Map of the N. Hemisphere with Arctic - 79 territories!
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cbt711 wrote:
TLC is tender love and care.
I know this seems really harsh. But we will help you not just yell at you and tell you your map needs work. Psymon is lightning fast at this stuff. Look what he did to South Africa Districts.

I had to take on help for my map, and oh my word - how they criticized. But it was worth it. It went from:

Spoiler (click to show)


Spoiler (click to show)

Don't be discouraged if you're willing to work on it until completion. If you think a month or so of feedback and corrections is too much, then think about asking for help or maybe a site that's not so demanding of it's map makers. I know how you feel!
Virtuosity98 wrote:
Spoiler (click to show)
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cbt711 wrote:
Nice looks much better native format. For the borders, check this out:

I don't have volume right now at work, so not sure if this one is any good. But there is this one and another dozen on the right. These should teach you all you need to know to make awesome borders. Once you have made a path, just set up the paint brush and 2-3 pixel hard circles on black, and stroke path. Tutorials should cover stroke path, but if not I can figure it out and teach you.

I do all this on photoshop :) The last bit of advice is crucial. You need someone to input all that text for you in photoshop. Nothing makes text look better than photoshop somehow. I think even GIMP rasterizes it into an image :( Photoshop keeps it vector based interactive text for forever.

You can save from gimp to .psd - so it might be a smooth transition for text input just by sending it to someone with photoshop. A trial version of photoshop at the end would also work just for the text.

Your text looks decent now actually, but just a warning GIMP text usually looks poor.
Virtuosity98 wrote:
About that, I'm so clueless with IT skills that I can't figure out how to import a layered pdn file into GIMP! I've also tried copying and pasting layer by layer, but then I can't do anything to the layers, and the transparent areas become opaque, meaning everything is covered except for territory circles.
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cbt711 wrote:
See if you can save as or export file, and instead of pdn, try psd
Virtuosity98 wrote:
@ PsymonStark

I saw your post as soon as you posted it, but it took me all this time to actually install your plugin!! That is the level of incompetence that I demonstrate whenever I grab hold of a mouse!! I couldn't find my "" folder - I kept on looking in the Installer folder! Schoolboy error.

Anyway, your plugin worked and I'll be able to import my file to GIMP now (hopefully). Thanks so much! :D
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Virtuosity98 wrote:
Yep, working perfectly! Thanks!
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Virtuosity98 wrote:
I've just realised something about the overcrowded-ness of Europe - whilst it is relatively crushed up compared to the rest of the map, having made a direct comparison between my map and the world expanded map, both at full size, I noticed that the area of NW Africa (Mali, Niger, Chad, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon) in the World Expanded Map has territory circles closer together than the territory circles in Europe on my map.

I just wanted to point that out.

Also, Dferguson said: "Not eastern canada.... I'm a alantic Canadian , because I live on the alantic ocean side... In the Atlantic provinces. Therefore Canada should have 3 section, West-Central-Atlantic. "

I agree with this, but I want further opinions as I'm uncertain. It would sort out the minor issue of Newfoundland being dwarfed by Eastern Canada.
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PsymonStark wrote:
It's not only what it is, it's what is seems. The "vertical" Russian territories (Moscovia, Perm, Ural, Siberia) could look better if you gave them more realistic-looking borders, for example.
Living proof that everyone can be a brilliant great good decent cartographer.
naathim wrote:
Much better full sized!!

Don't worry, it took me like 5 hours to get that plugin installed when Psymon gave it to me too!!

Good luck with GIMP, I found it intractable and just too complex to use :'(

The shading on the North Pole territory looks really nice. Looks like actual snow/ice.
cbt711 wrote:
Naathim, yeah this time I offered youtube help after last time leaving you on your own. Sorry about that!
Virtuosity98 wrote:
Sorry, I couldn’t use your help as I do not have access to YouTube. After a great deal of confusion, I managed to come up with this outline:

Spoiler (click to show)

Obviously I will do the rest later. Please do not comment on the geographical placement of the line – comment on the quality of the line. I want to know whether this type of border would be acceptable on my final map, or whether my method of creating this line was accurate.
If it is not accurate, perhaps one of you could discern what I did wrong (I am aware that this may be difficult from a picture). If you know that it is wrong, but don’t know how, I could try and describe my method to you.


I'm not sure whether the image is working - try this:


Showing just how tech-savvy I am again! I've just managed to embed the image in the spoiler!


Territory Border clean-ups coming soon!
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