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tontot wrote:
I thought I win this game without having to think twice until

Mexico (tontot) attacks Cuba (vodkamikebid) killing 23 troops, losing 41.
Dferguson wrote:
I great chance to run the board and win!! stupid dice!

Peru (Dferguson) attacks Venezuela (yoegoboss) conquering it, killing 20 troops, losing 34.
22 Sep, 18:01 Argentina (Dferguson) attacks Peru (yoegoboss) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1.
22 Sep, 18:01 Brazil (Dferguson) attacks Argentina (yoegoboss) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0.
22 Sep, 18:00 North Africa (Dferguson) attacks Brazil (yoegoboss) conquering it, killing 6 troops, losing 11.
22 Sep, 18:00 Egypt (Dferguson) attacks North Africa (yoegoboss) conquering it, killing 19 troops, losing 21.
22 Sep, 18:00 East Africa (Dferguson) attacks Egypt (yoegoboss) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1.
22 Sep, 18:00 East Africa (Dferguson) attacks South Africa (Vandals) conquering it, killing 4 troops, losing 4.
22 Sep, 17:59 East Africa (Dferguson) attacks Congo (yoegoboss) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1.

ran battle simulation 1000 times on axillary site and out of those simulations the attack wins 100% average conquering army size of 34-42 men.. instead I came out with 11. kill 53 lost 73
Dferguson wrote:
Matanzas 2 (Dferguson) attacks Matanzas (jaege) killing 18 troops, losing 31.
23 Sep, 15:45 Santa Clara 2 (Dferguson) attacks Matanzas 2 (dragon007) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 2.
23 Sep, 15:45 Moron 2 (Dferguson) attacks Santa Clara 2 (jaege) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1.
23 Sep, 15:45 Stake bay 2 (Dferguson) attacks Moron 2 (jaege) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1.

TWO GAMES IN A ROW... getting tired of this "randomness"
urgul wrote:
once again all of those rolls except the 1st seem totally normal, actually kinda good.
Dferguson wrote:
that was a continues stream of attack, I realize going 1-1 or 1-2 with a 3-1 dice situation is very probable. next time I can leave them out I just wanted to show the whole turn without any gaps. But I would not say that was a kind good outcome.

EL-Dominator wrote:
1 vs 1 game : I didnt even play 1 round.

27 Sep, 03:34 Game finished.
27 Sep, 03:34 EL-Dominator received 20 tokens.
27 Sep, 03:34 Ljarry received 20 tokens.
27 Sep, 03:34 Ljarry received 24 points.
27 Sep, 03:34 EL-Dominator lost 24 points.
27 Sep, 03:34 Ljarry won the game.
27 Sep, 03:34 EL-Dominator has been defeated by Ljarry.
27 Sep, 03:34 Stake Bay (Ljarry) attacks Jamaica (EL-Dominator) conquering it, killing 12 troops, losing 4.
27 Sep, 03:34 Stake Bay was reinforced by Ljarry with 5 troops.
27 Sep, 03:33 Ljarry received 2 troops for holding Florida
27 Sep, 03:33 Ljarry received 3 troops for 8 territories.
27 Sep, 03:33 Game has started.
27 Sep, 03:33 Ljarry started the turn.

Thorpe wrote:
Why do you think I do not play 1v1? Duh...luck!
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
urgul wrote:
not bad, not bad. talk about strategy XD. its gotta be like a full moon that night or the start were aligned in a weird way that happens once every trillion years. seriously thats never happened before in any of my games. just bad luck :S
Sygmassacre wrote:

gki7 (Sygmassacre) attacks danxf11 (bluebird005vis) killing 56 troops, losing 36.
gki7 (Sygmassacre) attacks Dsds7292 (bluebird005vis) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0.
chuos (Sygmassacre) attacks gki7 (bluebird005vis) conquering it, killing 5 troops, losing 2.
Mike (Sygmassacre) attacks chuos (bluebird005vis) conquering it, killing 56 troops, losing 32.

Pity its in a game that im far from winning. Was actually just about evening up a game with four players left and kept getting good rolls.
Still nice though
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
dragon007 wrote:
well this is really a terrible roll I think...
In a long term game i was going to wipe out 2 other playing getting me 6 cards in total, and thereafter I would have dominated the last remaining player.
But well instead I gave it completely to the latter as my initial attack failed.

2 Oct, 09:11 Guantanamo (dragon007) attacks Mattheu (KittyCatManiac) killing 10 troops, losing 31.

Just to set a few things straight, i was atticking with these 32 guys and red had 15 on that country.
then there would have been a blue 3, a red 3, and two green 1's for getting these cards of theirs.
So terrible :(
arschficker wrote:
I doubt that anybody has ever something like this:

Havana (arschficker) attacks Juventud (snotpork) killing 1 troops, losing 15.

I really need a premium account...
Matty wrote:
The more you play, the more you will see that these dice just happen.

However, the more you play, the more you will know what to do when that happends, and win regardless of you dice (though at the wrong moment losing 15 killing 1 can be pretty decicive).
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria