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-NoXoN- wrote:
 Before when i invited someone to this site i always said that we have beautiful maps. Now i cant say so. It started since August last year when i made caribbean map. Yes it was first ugly map on this site, but today we have many :( and we will get more ugly maps.
 I think we must say STOP to ugly maps.
It was awesome to get a new map when we only had 4, it is ok to get a new map now when we have more than 20.
I really think that is better to have 10 beauty maps instead of 100 and ugly.

 If someone like to make new map, i like to ask if he/she can give update to caribbean map.
marcoxa wrote:
what are you talking about Noxon? if its is not good vexer would not let it go through, he is relentless about this. also i don't see anything wrong with the Caribbean map. in my least fav map would be South Africa and then the US map. but it dos not mean there ugly
Leedog wrote:
New maps bring new players... people get bored playing the same maps all the time and having a choice is a good thing.

Having a variety of styles is also a good thing.

I personally do not have the skills to make the maps that I would like to in comparison to the great maps on this website, this is why I collaborate with some of the "big guns" here like Thorpe and Butters. And I appreciate them allowing that and teaching the tricks of the trade.

I've seen the maps on other Risk websites and feel this site's worst map blows their best away.

I'm assuming most of the maps here can get a makeover in the future... The Oregon map is a perfect example of an update giving a map a new beautiful look (i think the maps texture is one of the best on D12)!!

Vexer does not mess around... he continues to hold the map standards of the site to the highest level, he's like the President with veto power... and has no problem using it!!

Noxon had brought some great/superior maps to this website and wish he would consider bringing more.
Holt wrote:
As much as I do not comment on the mapmaking process, mainly because im not as skilled in that area, I agree with what NoXoN says to a point. I enjoy all the hard work the mapmakers put into these maps on this site but I feel like our style of map has been stagnant lately. We have high standards here yes but Vexer can only comment on what he sees. I think that when a map is completely filled out before he gets to see it then it leaves him in an odd position of filling in a map that already has a particular style to it even though he may not like it. I think the maps that we have been letting on the site lately look almost cartoonish. This is not me bashing on the mapmakers here because you all put long hours and many updates into these maps. But, if what you say is true and you want to be held to a high standard than this is what needs to be said. We need to start raising the quality of our maps. Our styles need to be more detail oriented and more spot on. We need less maps going at one time so that Vexer can properly review maps without feeling stressed on time constraints for other tasks. I would like to see more maps with mountains that look like mountains and bridges like bridges. I want maps that almost look 3D but with a realistic feel to them. I want to see maps that jump off the screen. I want to see maps that make me go wow that is beautiful. The normalcy here has to stop. We need invention on these maps. We need creativity. I would like to see whole new worlds in our maps. An artist is only as good as his worst piece of work. I want nothing but the best out of you all. You are the backbone of this site because without your maps we would be nothing. I think it's time to push your limits though and see how far we can bend. Better maps will bring more members. Now lets see it happen.
Vexer wrote:
I have said again and again that the standards need to go higher and higher. Each map makers new map needs to be better than their last. We want quality over quantity.

However, it is extremely difficult to tell someone that their work isn't good enough. I used to not have a problem with this but lately I feel like I have been too soft.

What I really wish is that map makers would do updates to their old maps. I have updated Oregon Cities 8 times and have one more in mind. Every time my skills increased and I learned how to do something better, I made it better. And it is not just skills that increase. Tastes mature. When I first joined the site I didn't see anything wrong with the old World map but my taste changed and got more refined.

I probably shouldn't have let the Europe map through so quick, the background is just wrong but Pntbttr seemed sensitive about it so I let it slide.

Tamriel is too bright but getting Psymon to change it was like pulling teeth so I let him have it his way.

There are little things here and there that are wrong with every map but I guess I am just too tired after over a year of doing this to hold the standards to the highest level. Leedog says I do but honestly I don't.

I wonder, though, what noxon thinks of the recent maps that Fendi and I have personally done like World Expanded, World Classic, World Modified. Does the maps done by the head cartographer even meet your standards Noxon?
Thorpe wrote:
I hope that mine are different enough and I do not like just making maps...I like making the best maps!!!

I try to do something different with each map that no-one has tried before or that I have not seen.

Paddlin made a comment about one of pntbttr maps..."Oh great another pntbttr's map"...If you know Paddlin then you would know what he was saying.

The question I ask myself is would someone look at my maps and say..."Oh great another Papa map" or would they say "Who made this map"? I try to make them top notch and if they are not then I welcome help and comments on what they do or do not like.

I can not get prissy over a map...the map is for this site ...not just for me.

Trust me it is not fun to keep changing a map 150 times to get a bridge that looks ok ..but now if you look at them now from when they first started 110% better and I would say it was worth it! I love when Vexer puts his touch to my maps, I believe they pop after he does his thing!

With all that said...Noxon has a point and I wish I could just look at his maps to get ideas on how to get better...but he does not give us a good sample from his maps, that he sales.

