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dough_boy wrote:
I am in a triads team game and it appears that one of our team member either doesn't know it is a team game or frankly doesn't care. We have fortified them, reinforced them, etc, but they have attacked us and are not doing anything to further the team. I have even sent them a message which still has no reply.

Is there a better way to ensure that when you come into a game you know it is a team game? In this case the map is so large you never see anything other than the map on my screen unless I scroll down. Also is there a way to in team games have the team chat defaulted open? It seems like when I am in team games I am getting paired with newer people who just don't know what they signed up for and we are always killed right off of the bat...
Matty wrote:
We plan to highlighting the team chat tab (or the normal game chat tab for that matter) when new chats arive - that might help a bit here.
Also I'd like an option to choose which tab opens by default, but then for new players it'll still be the game chat tab.

But ultimately, if your opponent doesn't read the normal chat, doesn't read messages, then I don't think anything we do will help here.

Also, he might be chat banned (but then he can still use preset chat and send messages) or have a full communication ban (then he even can't send preset chats anymore - though I have seen suggestions to change that. Not sure if that's done already).
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
dough_boy wrote:
If they are chat banned then I would think they shouldn't be allowed to participate in team games as chatting is VITAL to how they work...
elysium5 wrote:
To me, I would never join a team game unless I knew who my partner was or who the other participants were. This is a mode that is best suited for the password protected option, so you get a say in who plays. You take a big risk if you leave it open to anyone. It is not the same as a free for all. You need to count on your teammates and knowing other possible players backgrounds beforehand is pretty crucial.
"Bad Deadpool... Good Deadpool!"
elysium5 is online.
Matty wrote:
I agree with you Elysium, but we do have a random option so it should be playable. I do think that being able to use at least the preset chat should be mandatory for team games.

Any thoughts? Are there reasons for communication banned people to use team games?
And what about people that can use preset chat but not other chat?
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Hoodlum wrote:
A chat ban allows the use of preset chat, and they can still use messaging to communicate, so it doesn't really affect a chat banned person.
For players that have a full communication ban, they can still use preset chat as preset chat is a separate ban now.

1. maybe more preset verses that relate to team games?
2. or comm ban players have no team games added to that

but i fully agree with ely. i'd only use random team settings with a selective group of players. locked, and organized.
dough_boy wrote:
but i fully agree with ely. i'd only use random team settings with a selective group of players. locked, and organized.
I enjoy team games but I am starting to get to this point. I have lost more than I have won and even though I can see that my teammate knows it is team (they are fortifying and reinforcing me), they still don't take advantage of it to talk things through and where to go, etc.
Matty wrote:
A chat ban allows the use of preset chat, and they can still use messaging to communicate, so it doesn't really affect a chat banned person.
For players that have a full communication ban, they can still use preset chat as preset chat is a separate ban now.
Then maybe we should disallow team games to people that have that separate ban?
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Hoodlum wrote:

The cool thing about team games is the communication with your partner/s, having a plan, even socializing. I use to run a team game ladder in my old risk playground and it was easily the most popular game setting because of time convenience (live) and easier to moderate, because it eliminates the illegal alliance thing/ suicide etc. The only time it wasn't fun was if your team mate was a no show, new player etc. Otherwise, because it was a specific group of players that joined the ladder the majority of them were team game specialists and it was mostly fine to have random partners. I use to run tournaments here too, and it was quite popular and you get to know who the good team players are. If you can find a handful of players you like to play with, verse, or even teach, then it can be the best way to enjoy your risk gaming on d12. :)

Then maybe we should disallow team games to people that have that separate ban?
Makes sense, although the preset chat ban doesn't get implemented that much at all. Don't think anyone has it yet.
It's there to implement if:
Players just spam preset chat over and over.
New players might do this while learning the interface, and that's fine, and they will get a moderators message first if it's continuous.
or players that have a chat & comm ban already, but if they are at this point already and they require a pre-set chat ban also then they really should just have a total ban. The moderating team are vert patient and fair, and if it's gotten to this point, well, that's not the type of player for this site.
The_Bishop wrote:
How can you access team chat?
First of all you have to enter a team game.
Then other than the normal "Game chat" tab, you also got a "Team chat" tab next to it.
«God doesn't play dice with the World» ~ Albert Einstein
tritiumDose wrote:
Optimizing the layout for 16:9 ratio and putting the game/chat information on the left or right of the map would be a solution to your first question about users seeing the chat. It is also a really nice improvement at least for me because I'm either on a 16:9 monitor or hold my phone sideways :D
dough_boy wrote:
I wrote some code that rearranges the interface, but ultimately just put the chat back down where it was.