Map of the N. Hemisphere with Arctic - 79 territories!
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Virtuosity98 wrote:
Sorry about the tardiness (I’ll blame it on exams :P)!

This contains all of the map outlines:

I was looking for the final territory split, which I thought would have to be Heilongjiang  Heilongjiang + Korea, and I noticed a problem. As proposed by Psymon Stark, “China1”:

This proposed plan left the China Region with 4 borders and 1 interior territory. This is the same as the original Arctic Region, which everyone seemed to think was overpowered. Furthermore, the Arctic Region was more centralised, so perhaps being overpowered was more acceptable then, but China, being fairly near the edge of the map, is clearly too powerful like this.

I came up with “China2” to make China less powerful. It incorporates Mongolia as a single territory into the Chinese Region. This gave China 5 borders and one interior territory. However, due to the merging of West and East Mongolia, I still needed to make another territory!! The attempt had been pointless.

Finally, I discovered a solution, “China3”:

Two mountains were removed (making the Himalayas more geographically accurate). This gives China 5 borders and 0 interior territories. This makes it the most undesirable region logistically, but it has to be that way. This is because, when a player controls the Indonesia Region and the China Region, he or she will be receiving a +7 bonus with only 3 borders, clearly a very powerful area. Also, in the World Expanded, the USA Region has 5 borders, and is only worth +3, so the +4 bonus of China is justified. It also splits a territory, giving us 81 (yay!), and creates the Korea-Japan Region.

I only included China2 to show my thought processes, but clearly it is not feasible. Please let me know if you agree with this.
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Virtuosity98 wrote:
If you haven't already, pleas read the post above.

This is the completed map. One of the splits, Eastern Canada --> Ontario + Quebec, gave the Canadian Region 3 borders and 2 interior territories. This barely makes it justifiable as a +2 Region. It has now got exactly the same properties as the Middle East Region and the Indonesia Region, and yet pays a smaller bonus. Also, I'll say it myself, on a map with very few impassables, none of which are rivers, the inclusion of the Fleuve Saint-Laurent looks out-of-place and somewhat tacky. This split also means that the Eastern USA Territory extends somewhat into Canada. Overall, it can be seen that this split, whilst a good idea, is impractical.

I propose a different split: Southern India --> Southern India + Sri Lanka. This will give the India Region 3 borders and 2 interior territories. This was exactly the same change to the region as the change to Canada's Region. Now, a region with 3 borders and 2 interior territories may seem undesirable if only worth a +2 bonus, but with India being near the edge of the map, this is much better than the Canada Region being underpowered. The India Region is far less attackable than the Canada Region, and so it is fairer to make the India Region slightly less powerful.

Do you agree with this change?

I will post a map with the Sri Lanka territory later.
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Virtuosity98 wrote:
Here is the map, complete with Sri Lanka and textures:

I think these are the finalised territories.

The texture is a simple one, and I do not expect it to be completely correct, just a starter to get the ball rolling. I experimented with the Arctic Region, to get an ice-like texture for that so that it didn't look like land. What I ended up with was (in my opinion) a very good texture, possibly for the land as well. Make sure that you look closely at the Arctic texture if you are planning to comment on it. Sorry it's a little grainy.

Obviously the minimap needs the textures as well.

Please comment!

(Celebrating post #50! I'm very thankful for everyone's input! :D)
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Virtuosity98 wrote:

Madagascarter wrote:
 Posted: 13 minutes ago | Post #49  
"Certainly. Canada looks overcrowded with both Quebec and Ontario." 

I wouldn't say it was overcrowded - have you seen Europe? That's far more crowded than the former Canada. It's just that the river looked bad and the USA was extending into Canada. Also I think gameplay has been improved by swapping Quebec for Sri Lanka.
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PsymonStark wrote:
Three 5-min things:
1. Arctic labels are difficult to read.
2. I don't like the connection line from Sri Lanka. Could you try and put the circle slightly out to make the connection as short as possible?
3. Could you assign some of the East Canada land to Newfoundland? I think it is weird now, with one being so big and the other so small. I don't like East Canada, neither the name nor the form actually, but I guess that's a thing of mine.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
Fendi wrote:
I don't know what others think but to me the map looks very busy, there's too much going on, which of course adds to the confusion.
I know it's not nearly as large as some of the maps we have but to me it somehow looks as if it's 100+ territories, I'm not sure what you can do to solve this problem other than removing some of the territories and changing the game-play but if you have a better solution then feel free to go with it.
cbt711 wrote:
It's 1024 pixels wide whhen you download it, but only shows up on the link like 780 pixels wide making it look cluttered... even at 1024 it seems kinda busy like Fendi says - maybe this would have to be HD.
It looks too pixelated on the borders like you should zoom in. I think that's why it looks like there's 100 territories to Fendi.

