched a game on this map and I can I say this so ...well I will just say it!

95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
PsymonStark wrote:
Thanks Thorpe. Let's hope this is not the only great job I do ^^
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.