alert in the end of turn
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Rastlin wrote:
Number one most Dave desired feature. And now in bold.

Number one most Dave desired feature.

Cireon wrote:
*sigh* repeating a request a bazillion times is not going to make us implement it any faster.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
lamarl86 wrote:
Even while writing this topic I run the risk of missing my turn. I know most players run multiple tabs/ windows while dominating.This seams like a simple solution to the problem. Even if the tab would flash like it does when receiving a new message on Facebook would help.
lamarl86 wrote:
Even in live (Speed) games it can take awhile when its more than 3 players. I don't have trouble strategizing. While browsing this topic two players have been kicked for missing turns in a 5 person match. I might win the game but at what cost?
elysium5 wrote:
Please take the time to read the thread first. It will answer some of your questions.
"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."
Vexer wrote:
Done! Just view a game and CTRL + F5 a few times to make sure you get the new javascript file.

But maybe it's not exactly what you all wanted.

The sound will play every time the turn changes and not just when it's your turn. If you are off doing something else until it's your turn then you will not have already planned your move and you will slow the game down. This way you check back after each player has taken their turn and you adjust your plan so that when it's your turn you take it fast.

This alert is only for consecutive turn games. In same time games it's expected that you stay and focus on the game.

You will also see a popup message telling you who's turn it is. This was added primarily for brand new users who sometimes think that no one is playing and leave the game because they don't notice the little circles changing numbers and colors. The popup fades on it's own after 2.5 seconds so it shouldn't be too annoying.

If you still can't hear any alerts after refreshing then try clearing your browser cache. If you still can't hear the alerts but you see the popup then this means that your browser is not compatible. Update your browser or use a different one that is up to date. These sounds require html5 compatibility to work.

As a bonus I also made an alert for when you are about to run out of time (10 seconds left). This one does work for same time games.

You can disable both of these sounds in the options tab.

Eventually there will be a setting on your account settings page that will disable the sounds by default though you will still be able to enable them per game in the options tab.

Customized sounds have already been requested but that's not something I am going to look into anytime soon.

And while I was discussing and testing all this with hoodlum and BETA, hoodlum gave me an idea for the same time game players. Switching from the chat tab to the log tab will now re-sync your browser's timer with the server and check to see if any moves have been made and check to see if the turn has changed. It is no longer necessary to keep hitting refresh when the time is almost up in order to get a jump on your opponents. It's much faster and easier on the server to just switch back and forth from chat to log tab until the turn updates.

If you have any suggestions or feedback I'd like to hear it.
Virtuosity98 wrote:
Both changes sound good!
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The_Bishop wrote:
Both changes sound good!
They seem to be appropriate words! I agree with that.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
Virtuosity98 wrote:
Haha,I didn't even realise my joke - it was completely punintentional! ^^
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Hoodlum wrote:
More sound alert idea's (something down the track maybe)

Now that we got cool animations, it could work nicely with some simple sounds.

The new animation is cool when you have just killed a capital and all territories convert. looks like an explosion with all territories newly occupied animating in unison . I imagine a simple

sizzle (burning) audio would fit in for an eliminated player. :thumbs:

Maybe a victory sound too for the winner / gameover

eliminated sound =
victory sound =

Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
jr502 wrote:
I have a question about the 'your turn' sound notification in-game.

Maybe the issue is my browser needs to be updated. I get the visual indicator that it is my turn, but not the sound.
However -- if I click the little "speaker icon" (not the checkbox) on the options tab next to 'play turn alert' -- I hear the sound upon clicking (like a test). Is this consistent still with it being a browser issue?

Is it possible to state which of these features are required?


Cireon wrote:
That is really odd, and may be related to some recent changes I made. I'll investigate from our side and check if this may be a regression.

In the meantime, the features you need are under Audio; the "audio" element and the "preload audio in the background" feature should be enough.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
jr502 wrote:
thanks for the update. "audio" and "preload audio in the background" both show as "yes" supported when I use the html5 test link.
kwikool wrote:
is there some reason why the alert for running out of time doesn't alert me.. are there browsers that it doesn't work on??