I would be inclined to agree! However, there would have to be clear guidlines as to exactly what a suicide move is and must not be confused with a survival move or an unlucky attack that went wrong with many more troops than the defender.
Also, this would be a lot more work for the staff, reviewing games and making a decision, but they are after a better site, so maybe they will deem it as 'worth it'?
I think the sooner they get the training map up and running, the better the education will be, before a player enters games and does untold damage!
I would be inclined to agree! However, there would have to be clear guidlines as to exactly what a suicide move is and must not be confused with a survival move or an unlucky attack that went wrong with many more troops than the defender.
Also, this would be a lot more work for the staff, reviewing games and making a decision, but they are after a better site, so maybe they will deem it as 'worth it'?
I think the sooner they get the training map up and running, the better the education will be, before a player enters games and does untold damage!