• 18 posts
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Paddlin wrote:
Do maps matter on this site? The only live games consistently going are on World Classic. Also, they are predominately filled with new players who utilize roughly the same strategies. Maybe there is something else going on in private games...
Holt wrote:
Maybe you just haven't been online enough to notice but I have seen each one of these maps used plenty of times. The World Classic map will always be a favorite especially amongst new members. If and when they stick around they begin to venture out and try out new maps for a different style of gameplay. The more your online the more diversity you will see in the players on this site. I take nothing away from the people making maps on here because it will always help bring more members in. As a result the skill level and strategies will evolve and get better. Nothing happens overnight.
Vexer wrote:
@ paddlin. you only know half of the site. The world map is one of the least played in long term games. Most of the players who stick around longer than a month are the ones who play long term games and when you stick around more than a month you need a new map each month or so to keep things fresh.