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Hoodlum wrote:
Capitals revaluation.
I went through some of the older maps to check for capitals positions according to the formula.
basically - All borders, or all internal territories. even distancing. and keep try not to position a capital that blocks paths

here is the actual guide for capital positions.

Guide for Capitals Locations

Priority List:
  • All the capitals should be as equally far apart as possible.
  • Try not to have two capitals in the same region if possible.
  • In 2-4 player capitals all the capitals should be equally far apart and in 5-8 player capitals for each capital there should be 3 capitals nearby and the rest further away. The nearby capitals should be the same distance apart.
  • Take into consideration how many territories the capital is adjacent to. Remember that paths are an important part of a capitals game. Try to put the capitals in territories that have at least 3 adjacent territories so that there are many paths from one capital to another. Nobody likes to play capitals on a map where they are always blocked from killing the other players because there aren't enough paths out of their capital. It is best if all the capitals have the same number of adjacent territories.
  • If one capital is on a border then all the capitals should be on a border. If you can't space them out properly without using borders, then they should all be on borders and not just one. The only exception is if there is one capital that is obviously less preferred than the rest then you may consider putting it on a border so that all the capitals are equally preferable.
  • In 2-4 player capitals, try to balance the regions so that every capital is in a good region. In 5-8 player capitals the best you can do is to get the spacing as good as you can.
only briefly scanned from players up to recommended # players per map, but found quite a lot. So maybe if someone has some time to look at and suggest better placement option, for the fairest gameplay.

It was only a quick scan, and maybe the current positions are the best they can be according to map layout/paths, but i did see quite a few better positions immediately, so there may be quite a few more.

4,5,6 player falklands
5 player house
6,7, 8 player med
4,5,6,7,8,9 player world expanded
3, player usa
3 player eastern asia
5 player domincan republic
6,7 player europe
3,4,7,8,9 player westeros
6,7 player korea/jap

Hoodlum is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
Current Capitals

4,5,6,7,8,9 (click to show)
Current Capitals

Alternative 3 player
S.W. Russia vs Shandong vs Guangxi (4/4/4)

Current Capitals

Alternative 3 player
S California vs Wisconsin/Upper Mich  vs Alabama (6/6/6)

4 & 5 ??

5 Player cap - Programming issue with accents. yet to fix

Current Capitals

5 players alternative

Spoiler (click to show)
Hoodlum is online.
aeronautic wrote:
5p - Utilities to Office is 2 steps via Living Room, but it still seems like a better alternative, well balanced. (Make the change)

World Expanded:
5p, 6p, 7p, 8p & 9p Alternatives look good. (Make the change) DONE

Eastern Asia:
3p Alternative looks better. (Make the change) DONE

3p Alternative looks good, all inland and even. (Make the change) DONE

Dominican Republic, Mediterranean States + others:
Yes, issue with accents. This does not affect the current games, but it does affect the ability to edit the Capital Positions.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Hoodlum wrote:
i changed Eastern Asia, USA and World Expanded.

I'll take another look at House for maybe other options. I also found another 2 step, Driveway to patio.
I haven't played much on this map, and it's quite deceptive :)
Hoodlum is online.
Thorpe wrote:
Look at ...
The Isthmus of Panama
See if there are better placements for Caps.
5 player really gives a great placement for the upper left corner.
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next