The space background is also low resolution and takes away from the map. The border reduction on the mini map looks really bad, again all pixelated and aliased. Which would benefit from the regions being solid with no borders on the mini map.

The borders in general are too thin maybe, because they all look very jagged. And not too sharp, but too digital, like one pixel turns left and right now and then. I think photo shop or GIMP and paths / stroke borders would help A LOT.

Egypt still looks like a melting rectangle.
cbt711 wrote:
Get a blue melon or photo bucket account - I really want to see this in its native resolution. Maybe that's what's making the lines look so odd to me.
naathim wrote:
It does look pretty crowded, but like cbt said, it's mostly due to the hosting site. Maybe if it still looks crowded even full sized, this should be an expanded map like Westeros or some of the others. I know some HATE to scroll, but if the map requires it, the map requires it. (idk if all the bigger maps are HD, so I just say that, sorry if I'm repeating cbt).

Some of the borders do need to be readjusted. Egypt/Sudan are still a little wooby. India, America, Saudi Arabia, Iran, all just seem off. IDK what you used for a start, but it might be better to go with a different starter with more accurate borders, although you've certainly made improvements.

I hope Mongolia can stay it's own region and still fit gameplay. I like it like that.

Maybe Siam should be SE Asia.

I don't like Caribbean region. 4 territory for 2 bonus with 3 borders? I'd take Caribbean territory out and remove the connection line between Cuba/Central America.

Still don't see the point of Newfoundland. Remove it.

Those will help declutter some too.

Still think Moscovia should be in big pink russian region.
Dferguson wrote:
Not eastern canada.... I'm a alantic Canadian , because I live on the alantic ocean side... In the Atlantic provinces. Therefore Canada should have 3 section, West-Central-Atlantic.

Just a thought.

Ps. I like the map, needs some TLC but you are doing great.
Virtuosity98 wrote:

If you are looking for any of the changes listed from post #52 - post #57, I have NOT done any of them yet - they are good ideas and I will get round to them.

@CBT711: I made a BlueMelon account, and I've uploaded my latest textures onto this account. It still shows up a little smaller than actual size on this website, but not drastically so. The lines will still look weird, but I've downloaded GIMP, and will try to sort the jaggedness of the lines out on that. The minimap is clearly graphically poor at the moment, but I'm not wasting time on it until borders and regions are completely finalised. The space background is also sub-par, but really I only ever added that to give an impression of the kind of background I planned - if it's so distractingly bad I can remove it on future posts.

About border shape, for example, India, I traced from the second image on this site:
Looking back now, I see that the point about Egypt is valid ("Egypt still looks like a melting rectangle." lol). Saudi Arabia was adjusted slightly to make the territory circles for Yemen and Oman fit better. I don't see how India is wrong, though.


"Ps. I like the map, needs some TLC but you are doing great."
Probably a stupid question but what's TLC?
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Virtuosity98 wrote:
The crowdedness is an issue. This is because the map, being fairly semi-circular, wastes a lot of space on the background, and more space is lost to the Atlantic Ocean. Either we have a crowded map, or we cut down the number of territories fairly severely where it is most crowded. If I absolutely had to cut down territories, 72 territories would be best, as it has loads of factors: 2,3,4,6,8,9.

This being said I would much prefer to keep the gameplay that I currently have (Isn't Westeros pretty crowded in the bottom-left?).
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cbt711 wrote:
Blue melon help:
First go to where obviously your screen name is there instead of the word screen name.
Then click on your album containing your latest map.
Select your latest map on the left and a larger version will show up on the right.

Right click the larger version, select view image, or copy image URL.
The image URL should look something like this (using mine as an example)

It will be small. BOOO! Ok, so delete everything from the DASH to the .jpg - We just want the number.jpg, not that T600450 stuff. It should look like this instead.

See what was deleted? Do that to yours.

There's your full res picture. And I mean FULL RES! On blue melon, you can save full HD photos, unlike photobucket.

Spoiler (click to show)
( I used to make PS3 / XBOX 1080P background images by request on another site )

Also to post your latest full res image directly into your post, copy the full res URL (in my example that's not click the spoiler button (Gold shield), then click the image button (looks like a Polaroid picture), paste the url, and hit OK. And it should do this:

Spoiler (click to show)