Anything that is either.
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tramadol wrote:
I'd like to start this unique thread due to people I've seen criticising others for something they do and worse!

First up is Dracarys.
Is ANYTHING he does, considered Right?
Trolling, spamming, fake accounts, accusations, harassment, thread interruptions... etc. and then calls others wrong for everything, no matter how legitimate!

I say Wrong!
Dracarys wrote:
This thread is going to get hilarious. I'm salivating at the future comedy.
Clarkette wrote:
Question, Is it really a suicide if you are not making a move with the intent of giving someone else the game? What if you are just making a "Risky" move and you know that if you don't do whatever you can on that move that the person following you is most likely going to win anyway?
Clarkette wrote:
I was not referring to the Clarke blowup lol....he blows up at me just like anyone else. I was asking for my own sake. I have done things before that has been considered suicide by some but that was not my intent. I knew that it was my only shot to win and that the next person was going to take the game no matter what I did.
4zaviola wrote:
Clarke gets my vote...wants to be taken seriously then behaves like a child when you attack his continent.

I always thought that that was the point of Risk. I best read the rules again, because there is NO WAY Clarke 'The Blow Up' is wrong!
bluebird005vis wrote:
Don't be desperate, there's allways conquer club.
Want to have a good laugh look at this 1.
Read the end of the chat.
1 suicider, 2 moderators ( 1 who is actualy playing in the game ).
Their reply: why did you do that? and if only he had known about the resign button.
I feel I'm in a Monthy python scetch and someone sold me a dead parrot.
Perhaps the should change the name of this site to THE DEAD PARROT.
Way more appropriate.
4zaviola wrote:
I am all for a harder line (discipline), if it is stupidity it will help people learn. If it's not, they deserve it.

I can and do select games where you are happy to join the players, avoiding others.....but when you set a game are stuck with whoever joins.

I don't like to hear of good, honest players leaving the site because of eejits (a wee Scots word for intellectually challenged).
bluebird005vis wrote:
ah yes, the fecking eejits, did not know that was a scotisch term tough.
If things stay the same as they are now then soon enough all you will see is the few remaining decent players will play only password protected games with players they know ( this is allready happening in live games ) and the rest will be the cheaters suicidebunnies, teamers and newbies that don't know how to play who play with each other.
It'll be marvelous.
And those halfway decent players that don't want to play in little password protected "gated communities" will have left.
But on the up side, everyone will know where the resign button is.
4zaviola wrote:
Eejit is a Scots/Irish word. It sounds absolutely fabulous in both accents! lol.
tramadol wrote:
I have just read the thread recommended:
@Clarkette Don't be desperate:
Read this thread:
A very good thread!

It also held the key to the exact moment that Dracary's hatred for aeronautic and his friends occurred:
In a Deathmatch, I recently tried to explain to Dracarys (2nd Lieutenant) why having 1 card in his pocket and going for my 2 cards to MAKE A SET, was a bad move and I got told to "Stop Crying" and a whole bunch of slander to follow
Post #32
I'll start off by saying thanks for your service.

Though I question if you actually served because you're a stone cold liar. You just completely fabricated a story about me.
To save you all reading the whole thread, aeronautic posted an example of an experienced player Dracarys making a terrible move with little or no chance of survival (attacked and killed a large army for 2 cards whilst holding 1), which was relevant to the discussion in that thread and from what I can see from the game chat (bare in mind it was the old card rules).
17 Dec, 23:47 aeronautic:
Let me tell you now and forever, Golden rule of Risk, never try to kill an entire army for 3 cards and no more!
17 Dec, 23:47 Dracarys:
I checked to make sure there wasn't any other black card turn ins
17 Dec, 23:48 aeronautic:
Any lessons learned.... I very much doubt it!
and that tells you what, that out of all the cards on the table someone might have a black card?????
17 Dec, 23:49 Dracarys:
But if I killed someone else and you were the orange player would you cry like a baby or sit and salivate?
17 Dec, 23:49 aeronautic:
what were the chances of the guy with 3 having one? Just don't ever take that chance.... it loses for you and the defender.... 99%
17 Dec, 23:49 Dracarys:
You see, one can't know that ones game logic was incorrect and when pointed out, start calling the person a baby that cries and whines, that is name calling and provocation. No wonder he replied with "OK Dracarys.... that is your lot pal!
you horrible little erk!"
And when he legitimately used this game as an example of what not to do in the above forum, Dracarys called him a liar as above.
I really think it's time for Dracarys to accept that when he makes a bad risk move, then provokes somebody by calling them names, he can't make out he is the innocent party.
Putting and end to this would make him a better person and player. It might also allow him to accept others as friends and not enemies just because they know or like aeronautic. The poor guy was a really good player and most people here will know that. In fact I don't want anyone on this site to hate people because of who they know or like.

Last but not least, I have known aeronautic for 30+ years and 'yes' he did serve in the armed forces as a career (aircraft aeronautical engineer), hence the name, so again, misplaced accusations. Come on Dracarys, be a friend not an enemy! You have a lot of experience and valuable information & ideas to offer here, just ditch the harassment of players, continue to spoof if you wish, the staff seem to love it and it brings a bit of fun to the game.
Dracarys wrote:
I never said I hated his friends. Syg is his friend, I like him. I'm fine with people that like him.

I just think you are AERO and no one has been able to convince me otherwise. 

You even lie like him, saying I hate all his friends.