Noxon if my maps do not hit the standard you think it should then please tell me what map and why...I could learn so much from you...just to bad you don't make maps here.

The only map that I feel that is not up to par is The Realm of Honored Players but I think it needs more territories but I like the look.

As far as updates Vexer, tell me which one(s) and I will see what I can do.

I do not want a lot of my maps...I just want the best posted and if anybody wants to play with any of my maps feel free do do so. Just let me know and I can send them to you.

Holt do you have a map that has your standards, cause I would love to see it...please post it or send it to me, cause I do not know what you are looking for...I try to do my best "Eye Popping" maps.
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Matty wrote:
Well, there is quite a variety of maps on this site.

The one I like best is simply the world classic.
Also East Asia and World of Tor are really good I think. Those are my favorites for looks.
And now i say it I know that I heard from someone that they thought TOR was ugly :)
I absolutely love to play on Great britain and Ireland as well, though the looks (especially the textures) might need some updating... NoXoN?

And yes, some maps may look cartoonish, like "peanuts world", but is anything wrong with that? I personally really like the map, even though theres quite some changes to do on it.

What I want to say is, there are lots of styles, and some ppl like the one, and some ppl like the other. Still, they defenitely aren't bad quality.

And yes, I dont like the caribean map either, but if thats because of the gameplay or of the looks I wouldn't know.
And yes, I dont like tamriel, waaay to clean and bright.
Still, I love to play on it, because the gameplay is great.

I try to help, sometimes I see alot of details, sometimes I absolutely miss them. But well, if you think a map needs an update, can't you comment it in the topic?
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Leedog wrote:
When I was researching Skull Island I found this guy who did the map, he also did the Lord of the Rings map:


I mentioned him to Thorpe and thought others would like to see his work.

This Reeves guy has mad a few different maps (many worthy of being in very popular movies), but all have his same style.

Maybe there should be a moratorium on new maps until some of the older maps get updated?

I can see why Vexer keeps saying the colors are the hardest part, imagine if the Lord of the Rings map was colored with areas of pink, purple and orange?

Should the website narrow down it's number of map makers so the style would be more consistent?

I personally realized that coming up with a map idea, doing the grunt work of outline and text and then letting others with higher skill, do texture and colors seemed to work better than me making a crappy map that no one liked. But also took pride in contributing to the website, which many members would probably like to do.

Maybe there should be an "assembly line" approach? Members come with an idea, it gets approved by "The Fellowship of the Map Makers" (lol), then the member makes the outline, once that is approved, sends to one of the 4-5 experienced map makers for detailing... then both names on map?

Provides a variety of ideas but keeps all of the maps consistent with looks and high standards.

Alright, I'm done rambling and out of suggestions and have nothing further to add on subject. =)

Holt wrote:
I think the biggest thing I would like to see implemented with these maps would be the region colors fitting the feel of the map. I would also say that I really like the darker colored maps over the brighter colored maps. Bright colors give such a happy feeling and dont really fit with a war theme for the game we play. I want to look at a map as if I were a General looking over a real map of a battlefield and planning my strategy of attack. I don't know many Generals that had to look at a map that contained bright yellow, pink, light blue, and other such colors. This is just a suggestion but as I said before I am not too involved with the mapmaking process because my artistic abilities are somewhat lacking.
Thorpe wrote:
Of course you lie...you have to have some artistic abilities to make the comments that you do...just keep telling yourself that you have none then you will never have to make a map that we can tear apart...HeHe.
Lazy..scared...or just do not care...or the best one is.. no time!


Matty wants happy maps!
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Holt wrote:
My artistic ability has it's limits Thorpe I have my good days and my bad days but I don't think im anywhere good enough to be making maps like you all do. Im more of a show me something and I will tell you what would make it look better. Im not good at creating something from scratch like you have done.
Thorpe wrote:
Quit blowing smoke up my..edited for content
Keep telling yourself that.
You never till you try my friend.
So what you are saying...scared!
chicken...you have tender feelings that you might get hurt.

A prison guard that has feelings...mmmm. does not sound right
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Holt wrote:
Thorpe I got to say you are hilarious man lol... I would rather leave the maps to the mapmakers that way it doesn't take a year to finish one map. I also don't have the time to sit there and work on maps. I have a full time job where I work 7-8 day stretches. I have a kid that demands my attention constantly while im home. I have a fiance that will probably beat me if I sat there and was constantly working on a map for a site she has no real interest in. I also have things I need to get done around my house. All that culminates into me not having enough time to work on a map. You all have been coming out with plenty of maps and I don't think making me a mapmaker will help with any problems it will probably just create more headache for the people that would spend the time training someone that can't give them the attention they need to train. So if you don't mind i'll quit blowing that smoke and let you all continue doing the jobs you are best at lol..
Pntbttr wrote:
I think all the map makers just need to start updating their maps occasionally...I'll start trying to update my maps...
Thorpe wrote:
I LOVE YOU MAN!@ Holt The Bolt
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next