Just a suggestion
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HessXXX wrote:
After playing a couple of rounds, I noticed others being patient and waiting to take their turns after others are finished with theirs. Indeed this is a beta, but a suggestion to make the game play a wee more fair, is divide the sametime match into phases. Each player gets a limited time to place reinforcements, etc etc, this may make the game play a little more fair, as well as eliminating some bugs folks have been finding. Again, just a suggestion and I apologize if this has been mentioned, I went through it all and found no mention.
Hoodlum wrote:
Having played sametime games for a while now, and being my preferred game, here is my assessment for improvement.

It shouldn't be based on internet speed. I just hate when you cleverly take asia or north america, or any other region/continent in a game in a round, just to have it robbed of it's bonus in the next round, because some player is super super quick to attack. Fuming!!
Some players are just so fast, you don't even see them move and your dead!

Delayed Attack start.
I suggest a round starts, or you can start to ATTACK, after both players have placed their troops within a 10 second period, this will give the opponent time to trade in those cards at least.

The way sametime is now, getting a card trade-in can sometimes be a burden when it shouldn't be. It can cost you the game trying to speedily tick those boxes, and let's not forget about that start bar in the middle of the screen that blocks your view in racing to place, to attack your opponent.

If both opponents have placed before the 10 seconds, game can start ATTACKING earlier automatically..
This way, it's still about thinking quick, rather than clicking quick or having a super fast internet connection. You get to keep that region bonus!!, Get to time to trade in those cards, and that start bar wont matter so much, because hopefully you have already placed and ready to go.

(Perhaps the placement could be blind to the opponents, till go time, to keep that thrill and suspense that we enjoy from sametime..)

2-3 minute turns, is sufficient time, and add time should just be disabled, it is sametime after all.

*1 minute has been suggested, but imagine a new player joining in on a 1 minute sametime game.

Glitches happen when we run out the clock or don't end a turn within the last 15 seconds?. something like that.

We run out the clock because of this race to move, or someone adding time, deciding to make a consecutive game out of a sametime game.

Maybe a notification in the last 30 seconds or so to prepare to finish round moves, such as fortification or RISK getting glitched!
Hoodlum is online.
Hoodlum wrote:
Create a faster, more streamlined attack and advance process for the dynamic sametime games

I don't know if this is even feasible or a want to focus and improve sametime games, but for regular sametimers it would be sweet where we can use the mouse for territory selection as normal, and then a keyboard button/s option for placing and selecting an amount of advancing armies during gameplay by keyboard clicks (maybe a button for add, or minus). For larger armies, i guess hold the button down. No one plays sametime games on a phone, so don't worry bout phone users lol.
The drop down menu is perfectly fine for normal consecutive games, but in sametime games with the adrenaline pumping, shaky hands controlling the mouse and such ...your single hand can't keep up with your strategy where it requires some reaction and speed, especially in unlimited reinforcement mode. Slowness is a factor for a lot of players scared to play sametime mode!
Imagine it....
Hoodlum is online.
aeronautic wrote:
You know you can already type how many Troops to select when reinforcing, attacking & fortifying?
So you can hit number keys once you are on a phase and the troop selection appears and selects what you typed... with your left hand and click the Button with your right hand.
Hyd yn oed er fy mod Cymraeg , dim ond yn siarad Saesneg, felly yr wyf yn gobeithio y bydd y cyfieithu yn gywir.
Hoodlum wrote:
ur kidding right? i just tried it. isn't working for me.
Hoodlum is online.
Matty wrote:
I guess it depends on the browser.

In firefox if I click on a dropdown, I can type the first letter and it selects it. So if the dropdown consists of numbers, I can type them.
I think that's what Aero means.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
4960epic wrote:
If I am ever in a hurry and need to split an amount in same time in a bigger stack I do a quick approximation by clicking where I want on the scroll bar so I can keep rolling along. I realize that this isn't the "wild west" days of same time when you could add time and take advantage of the turn glitch, so as I see we are down to finer details such as card turn ins. 


As Hoodlum stated in his 2014 post in this thread, card turn ins can cost a player the game if they happen to be at a crucial moment, so I would like suggest an auto-select hotkey for card turn ins. I am not sure how it should chose the cards, maybe priority of cards owned by the player, or solid before 3 of a kind, or vice versa. If that would be difficult then possibly just color or 3 of a kind. Any ideas if this would be feasible?
Matty wrote:
Currently you already see your cards before your turn starts. We can make it so that there are checkboxes there so that you can select them already. Then you only have to press a button to turn them in.

That leaves the choice to turn in, which can be a checkbox too.

This is possibly quite ugly, so either they'll have to be hidden under a user setting, or hidden in a tab somewhere. I personaly prefer the latter.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
4960epic wrote:
Thanks for the reply matty!

If it will make the game lag or cause issues, then don't worry about it, rather check boxes than cause problems for you and other players.
Hoodlum wrote:
1 minute options...this would be preferred by most sametime players. The top players wait till the last 15 seconds or so, i often check my facebook during this time. Maybe it can be an option that is purchased?
Hoodlum is online.
hooboy11 wrote:
Agree with Hood. 1 minute is enough time to survey what needs to be done in the first round while allowing time for the 15 second play at the end. In subsequent rounds, when you might need 45 seconds or so to go on a tear after turning in cards, you should already know what your plan is so again, 1 minute should be sufficient.
Hoodlum wrote:
did a few game with 1 minute turns. it was fun! definitely more entertaining to watch a sametime game. On behalf of sametimers...
voting for 1 min turns!!..
Hoodlum is online.