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1771 wrote:
WOW pntbttr HUGE IMPROVEMENT !!!!! Looks great. Love the hardwoods!
Pntbttr wrote:
Actually I made it the size it is just because it looked right. And if I rotate the map then what should I call the regions top and bottom court, that sounds weird. I'll work on it.
Pntbttr is online.
Pntbttr wrote:
Oh yeah, I think I will use the paint backboard and basket as a region.
Pntbttr is online.
-NoXoN- wrote:
 Looks better than before . you are working hard ;) your map is unique lot of players will buy it . im thinking to ask teck to give my maps for free .
Pntbttr wrote:
I think all the maps should be free so beginners don't leave immediately. I also think the ranks should be free and automatic. But it probably wont happen for a while.  I will keep working and keep you guys updated.
Pntbttr is online.
Vexer wrote:
it seems like imageshack is automatically resizing your map to a smaller size. I'd like to see the full size. can you figure it out?

Also, the curved lines look jagged. can they be redone to be more smooth? make sure anti-aliasing is turned on.

@noxon, there is a thread about making the maps free, please state your opinion there so that we have everyone's opinion in one place for Teck to look at.
Vexer wrote:
ok here is the image i was talking about in my message:

for everyone else. this image will help me duplicate the positions that Pntbttr uses for his territory circles when I add the map to the site.
Pntbttr wrote:
What exactly should I do with them? Same thing as last time? I have a lot to do with the map so it might be a little bit.
Pntbttr is online.
Vexer wrote:
take your time. this step just needs to be done before you draw the connection lines between the circles (unless you plan to not use connection lines and draw in territory shapes instead). you can do it after the artwork is done. this new circle will just help you line them up. For example there are 9 territories along the center line but they don't line up very well. you could draw a guide line in a new layer and then use it to place the circles. the purple dot in the middle of the circle should be placed directly over the line. then turn off visibility of the guide line when your done.

Since this is a symmetric map it will definitely look better if the circles line up perfectly.
Vexer wrote:
It's definitely neater but the size is still wrong. my suspicion is that imageshack is resizing your map to make it smaller. it should be 1024 x 640 pixels not 800 x 500
Vexer wrote:
yes but when you upload it to imageshack, imageshack is resizing it making it smaller. there should be a way to tell imageshack to keep the 1024 pixels wide size.