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Munkayfotz wrote:
 You are prohibited from joining games with more than two players.
How could one reverse this, or undo it?
Since, I would like to join games with more than two people.
Hoodlum wrote:
You were restricted to 2p games since you have a problem with taking turns. Your attendance score is at a very low score of 62
missing turns in mulitplayer games eg 3 to 9 players ruins games and wastes time. players invest their time towards a fair game. money if they have purchased premium.
if it's connection issues, then i remind you that there are several turn time options.

here is a list of games that you possibly ruined the experience for other players due to missed turns
Spoiler (click to show)

as you can see, a missed turn results in deducted points in your attendance score which you can find on your profile page @Munkayfotz - attendance score is our most accurate calculation with the reputation scores, as it is calculated by the system, whereas other scores such as fair play and chat are dependent of the community self moderating using the report system. these scores help moderators see any patterns that may need to be addressed where restrictions could be needed
as we want to keep the site fun/fair for everyone, we have restrictions for things like low chat, such as chat bans.
for attendance scores, which is the most accurate, we restrict players to 1v1 games. missing a turn in a 1v1 game only ruins your own game and no-one elses, in regards to the points system.

you can improve your score by not missing turns. you can regain your ability to play in multiplayer games when your score reflects a respectable score

since this is a suggestion feedback forum, i'll make use of this thread to suggest

# an automatic non dual restriction for low attendance, and that it would also do the reverse for when they reach that score.
# a create game option like Rating Range Limits. such as an Attendance Score Range limit.
Hoodlum is online.
Moopsy wrote:
I have been restricted but I believe it was in error? I usually only play games with my cousins… people I know. The only thing I can think of is that I joined a public game that took awhile to begin so I forgot about it? I’d love for this to be fixed. But I don’t have any other friends who play besides my group of cousins which is the max size.
Hoodlum wrote:
I have been restricted but I believe it was in error? I usually only play games with my cousins… people I know. The only thing I can think of is that I joined a public game that took awhile to begin so I forgot about it? I’d love for this to be fixed. But I don’t have any other friends who play besides my group of cousins which is the max size.

This will be a reply to all players with low attendance scores.

It's not a mistake. I will sometimes filter through the reputation scores to check on reported chat scores, which might require chat bans in accordance to d12 chat rules , or attendance scores, which might require multiplayer restrictions. your attendance score (as of this post is 59 ) is low due to turns you may have missed in the following games.
Spoiler (click to show)

anything lower than 80 starts to become an alert.
a quick way to increase your attendance score is by a lot of 1v1 games without missing turns of course, and your attendance becomes an acceptable 90 score then a moderator can lift the restriction
these scores help us moderate the site so that the rest of the community can play a fair game. missed turns ruin games.
If you are only playing with family and friends, then we can give some exception, but this is still work on behalf of the moderators to check on that once the player realizes that they have a restriction. you can send me a list of the family/friends you play with via message and then i can look into it when i have some free time.
why do we restrict players to 2p games?
because in 1v1 games, if you miss a turn, at least your opponent benefits from likely earning win points. however, a missed turn in a multiplayer game can ruin up to 8 other players including your own.
Hoodlum is online.