• 87 posts
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Rockbert wrote:
I sent you tokens for me and Ryomyr
"A writer is a person for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people."
- Thomas Mann
periwinkle wrote:
Ok....we finally decided

Peri & Clark are in!

@periwinkle and @clarkenfeld : home map....Europe 1814, sunny (no fog), Increasing cards, original dice, Normal turn in of cards, chained fortification.
DreamStreet wrote:
Ok....we finally decided

Peri & Clark are in!

@periwinkle and @clarkenfeld : home map....Europe 1814, sunny (no fog), Increasing cards, original dice, Normal turn in of cards, chained fortification.

Deathmatch, correct?

Guys, we will start the tournament tomorrow. Get Ready!
SHJENKE wrote:
300 tokens have been donated

Home map worldclassic, Deathmatch, Increasing Cards, Chained, Original Dice, Fog
dough_boy wrote:
The Boys

Gametype: Deathmatch
Card turn in: Increasing
Map: United States
Fortification: Unlimited
Turn Order: Consecutive
Dice: Original
Fog of War: Yes
Advanced Cards: No

I have paid the 300 for the team
KC321 wrote:
Card turn in:, No cards
Map: Italy
Fortification: Adjacent
Turn Order: Consecutive,
Dice: Original
Fog of War: Yes
Advanced Cards: NA
DreamStreet wrote:
Card turn in:, No cards
Map: Italy
Fortification: Adjacent
Turn Order: Consecutive,
Dice: Original
Fog of War: Yes
Advanced Cards: NA

Deathmatch? Please Confirm
DreamStreet wrote:
Hey Everyone!!!

Here are the Groups for the 2v2 Champions League Tournament:

As a Reminder, every team will face every other team in their group four times (2 games home and away). That means total of 24 games per group (12 per team). Get familiar with your opponents home settings as well! A Win is 3pts, A Draw is 1pt, and A Loss is 0pts. We likely won't see many draws, but a draw / stalemate by agreement is allowed if it ends up in a stalemate. I expect we might very well see a few of those due to some weird settings.

Group A:
1. @DreamStreet / @KoE_Doja (South Africa Map, Deathmatch, Increasing Cards, Chained Fortification, Consecutive Turns, Original Dice, No Fog, Advanced Cards)
2. @Rockbert / @Ryomyr (New Zealand Map, Deathmatch, Increasing Cards, Chained Fortification, Consecutive Turns, Original Dice, No Fog)
3. @xueping / @hshep33 (Balkan Peninsula Map, Deathmatch, Increasing Cards, Chained Fortification, Consecutive Turns, Balanced Dice, No Fog)
4. @vorple / @HS0602 (World Expanded Map, Deathmatch, Capped (8) Cards, Unlimited Fortification, Consecutive Turns, Original Dice, Fog of War)

Group B:
1. @periwinkle / @clarkenfield (Europe 1814 Map, Deathmatch, Increasing Cards, Chained Fortification, Consecutive Turns, Original Dice, No Fog)
2. @jfults / @begold (Gold Coast Map, Deathmatch, Increasing Cards, Unlimited Fortification, Consecutive Turns, Balanced Dice, Fog, Advanced Cards)
3. @notoriouspat / @KC321 (Italy Map, Deathmatch, No Cards, Adjacent Fortification, Consecutive Turns, Original Dice, Fog of War)
4. @SHJENKE / @SN007 (World Classic Map, Deathmatch, Increasing Cards, Chained Fortification, Consecutive Turns, Original Dice, Fog of War)

Group C:
1. @Abs / @Irob (Europe 1814 Map, Deathmatch, Increasing Cards, Chained Fortification, Consecutive Turns, Original Dice, No Fog)
2. @Edman6 / @MarshyMotty (Italy Map, Deathmatch, Capped (30) Cards, Chained Fortification, Consecutive Turns, Original Dice, No Fog)
3. @Rcomer727 / @Pygmyhippo277 (World Expanded Map, Capitals, Increasing Cards, Unlimited Fortification, Consecutive Turns, Original Dice, Fog of War)
4. @Temul / @paceme (World Classic Map, Deathmatch, Increasing Cards, Chained Fortification, Consecutive Turns, Original Dice, Fog of War)

Group D:
1. @dough_boy / @hooboy11 (United States Map, Deathmatch, Increasing Cards, Unlimited Fortification, Consecutive Turns, Original Dice, Fog of War)
2. @General_Ender / @Macklyn (Mediterranean Map, Deathmatch, Capped (15) Cards, Chained Fortification, Consecutive Turns, Original Dice, Fog, Advanced Cards)
3. @richierich / @gameplayer (Atlantis Map, Deathmatch, Capped (10) Cards, Chained Fortification, Consecutive Turns, Original Dice, Fog of War, Advanced Cards)
4. @blfingerhut / @Train (New York City Map, Deathmatch, Capped (35) Cards, Chained Fortification, Consecutive Turns, Original Dice, Fog of War, Advanced Cards)

Now I have 96 games to create so this will likely take awhile, but I will get to it right away. Good Luck Everyone!
DreamStreet wrote:
OK Guys!!! All Games have begun!

P.S. There are a lot of weird settings on here, so I highly recommend reviewing your opponents settings in order to be familiar with your games!

Good Luck Everyone!!!
richierich wrote:
we have no comes on hold can we start these we have finished four and some have 12 games going so it woudl be good to get them strated please