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Sygmassacre wrote:
Believe me when I say I feel your pain. These are just from today.

24 May, 22:29

East Africa (Sygmassacre) attacks Congo (Quakes) killing 92 troops, losing 115.

Northern Europe (Landrock) attacks Britain (Sygmassacre) conquering it, killing 114 troops, losing 95.

25 May, 08:15

Alaska (Riskoholic) attacks Alberta (Sygmassacre) conquering it, killing 145 troops, losing 115.

These three easily represent a 300 point swing from just today.
Now the two where I was defence is what you can expect from a normal situation but when I've had one that has gone against me earlier in the day it gets really frustrating. Part and parcel as they say
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
tramadol wrote:
What about this then:

 Alberta (jonboy1967) attacks Ontario (tramadol) conquering it, killing 137, losing 2.

Well, everyone else was mocking JB, so I thought I'd join in!!
"up, up, down, down" etc.
Seriously, guys dice are dice, if you were playing Yahtzee with real dice you can guarantee you'll get 5 X 6's after you'd crossed them off and when you need just 2 X 1's! Dice are horrible little unpredictable plastic (Ivory if you advocate killing poor elephants for a freaking game / ornament / piano) nightmares that always seem to let you down with their 8 cornered, gravity hindered, random motion, fed by the human launching engine with a twist of voodoo and lucky mouth blows to help them on their way.

Here it is, in the Universe, for someone to get lucky, someone has to get unlucky or things just wouldn't even out and JB's argument is quite capable of holding water, because all dice aside, it is possible with luck over a human lifetime to be always the 35% and someone else to be always the 65%. It is still a full 100% share of all the luck in the Universe, just not evenly distributed! Look at pressure & temperature or just energy, they have no brain or understanding of the Universe, but they will always try to make themselves even when they are not, due to other events and influences and from this levelling out, sometimes there's a big bang, sometimes it blows and sometimes there's a lift!
So for now, JB is getting a kicking from the luck fairy, but soon it may be General Can't-Do-Wrong and boy will JB enjoy that moment, if it doesn't happen the day after he gives up with dice games!