With seven D12 temples!
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The_Bishop wrote:
still trying to do something with the map. i've tried a handful of times over the years since it was pulled, because I know it has interest. my interest is to uphold the quality standard of maps visually according to aeronautics standards whom i learned from. i have spoken to him recently, he has no interest atm in coming back to d12, but it was good to hear from him.
ill keep trying, just for the challenge of it.
here's the latest attempt.
attempt 23 (click to show)
100% view
the hard part in this attempt is colouring the regions whiles still trying to make it look natural, but at the same time have some contrast..currently i feel it blends in too much. ill keep trying.

Wow it's cool! I like it honestly, but if Hoodlum is not entirely satisfied then no, let's wait for a newer version.
@Hood you fixed the misspelling of Chimpanzee, good. You connected Komodo Dragon and Gecko, I don't know if it is good or not, however it's a small change.
I like the font also.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
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Hoodlum wrote:
lol didnt realize there was a spelling error. can fix the accidental connection with some extended trees.
edit..oh. chimpazee wow.. guess it was missed cause of all the other flaws i was looking at haha
Hoodlum is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
Perhaps make the region borders a bit thicker to distinguish the regions easier.
Also I feel like the white text is a bit too white.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
Perhaps make the region borders a bit thicker to distinguish the regions easier.
Also I feel like the white text is a bit too white.

good call on both. was meant to thicken the borders, and probably colour the text to the same as the title

attempt 213 (click to show)

Hoodlum is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
Wow it's so cool!! :o

In the right tab we should decide what verb we want to use: 'to own' or 'to hold' (I was undecided and I mixed them). To hold I think is suitable.
The sentence on the left perhaps can be reformulated better. I was limited to available room and map shape, so I phrased the sentence accordingly.

I feel there is something not right in the boxed text, I cannot explain exactly, perhaps the text shadow has to be darker, I dunno - I'm not sure.

EDIT: Plus, your version is a true Jungle, marcoxa's version was a Forest, it's slightly different.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
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God_of_War wrote:

Temple Bonus
- 1 for holding 1 or 2
  0 for holding 3
+2 for holding 4
Hi there!
Hoodlum wrote:
either sounds fine, but after some thought i was leaning towards"owning", since owning is already said in the left label . also, i remember debating this with the Australasian map and i had ended up with owning over holding. +1 Bonus for owning both Papuas
but let me know which you prefer.

Temple Bonus
- 1 for holding 1 or 2
  0 for holding 3
+2 for holding 4

also i think this displays simpler and to the point.

i'll add shadow, i think i had tried more shadow before which gave it more of an embossed look. but i think it was fine, since it's meant to be a 3D type map

also. i am not quite understanding this.

Owning temples in the middle of a jungle has it's costs, but a large network is a profit:
-1 for each temple
+1 for any pair.

the wording makes me look for the middle of the jungle (im assuming u just mean the whole of the map being the middle of the jungle). if so i think middle of a, could be eliminated. also, i just don't understand the math of it in general. -1 for each temple, +1 for any pair.  ill just assume that part makes sense lol.

when it says +1 for any pair. and then on the other thing it says. -1 for owning 1 or 2 (assuming that 2 is a pair?)
Hoodlum is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
The true easiest and simplest way to explain the special bonus is just that:
-1 for each temple;
+1 for any pair of temples.

However the second sentence has to be intended as combinatorial: "any pair of temples" actually means any possible combinations of two temples.

If it is not clear yet then please read the logs from some test games:

2 temples form 1 pair, right, so you get 1 troop less bcoz:
-1 for holding A
-1 for holding B
+1 for holding A&B pair
Result = -1

Let's analyze what happens with 3 temples:
-1 for holding A
-1 for holding B
-1 for holding C
+1 for holding A&B pair
+1 for holding A&C pair
+1 for holding B&C pair
Result = 0

And now 4 temples:
-1 for holding A
-1 for holding B
-1 for holding C
-1 for holding D
+1 for holding A&B pair
+1 for holding A&C pair
+1 for holding A& D pair
+1 for holding B&C pair
+1 for holding B& D pair
+1 for holding C& D pair
Result = +2

And so on....
Since the mechanism is a bit nerdy and mathematic I preferred to add that list on the right that shows all the results.
However a mental shortcut could be to think at it like the diagonals of a polygon with N sides. Triangle: no diagonals, Square: 2 diagonals, Penthagon: 5 diag's, Hexagon: 9 diag's... (Heptagon?? well 7-side polygon: 14 diag's)

"in the middle of a jungle" is probably wrong, it was my wrong translation of the Italian phrase "nel bel mezzo di una giungla" which doesn't mean you are in the center, but just that you are in a jungle for real, no joke! #has its costs# actually was "has their own costs" but I wanted to keep it shorter, however I'm not sure it's good English neither (either?). #is a profit# also is a shorter version of "could be profitable". Well feel free to adjust the phrasing as it sounds better for an English native speaker please. But I would like to keep the whole brief because it's part of the map setting. Do you see what I mean?

