Looking for member input
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Sygmassacre wrote:
Oh I've had a basic rundown of the strategies around connect 4 (think the magic 7 pattern, which rows you should aim to get connect 4's in, etc) and make patrons buy lots of drinks for me when I bring it out at the bar. They are just lucky I dont make real money off them instead of turnover for my boss lol
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
cbt711 wrote:
I would play anyone on the ship for 10 bucks. All they had to do was beat me once in 10 games to win the money. I made a lot of money. There are 7 "magic" patterns. But basically it boils down to even threats or odd threats depending on who went first, and getting your winning move in UNDER their winning move, then just block.
tramadol wrote:
Some SEO may help. Many sites are ranking higher in search than D12. A few hundred dollars a month
Surely either the awesome programmers here can optimise the website for higher ratings in the Search Engines or there would be a website designer/company member playing somewhere at D12 that can do it, I heard that 'Princess' has her own company! A few hours of their spare time!
I never paid for premium as I have low earnings, it was bought for me by a friend and ever since, I have put £2 per week in a jar ready for next renewal (Cash only). However, this will be way more than I need for membership, so I am all in favour of raising the amount or even doubling it. This can be used for a better server. Also I believe you should negotiate with the server guys more. There are other, better, bigger, reliable, faster fish in the sea!