• 87 posts
  • Page 6 of 6
DreamStreet wrote:
sorry to clarify 2 games on hold that could be started

The reason we did this was because The Boys had a huge game overload. We will get those started as soon as they finish 2 games.
Rockbert wrote:
alright! here we go to the next round!
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
Rockbert is online.
DreamStreet wrote:
Stay Tuned Guys! I am in the process of sending out a group message for knockout rounds!
DreamStreet wrote:
And we are not even the last ones even after having to stagger our games. LOL

Well to be honest, the only reason you weren't is because of a tiebreaker game needed to determine second and third place in Group A.
DreamStreet wrote:
Draw for Knockout Rounds:

Here are your opponents for the Next Round!!! Good Luck!

1. @dough_boy / @hooboy11 vs @jfults / @begold
2. @Abs / @Irob vs @Rockbert / @Ryomyr
3. @SHJENKE / @SN007 vs @richierich / @gameplayer
4. @DreamStreet / @KoE_Doja vs @Temul / @paceme

Will Create the Games Now!!!!
DreamStreet wrote:
WOW!!! Home Advantage really does play a huge part! in 3/4 quarterfinal matchups, the teams won all their home games with only one exception.
DreamStreet wrote:

Champions: @DreamStreet & @KoE_Doja (2480 tokens & 550 points per player)

Runners Up: @richierich & @gameplayer (1095 tokens & 250 points per player)

Tokens have been Sent! Points will be Rewarded as soon as @maafi is available to do that. I already alerted him!