Edit:: I believe it's mandatory to keep the phrase "exactly 1 or exactly 2" though, WELL actually also the others: exactly 4, exactly 5... Uhm, I'm going to reformulate it and I'll write it here in this forum.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
God_of_War wrote:
Just fyi that I have no idea what spots are "temples" based on the latest picture. I can see them in one of the 1st posts of course.

Temple Bonus
- 1 for owning 1 or 2
  0 for owning 3
+2 for owning 4
+5 for owning 5
+9 for owning 6
+14 for owning all 7

maybe it should be clear how many there are vs "owning them all" - the words at the top of D12 temples would make it possibly seem like there are 12 of them

also i maybe consider removing the "do the math...." piece and just put the simple fact of how many pairs there are? This is a spot where you could mention that Owning a Temple is -1, however each pair is +1.

Hi there!
Dima wrote:
maybe its a bit off topic, but the shape of the map (star-shaped) reminds me of the middle eastern geography (levant, persia, arab desert, caucasus).

basicly, the body of water (mediteranean, black, caspian, hormuz, red sea) divide the land into a star, similarly to the jingle here. just look at the maps.
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
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The_Bishop wrote:
Just fyi that I have no idea what spots are "temples" based on the latest picture. I can see them in one of the 1st posts of course.

Temple Bonus
- 1 for owning 1 or 2
  0 for owning 3
+2 for owning 4
+5 for owning 5
+9 for owning 6
+14 for owning all 7

maybe it should be clear how many there are vs "owning them all" - the words at the top of D12 temples would make it possibly seem like there are 12 of them

also i maybe consider removing the "do the math...." piece and just put the simple fact of how many pairs there are? This is a spot where you could mention that Owning a Temple is -1, however each pair is +1.

I agree with "all 7".
Yes the wording you propose is very simple, but it is far different from what people will read in the game log...

For example when one holds 4 temples you will read something like this: (click to show)
The Result is +2 for owning 4 temples, yes, but the rule is "-1 for any temple, +1 for any temple pair".
The bonus can be explained in 2 different ways, so I would like to write boths.

New Hoodlum's version has no temples yet, but the current (old) version we are using for tests has triangular D12 temples with astrological symbols associated:
https://dominating12.com/assets/img/maps/34.large.jpg (This image will update automatically once changed)
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
The_Bishop wrote:
@Hoodlum:: I'm sending you some png files with temples and astrological symbols, bcoz not all fonts do them properly.

@Dima:: I think you are a bit visionary! LoL :D However yes, you are right, there are some similarities.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
The_Bishop is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
100% view
edits 1 (click to show)

ok. latest changes, per understanding.. let me know if it's wrong..
some rewording. got rid of the in the middle of jungle wording, so as not to sound confusing that we are directing players to look in the middle of this map for something.
i intensified the text shadows. also titled the labels. Temple Play and Temple Bonus. the text became a pixel smaller so as to fit 'exactly' wording in. there would have been some movement with the banners.
the text looks readable, but i've started using reading glasses and things look bigger with them on lol.

i haven't checked email yet (which email?) to see if files were sent..or i can send you the image without the circles and you can add them.
Hoodlum is online.
God_of_War wrote:
100% view
edits 1 (click to show)

ok. latest changes, per understanding.. let me know if it's wrong..
some rewording. got rid of the in the middle of jungle wording, so as not to sound confusing that we are directing players to look in the middle of this map for something.
i intensified the text shadows. also titled the labels. Temple Play and Temple Bonus. the text became a pixel smaller so as to fit 'exactly' wording in. there would have been some movement with the banners.
the text looks readable, but i've started using reading glasses and things look bigger with them on lol.

i haven't checked email yet (which email?) to see if files were sent..or i can send you the image without the circles and you can add them.

What if you make the furthest left box taller (extending it down) and at the bottom you include "Own up to 21 Temple Pairs" and then remove the text box that is at the bottom; thus having only 2 text boxes instead of 3. I don't see the "do the math" part as a necessary piece as it may draw some humor the 1st time it is read, but will be meaningless beyond that.

Hi there!
Hoodlum wrote:
100% view
edits 1 (click to show)

ok. latest changes, per understanding.. let me know if it's wrong..
some rewording. got rid of the in the middle of jungle wording, so as not to sound confusing that we are directing players to look in the middle of this map for something.
i intensified the text shadows. also titled the labels. Temple Play and Temple Bonus. the text became a pixel smaller so as to fit 'exactly' wording in. there would have been some movement with the banners.
the text looks readable, but i've started using reading glasses and things look bigger with them on lol.

i haven't checked email yet (which email?) to see if files were sent..or i can send you the image without the circles and you can add them.

What if you make the furthest left box taller (extending it down) and at the bottom you include "Own up to 21 Temple Pairs" and then remove the text box that is at the bottom; thus having only 2 text boxes instead of 3. I don't see the "do the math" part as a necessary piece as it may draw some humor the 1st time it is read, but will be meaningless beyond that.

yes, that seems like a good idea and easy enough to do. im not a fan of the 'do the math'...part.
Hoodlum is online.