Should 2 attacker's sixes beat the defender's 1 six?
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Vexer wrote:
This is a proposal to change the dice rules, improving on the original Risk rules.

I have always found it annoying and absurd that in battles where the defender only rolls 1 die the attacker can roll 2 or 3 sixes and still lose if the defender rolls a 6. I know that I am not the only one to think this; I have heard it from other players as well. I, of course, understand that a defender's 6 should beat an attacker's 6, but I think that if the attacker rolls 2 sixes then they should win.

So what would this do to the attackers advantage?

In a 3 dice vs 1 battle it would increase the attackers advantage by 1.24% which isn't very significant. But what is significant is that it would decrease the chances of the attacker losing 3 times in a row by about 9%.

Many players get really upset when they lose like 8 vs 1 and I've heard stories about losing 17 to 1. They try to say that there is something wrong with the dice even though because it can happen, it will happen, to someone, sometime. I understand the role of randomness in the game but I think that these kinds of losses are just really annoying and make the game worse. So if we make this change then it would reduce the chances of those kinds of losses without affecting the attackers advantage too much.

If we wanted to change 2 dice vs. 1 battles then it would increase the attackers advantage by 0.46% and decrease the chances of the attacker losing 3 times in a row by 2.7%.
Cireon wrote:
Would this be an option, or just a modification of existing dice?
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Vexer wrote:
I would prefer a modification, though I assume since you ask that you prefer it be an option.
Cireon wrote:
I am not sure yet, it was just out of interest. I don't want to put everything in options, because otherwise in the future we will have thousands of options and that is not what we want either.
Is it possible to only enable it for certain games in the beginning to see what influence they have on the game before it is implemented in all games? I think it is a good idea to indeed reduce the chance of losing 3+ vs 1. I think the chance the lose 2 vs 1 should more or less stay the same.

As I understand it, this will only influence battles vs 1, so I guess this is a nice change ;)
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card
Matty wrote:
I am a purist, but I would like to keep the option of keeping the old situation where 6 6 6 vs 6 will loose :)

I suggest using the improvement on modified dice, and using the traditional one on traditinal dice.
We want to have that as an option anyways, and this way we don't need an extra option again. Makes sense.

This really is only about x vs 1 battles right?
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
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MuzuaneAskari wrote:
I guess I am also a purist. I am "fine" with those defeats 66Xvs6, but mostly to be sure I won't have to explain a payer in the middle of a game that he lost even though he had a six. And this in the best posible situation (imagine they say it's a bug or cheating with the set up of the game, because there a % of players who don't come to the forum, but this % should be much bigger in the noobs)
Gato que avanza, Perro que ladra
Matty wrote:
Well, the thing about it is that the defender doesnt see his dice :)
So only the attacker knows that the defender looses even tough he had a 6.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
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Vexer wrote:
Ok, so we will move this idea in with the fake dice (modified dice) that have been discussed for 3 v 2 battles. We will make this enabled only for 3 v 1 and not 2 dice vs 1.