Message: Send to myself? Possible?
From: AlexCheckMate
AlexCheckMate said:
15 Jan 2019, 13:44
Thanks for the swift and rather elaborate answer Matty! Makes perfect sense to not disclose all of the code - I'm not even interested in that either.
Reading through your post / code, it seems rather straightforward, but looks might be deceiving...
So... just to give myself an example...
Numerical example for a 6 player game (click to show)
As a base - for losing; you lose 20 rating. With this number getting adjusted to be lower/higher, based on your rating with respect to the average rating of the game.
As a base - for winning; you win 20 rating per opponent. With this number getting adjusted to be lower/higher, based on the opponents ratings with respect to the average rating of the game.
So..... it makes no difference for the losers against who they lose? Its just about the average rating in the game?
In case I made some errors somewhere, please do point them out to me (+ corrections xd).
As for the little modification regarding 2 player games with the loser having >3x the rating of the winner (e.g. 1500 player beats 4600 player).
Is this being processed in the way it is intended? It seems that when A > 3B, the MORE big A is with respect to B (e.g. A = 7B ), the rating distribution becomes ever so more less profitable for B...?
As an example:
Numerical evaluation of 2 player games with high ranked player >3 low ranked player (click to show)
It does indeed protect the high ranked player, but it also rewards the low ranked player in an increasingly more awkward way. I assume rating is not supposed to be 'created' out of thin air... but perhaps the winnings should not be comprised? Only tackle the losses? The current mod is only in favour of protecting high players, but does not reward low players in a fair way.
For a 'low winner', it is more profitable to win against someone exactly 3x his/her rating, than someone who's supposed to be even better (so s/he's also less likely to win against this person) and has a rating >3x of the winner. In the same logic; better to win against someone with 2x your rating, as someone with 4x your rating (gains/losses of 26 and 24 respectively).
As a sidenote... I assume the default rating starts at 1000? That way it'll be rather difficult to drop down to 500, 200, or even lesser rating... it does however make perfect sense to treat cases approaching the limits differently.. (e.g. a 200 rating player beating a 1000). Then again..... no real use in having 'exception' catchers at all places...
Once more - thanks for the input! Happy to hear some more / my current thought(s) reviewed =)
- Alex
AlexCheckMate said:
16 Jan 2019, 02:24
That's a definite Yes! =)
Going over a 4 person game (played it yesterday).
4 player game (click to show)
I'm fine with the explanation of the code as is. Thank you Matty!
If someone would want to... a spin-off topic could be to discuss whether they feel like the rating system, in the way it currently is, is fine - or some tweaking would be in order.
In my opinion... I'm not going to burn my hands on that project - yet.
Once more - thanks a lot Matty

AlexCheckMate said:
19 Jan 2019, 00:14
The following is wrong

//source: But want to send it to myself anyway - as it took quite a bit of effort to compile

I edited my post a couple of times, as I realized more and more what happened - that highlighted line by you is edited out, as I don't think so anymore.
In fact, I actually think Vexer's formula is pretty smart.
You see, if we cut it off at 30, it's unfair for the higher rated player.
Let's take the 5000 vs 1000 case in comparison with the 2000 vs 1000 case.
If the 5000 player wins, he gets 6 rating. If he loses, he loses 20.
If the 2000 player wins, he gets 13, he loses 26.
So if they both end up playing 2 games, winning one, losing one (not unreasonable for 2p games), with Vexer's formula the 5000 rated player loses netto 14 rating, the 2000 rated player loses netto 13 rating. That's actually quite fair IMO.
If we'd cut off, the 5000 rated player would've gambled losing 30 (rather then 33), for only getting 6! That's a net loss of 24 rating, which means he should probably never play 2 player games if he wants to keep his rank.
Just noticed your edits!
However... the added examples on the top of your table.... they're wrong :# (First 3 - next quote) and as such the reasoning that follows from it too...
So then maybe you do want to go back to your original thought? Or kick out the ELSE and go with the IF always (I do not think that is the better idea).
For reference, this is the weird 2p behaviour of rating. I actually never calculated the results before (Vexer put it in a long time ago).
This is how it is with Vexer's modifier.
Winner Loser Won/lost
5000 500 3
5000 1000 6
2000 1000 13
1000 1000 20
The way we calculate the rating (click to show)
As you said here^ (Post #2); it's only working IF the low player wins - IF the high player wins, the IF statement is not taken into effect (go ELSE).
//added some red/blue
I'm happy to see so many (and quick!) replies ^_^
AlexCheckMate said:
01 Feb 2019, 22:57
Just checking in with our 2 main suspects for Mafia.... Muzthebus &Bought myself 8 Spray Paints, was all the cash I had, got refunded immediately due to the capitalist regime. Figured I might use them sometime... so why not buy them now... free of charge =D (Hence the change of cost for them SP... V98 thought I found a loophole ;/) Not something that's especially related to town/mafia/neutral - just using my head? If you actually FIND this message, send me an inbox (you know who I am), do not respond on this in forum (AND CERTAINLY DO NOT QUOTE XD) - let's check who's observant. I'll graffiti something tonight - it should be pretty recognisable that it's coming from me Mayba, are you still around? It's been pretty silent around the both of you... if you wish to remain in the game, I'd suggest you try and clear any suspicions people might have on you...
size0 text in there =d