If you are showing your map for the first time or posting an update, you will have read the
DXII Guide to Map Making and know what is expected and where you can find necessary available services. You then need to upload your map somewhere on the Internet.
The map should be uploaded in the actual size intended for use as a DXII map (e.g. 1024 X 800 pixels), do not shrink it or nobody will see its true detail.
Now that you have made your map and uploaded it to somewhere on the Internet, you can create or add to an existing map forum post. This can be quite daunting if you have never seen the forum tools before. Therefore I have made a step by step tutorial with images to help.
Always make a Spoiler in which to place your image, otherwise it will be either just a link to an external website or if embedded, it will fill the forum page unnecessarily.
Click the Spoiler tool:
This will appear in the text box:
Give the Spoiler a title by typing = and then your words:
Now you have to embed your map Image into the Spoiler, so place the cursor between the square brackets and click the Image tool:
A blue box will open at the top left of your screen for you to type the Internet address of your map image:
You can type the address or copy & paste it into the blue box and when you click the OK button, the image link will appear in the text box:
That is all you need to do to get your map into a Spoiler in your forum post. You can now type your required information into the text box after the Spoiler:
When you have finished typing all the information for your Post, click on Add Reply and the Post will appear for everyone to view:
Please review your Post and ensure your map appears correctly in the Spoiler and that all the information is as you intended it to be. If not, you have 15 minutes in which to edit or correct your Post before it is locked: