Future players
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Dsds7292 wrote:
How about differnt types of fog, I played a few different types of it from a differnt site. They had no fog, light fog, normal fog, dense fog, heavy fog, and complete fog, which was VERY SCARY
Thorpe wrote:
The place was in Salem,Ore at Boones Tavern on Broadway and ?, right by JK Carpets. I wasn't over 21 so. If you would like to have your son play my grandson that is 9.......lets set one up and let them "kill" each other. Maybe there is more kids that can play or we could make a game called "The JR of RISK". Let me know a time!
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
1771 wrote:
Sure thing bro, my son will mainly be playing on weekends, because he now has school. I would say let them go at it risk day. Every Saturday at 8:00 am central u.s. time is when it starts, but if you want a specific time how about high noon...LOL!!! I like the ideal the JR of RISK, sounds amazing we could definetly get others involved, they could play a 3 man game for sure if we could get zappyjr on board.

BOONES TAVERN gets 2 thumbs up from me, and I have never even been to Oregon :) Sounds AWESOME!!! If it was still open and hosting Risk games I would say time to gather up the old crew and make a road trip :)

dsds I want D12 to have a thousand options literally, however I know some will be shared with other sites, but I really want the ones that sets us apart from the rest, like the quality of our maps and players sets us apart from the rest. I want the makers of warlight,cc,and all the rest to envy us. To see what we have here and say damn I wish I would of thought about that, and then snag our ideals.
Teck wrote:
I personally think that creating lobbies by skill level is a viable option and I've seen it at other sites too. This will definitely help training the newbies up too. In a longer term, I'll probably want something similar to a 'training room' for the starters.

In regards to other game features, I'm pretty sure that it's gonna be in place slowly over the time. I'm personally would love to have more programmers involved so that we could speed up the development. But so far, there's only me so it's gonna take some time.
Votazap wrote:
ok,votazapjr would definetly be interested...he told me personally his 3 favorites to play are 1771jr,1771,and fendi...jr of risk would be very cool...to be honest,votazapjr is quite good,he has beat me once but he still makes mistakes as any young risk player would..I think JR of risk would help improve their skill around users their age..But,votazapjr also likes to play users he has never played..Every game i am with him in i always tell him dont team unless needed.To be honest he kills me just as much as he would kill any player.And yes 1771,sometimes i do sit with junior and try to help him.I THINK JR OF RISK SOUNDS AWESOME!!!
Votazap wrote:
SAME with votazapjr,now that school is starting he mainly plays on weekends but after school he likes to play some risk
Thorpe wrote:
Why don't you set up a game for new players under 16, then one good trainer. They get the feel of the game and how its played and still have chat with insights from trainer. MAPjr?
   The games were played at Boones Tavern on Broadway so I could not play, under 21.
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Thorpe wrote:
For the kids or new players there is Cafe' 99, in Jefferson, Or. that we could let the play with the "Dads" helping them or playing against them. We would have to do it on Sunday cause that's when we are closed. Let me know if your up for it. Or we could play!
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
1771 wrote:
Yeah sorry bro, Oregon is a long trip for me, I live in Missouri. But the training thing sounds awesome. Maybe we could rotate it out with various players, so no one loses too many points in one wop, plus it would give the kids a chance to learn different styles and techniques.

So I am definetly interested in helping who is up for rotating with us?
1771 wrote:
Are you saying you want in on the training program? If that is the case, man go for it bro. Now that I think about it, why restrict the age, because I have played with quite a few players that could use a little training program, ESPECIALLY when it comes to playing capitals. We just need to get the more experience players on here too join the training program as teachers. Maybe we should limit it to a certain rank instead of age. What do you think about that? Although dsds I have played quite a few games with you, and you pretty much know what you are doing, compared to others who really really need the help.
distributor wrote:
 Yeah training program will be very good. Will help basics to learn to play and will help us cause we will not get some kamikaz and strange attacks lol. Best way will be to play some games with this new players and tell them about strategy how to play. There are 3 important things that makes to change strategy CARDS, REINFORCEMENTS and MAP. They should know about POCKETS and leaving in each place 2 troops cause is much stronger than 1. Tell them things like this and after some days they will beat us :)
Thorpe wrote:
It is true that some players {Thorpe} make huge mistakes...cause they play like the board game and forget that a. You can't win if you attack 24 v 7 (lol) b. The game play is faster. c. The lag in game play will make you make mistakes. d. other players will not really help you even when you tell them you need help.

    Maybe we could have a help button that tells a "teacher". Then they can chat that goes between player and teacher only.
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next