Noone is being negative, Cireon. The whole thread is full of constructive criticism, including my own.
That being said, I doubt that all players on D12 know how to code... So a more permanent solution that solves the problem once and for all, for everyone, is the best way to go.
Placing the server time in the header could work. I see you applied one of my recent suggestions, a symbol without any words, and that looks good I think. It’s easy to decipher that way, and the clock is visible wherever you go on the site.
Noone is being negative, Cireon. The whole thread is full of constructive criticism, including my own.
That being said, I doubt that all players on D12 know how to code... So a more permanent solution that solves the problem once and for all, for everyone, is the best way to go.
Placing the server time in the header could work. I see you applied one of my recent suggestions, a symbol without any words, and that looks good I think. It’s easy to decipher that way, and the clock is visible wherever you go on the site.
"The brave man well shall fight and win, though dull his blade may be."
~Fafnismal 28