I am pleased to announce that the site has new owners. Fendi and -NoXoN- have purchased the site
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BrewDog wrote:
I like Paddlin's idea. Spotify plays random 15 second commercials for people using it free, D12 could try that out. A quick commercial after a couple clicks shouldn't drive anyone that mad. Or some banner adds on the side in the non game screens.
Matty wrote:
I personally hate those commercials. But that's why I have an adblocker I guess.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Matty is online.
Makaveli1671 wrote:
Keep up the great work! I love this site and recommend it anytime I have the chance.
silverfoot wrote:
Congrats on purchase. Liked the Idea about fee to play events. Rewards get expensive but people really dig cool prizes, cash, trinkets of most kinds. Look up fishing tournaments...you fall under the same rules and it is a game of skill...which makes it legal for cash payouts without getting into gambling laws here in USA. As far as membership, I want shares of stock. As for development I bet there might be a few talented hands in here who would love to volunteer some work. Hey maybe even something as simple as a recruiting drive as a contest....just a thought. And based on your current model I understand that you may not want to share this but have your worked out a breakeven anaylsis....you know how many memberships will it take to pay the bills and to cover the expansion and R&;D on the game, not to mention at some point you need to get paid. I know I would.
silverfoot wrote:
by the way I would not news and information in the waiting for more players. I have been on here a few months and yes I am planning on buying a membership but this is the first time I have even really explored this area. Honestly did not know it existed. But I am getting excited and wish you guys all the success.
RiskMan wrote:
I have to tell you I was a pogo player and this site is much more stable with no ads. I am a fan.
RiskMan wrote:
That's a great idea. If you are having money issues there are many ways that people would pay without the premium membership - As people have stated have some contests that people pay to be part of and can win descent money (I am sure that would be popular), Also offer members ownership in your site - That way you can sell 20% of the business and have enough money to run the site for a long time without worries. Maybe you can get some people with marketing background like myself involved and really turn this into a money maker... Just my thoughts....
fitz wrote:
How about offering more benefits to premium members to increase membership. For example, premium members can have the option to have a 'warning sound' when it is their turn. Or, premium members have unlimited 'add time' function in a match. You could also even consider allowing premium members to have the ability to quit a game. From time to time people need to leave. If you made a function that allows premium members to do this (if if were to be abused, you may need to consider adding restrictions). You could also extend that function to non-premium members, only if they are in the game with a premium member then they have the opportunity to leave the game early. This would decrease waiting time for premium members, and give non-premium members an extra feature from time to time.