With seven D12 temples!
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The_Bishop wrote:
Just a vision that came to me one night and it suggested me how to modify this old map. This is for the lovers of game-play complexity, sure! And it's a bit nerd/mathematic, but the results are listed, so actually you don't need to be a mathematician to play it properly.

I started a new thread because as a matter of fact this is a new map, it is not the same map anymore.
We are playing some test games already to see if it is a nice twist or not. If the tests fail, I can easily restore the original version.
Original (click to show)

New with temples (click to show)
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
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Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
Wow this is so great with tempes real thing and manny combinations.. :thumbs:
reduce trees by 5 percent perhaps
strengthen the earth with an earthy color and maybe strengthen the roads and add some note, considering that it is a remake and I don't even remember the old one really
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Hoodlum wrote:
i'm not that fussy, but sorry this is one ugly embarrassment of a map that d12 had... Maybe the gameplay is good, but this would definitely need a graphic overhaul. :roll:
Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
if it is with d12 temples, then when the graphic overhaul is already underway, then that temple should be taken into account to be incorporated somewhere in some form in addition to the already existing bouse temples, I think in that background graphic part
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Hoodlum wrote:
i hope so, but re-reading the original thread, some people really loved it while others really didn't.
and that went the same for the gameplay. i only played 1 game i remember, but i remembered a fun fog one, before it disappeared and i never played it again.
i wasn't into map making or cared less about visuals of a map before i became a cartographer, but over time, i definitely understood why this one was taken down. i actually attempted to recreate the exact gameplay a few times before. the jungle theme is hard to make look good.
The_Bishop wrote:
@Blago, I don't have the file with layers, I cannot reduce the trees, nor do any pruning! :D
I remember your remake @Hood, it was an island I think... Do you still have it anywhere?

Right now it looks quite nice imo, or let's say not so bad... Well, the feeling is almost like flying in helicopter under LSD effects, however it has its originality, it's different from any other maps we've got here. Anyway I'm running some game-play tests, if it plays well enough then we will care about graphics, right?
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
@Blago, I don't have the file with layers, I cannot reduce the trees, nor do any pruning! :D
I remember your remake @Hood, it was an island I think... Do you still have it anywhere?

Right now it looks quite nice imo, or let's say not so bad... Well, the feeling is almost like flying in helicopter under LSD effects, however it has its originality, it's different from any other maps we've got here. Anyway I'm running some game-play tests, if it plays well enough then we will care about graphics, right?

yup i got the island one somewhere, i think it was the exact same gameplay. also did my version of a jungle one, it didn't turn out much better than this one.
The_Bishop wrote:
I'm a bit late with publishing this version, where temples have got symbols related to astrological planets /pagan deities. We have been playing test games with symbols from the beginning (I simply forgot to update the image here), and I think it's important for the game that every temple has its name and its symbol (which is also written in brackets in the game log). When you play you need to 'buy' or 'sell' temples according to the situation.
Spoiler (click to show)
It's amazing that I sorted them from inner to outer Solar System and coincidentally the region colours almost correspond to the actual planets visual colours.

I saw your version @Hoodlum, nice looking graphics but not really convincing for me, because too tall, too different from the original and not so easy to see the adjacencies. Just my humble opinion. Well and my D12 logo looks better. :P Hahaha LoL I'll sell it for 50 dollars!
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
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Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
Give it to Hood! For sure is nicer than his :P I buy it so hood buy from me tomorow ! Same as those tokens before remember ;)
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Hoodlum wrote:
it proves a challenging map to re-do. still can't stand the original graphics, from the trees, the texture, the lines, it hurts my eyes
Dima wrote:
the current design has the jungle trees at 100% visibility and the borders between the jungle and the map, and between the territories are poorly visible.
the jungle itself looks cool and i like bishops idea of a view from a helikopter.
you could make the borders a bit more visible, with normal black/brown lines. And in places where tbe jungle crosses tbe map, just pale out that jungle piece the same way i did it with the images in my map.
and maybe add a green color texture combined with a cloth/dirt/old paper texture to give it a green poisonois jungle look. A pale colorless camoflage texture could also be tried
If you intend to add images to make the map more atmospheric, you could blend it an old school helikopter or a pained face of a jungle inhabitant or a french foreign legion fighter or smthing like that.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
The_Bishop wrote:
Yes, some borders are hidden by the trees, You almost have to guess them and sometimes you guess wrong! Not good.
Unfortunately we do not have the image in layers... Perhaps the very old version, without 3D trees, would be helpful? Anyone has it? I don't think so.

I goggled "Jungle from Above" and I got lost seeing many inspiring images (real pictures and vectors also).

@Hoodlum feel free to work on this map graphics. I'm not doing anything myself, it's challenging yes, too challenging for me!
Then you'll write something like: "Original map: Marcoxa; Temple game-play: The_Bishop; Graphic remake: Hoodlum". Multiple authors in other words.

The test games have just started and they seem (to me) to be cool, with new dynamics due to negative bonuses. Starting with 2-troop reinforcement (can happens often) is a bit annoying, but usually everyone can find a way to 'fix' it: either you conquer one temple or you 'sell' yours to someone who needs it. Well, and if one player holds 4 temples gets a profit, it's just +2 but it grows rapidly, so I think the others have to counter properly, they cannot let him hold all temples. I guess at some point some deals will happen in the chat, but I don't know yet, we will see...
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Dima wrote:
Yes, some borders are hidden by the trees, You almost have to guess them and sometimes you guess wrong! Not good.
Unfortunately we do not have the image in layers...[quote/]

you could copy the map and cut out everything except the jungle, then merge it with the remaining copy
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
elysium5 wrote:
i'm not that fussy, but sorry this is one ugly embarrassment of a map that d12 had... Maybe the gameplay is good, but this would definitely need a graphic overhaul. :roll:

I know the graphics were bad but I was one of the people who absolutely loved to play on this map.

Gameplay and strategy was never straight forward so it made for a much more challenging and dynamic game.

I for one am extremely happy this has been resurrected!
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
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Hoodlum wrote:
still trying to do something with the map. i've tried a handful of times over the years since it was pulled, because I know it has interest. my interest is to uphold the quality standard of maps visually according to aeronautics standards whom i learned from. i have spoken to him recently, he has no interest atm in coming back to d12, but it was good to hear from him.
ill keep trying, just for the challenge of it.
here's the latest attempt.
attempt 23 (click to show)
100% view
the hard part in this attempt is colouring the regions whiles still trying to make it look natural, but at the same time have some contrast..currently i feel it blends in too much. ill keep trying.