Map in process
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aeronautic wrote:
Sorry I'm so late to the show.
I won't say too much at the moment, because you are still discussing Gamer-Play.

You obviously have the graphics ability, so in time, we will help you to make the map look beautiful as well as aesthetic and functional.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Matty wrote:
Names are better then numbers ;)

This map has a total of 4+5+4+6+2+6+6+3+6+4+5+3+5=59 territories, so that looks good.
Fun fact: that's the same as the San Francisco map, even though it has like 20 times the population.

Also, nitpick, but I understand that you title it "The Netherlands" instead of "Nederland". Using the english name is better here I think, but why use "Deutschland" then?

Also, maybe move the afsluitdijk back to Sneek now, as gameplay wise it doesn't matter anymore, and Sneek seems to be the more realistic one (sorry).

But gameplay wise this looks like a good map to me.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Glessesboy wrote:
I have a design ready for the netherlands, I can post that here. I try to do something difrent then just water(blue) for the ocean.
So when its gameplay ready I will work more on that.

The Deutschland bit is because i love the german language more and its sounds beter then Germany, but thats something personal of mine hahaha. so yes it should be germany i guess.

And to keep it realistic i would, indeed, put the afsluitdijk back to Sneek.
Glessesboy wrote:
How about this look? (click to show)
Above you see my idea of the map for online to play.
Cireon wrote:
I think the region bonuses need to be reviewed. Why is Limburg +2 but Zeeland +1. She number of territories and borders. Also a +2 for Utrecht which is just two territories sounds way too much.

I would be interested in knowing what the gameplay effect of connecting Urk to Zwolle would be, which would also be more geographically accurate.

As for the look. Right now there's no room to fit the territory circles, so the names of the territories have to be moved to sort that out. I'm also somewhat confused at the use of a boat at the Afsluitdijk. The map shows the Netherlands after the creation of Flevoland, so the Afsluitdijk was definitely there already. If you wanted to make a map based on a more historical state of the Netherlands, the geography needs to be quite different.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Glessesboy wrote:
Limburg has 3 connections and Zeeland just 1. Utrecht has been calculated with the formula.

Urk to Zwolle is, if gameplay wise is better, a good idea. personally I don't like it, don't know why tho.

The boat is just aesthetic, bit of VOC flavor. It's stop because of the Afsluitdijk

Names are, indeed, moving for the circles.
Cireon wrote:
Ah, when we talk about connections, we mean the borders INSIDE the region, so both Zeeland and Limburg have two borders. You're right that we should consider connections as well when looking at the regions, but I am not sure if that warrants making Limburg a 2 bonus region, and the same for Utrecht. While you can be attacked from many sides, if you only have to defend 1 territory, that's still pretty good.

Zeeland having only one connection to the rest of the map makes it the Australia of this map. I'm not sure what people think of that in general.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Glessesboy wrote:
Ah, when we talk about connections, we mean the borders INSIDE the region, so both Zeeland and Limburg have two borders. You're right that we should consider connections as well when looking at the regions, but I am not sure if that warrants making Limburg a 2 bonus region, and the same for Utrecht. While you can be attacked from many sides, if you only have to defend 1 territory, that's still pretty good.
This part I don't get the point your making, probably because of the terminology and English as second language. Sorry :$

Zeeland seen as Australia is indeed a good point, i will connect it to Spijkenisse. Good point!
Hoodlum wrote:
i tried to find the version of this i made a while back, but it may be lost. i thought this would make a good map, although would be scrolly which is what i try to avoid, just can't be helped though. if i get some motivation, spare time, i will input it as a test map where you can see how it plays...there's always willing map testers to help out and provide feedback
Hoodlum wrote:
if you have a list written for regions, territories written down for bulk add, that would make it easier.
even better, a territory name, also including it's adjacent territory names.
Matty wrote:
Note for myself: #territories / 3 + #borders / 2.5

My take on the region bonusses:
  • Friesland (north, green): I think the bonus should be +3 here - Dokkum and Leek are not connected, right?
  • N. Holland (west, yellow): Maybe +4?
  • Flevoland (central, pink): +1 is good here. I kinda like the idea of a chokepoint heavy map (but not as over-the-top grazy as carribean), so I think I'd prefer not to connect Urk to the mainland. We'd need to playtest that though.
    (It's Urk we're talking about after all, if you'd wanted it to be connected to the outside world you'd call it Emmeloord xD)
  • Overijssel (east, blue): Same as Friesland, should be +3 I think. Hardenberg is not a border, right?
  • Utrecht (central, red): I think the bonus for Utrecht should be +1 as well, because it's just two territories.
  • Zeeland (south, pink): Because of 'the australia problem' (only one territory to defend it) I think it's a good choice to give them a +1 bonus. But yeah, maybe better to add a connection and make it +2. Dunno.

De waddeneilanden (north, pink), Groningen (north, yellow), Drenten (north, red), Arnhem (central, green), S. Holland (west, blue), Brabant (south, yellow) and Limburg (south, red) are all good I think.

Did I mis any?
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Glessesboy wrote:
if you have a list written for regions, territories written down for bulk add, that would make it easier.
even better, a territory name, also including it's adjacent territory names.

Like this?:
Groningen: (Regions)
Groningen (Territories) [Leek-Assen-Ter Apel]
Ter Apel [Groningen-Assen-Emmen]
Leek [Groningen-Schiermonnikoog-Appelscha-Assen]
aeronautic wrote:
Generally good graphics on the map.

If you are going for the effect of an ancient map, then the hand written font for the neighbouring countries is realistic, however, the territory labels are not.
Is it a font that you used or did you write the Countries by hand (calligraphy)?

The ship graphic is out of place with the ancient map theme too, so will have to be in the style used by ancient cartographers.

Also for it to be a realistic looking ancient map, it would have to have Longitude & Latitude lines, whether exact / scaled or not, as well as hand drawn graphics and a compass rose around the map.
Territory Labels couldn't be white, they would be written in ink and so would have to have been written on blank parts / gaps over the territories, to be seen.
We can achieve this by using the same colour as the parchment paper as a back-spray behind each label, taking great care not to break the intuitiveness of the territory dividers and region borders.
A lot of thought goes into positioning, so try and get the look of the labels right first, then experiment by moving and scaling them. Keep them all in the same style and size them all pretty much the same. Normally, enlarging the font is only utilised to signify a larger area / region over the surrounding territories, but we normally only signify region names in the mini-map, which saves clutter on the game map.

Bordering Countries normally have to have some sort of shade / colour to differentiate them from sea / water.

File Type & Size:
Use JPG files to post in the Map Thread, it uses less disk space and is quicker to download / refresh compared to a PNG file.

Just a few things for you to go on with, ready to produce the next draft.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Glessesboy wrote:
Trouble with the names (click to show)

How can i do the names on a usable maner? most are to long for the area
Glessesboy wrote:
if you have a list written for regions, territories written down for bulk add, that would make it easier.
even better, a territory name, also including it's adjacent territory names.
Your Request (click to show)

Is this something you can use?