A lot of added time goes to waste atm.
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vikingo1337 wrote:
Adding time to a turn is sometimes necessary to avoid missing it. Or to make sure a teammate can give you feedback in time.

Currently a whole day (24 hours) is added to a turn when a player clicks 'Add time'. The player can do it twice in a game for a total of 48 hours, but has to return to the game after the first 24 hours in order to add another 24. The same goes for 'Absence mode'.

Returning to a game only to add time is not only tiresome, but also wasteful, seeing as a player rarely uses all the time he adds. Usually he just uses a portion of those extra 24 hours, and then the rest goes to waste once he has finished his turn.

So why not let players decide for themselves how much time they want to add? If we allow a player to choose how many hours he needs to add – instead of automatically adding a full day – less time will go to waste that can then be added later on in the game. In effect also enabling a player, who knows he will be away for 48 hours, to use up all the extra time in one go.

With a dropdown menu a player could select how many hours he wants to add, and then those hours will be subtracted from a total of 48 hours. If possible, the remaining added hours that the player did not use could then be returned to him once he completes his turn, enabling him to use them at a later stage in the game.

The solution could be used not only for the ‘Add time’ option, but for ‘Absence mode’ as well.
"The brave man well shall fight and win, though dull his blade may be."
~Fafnismal 28
Matty wrote:
Feels like a lot of work for little gain - I don't see the problem with getting a full 24 hours extra and not using all of it.

If you don't have enough add times, well, maybe use the 36 hours option?
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
vikingo1337 wrote:
The suggestion is not for my own benefit. During a game I rarely need more than the 2x24 hours myself, since I usually log on multiple times per day. But more time-strapped players are not that fortunate and may well benefit from getting all of their extra time in portions – instead of too much and then nothing at all.

I very rarely play with capped cards either, but a lot of other players do, and those games tend to be much longer. Hence their need for more added time would naturally be greater.

I'm not a programmer, so I don't know if it would be a lot of work to change this. I am only speaking from a theoretical perspective. But if it were easy to change, then I see no real drawback to it. An hour here and an hour there would probably be more useful to busy players than 2x24 hours. That's my theory anyway.
"The brave man well shall fight and win, though dull his blade may be."
~Fafnismal 28
dough_boy wrote:
I am indifferent on the time, but I do agree that some games are longer than others and maybe time extensions are “earned” after every X rounds? So you start with 2 and if it goes to 8 maybe you get another. Thereafter you get another every 4 or so (just spit balling).
God_of_War wrote:
12 hour turns, then a 12 hour extension doesn't seem as bad, and if they need to use both at 1 turn, so be it, no more after that.
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Matty wrote:
I am indifferent on the time, but I do agree that some games are longer than others and maybe time extensions are “earned” after every X rounds? So you start with 2 and if it goes to 8 maybe you get another. Thereafter you get another every 4 or so (just spit balling).
This should be the case already. Though I don't know what the X is by heart.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria