• 10 posts
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Dsds7292 wrote:
Just a heads up everyone, Fendi likes coffee, black no sugar, and no cream. She will ask you for it from time to time. If you don't get it for her, She will turn you into a malevolent cat. FYI
Pntbttr wrote:
Fendi how do you get some much attention?! ^_^
It seems like everybody likes to add more to your name...what do they call you a mean cat lady who lives in the south?
Pntbttr wrote:
now you are a mean cat lady from the south and will turn you into a cat if you don't give her coffee, black no suger or cream...
Dsds7292 wrote:
She is the following

An evil, malevolent, monstrous, crafty, wicked, malicious, irritable, crazy old hag of a backstabber cat lady from the bitter north who will turn you into a malevolent cat if you don't get her a hot, steaming cup of black coffee with no sugar and no cream..........Love you Fendi! :)
Pntbttr wrote:
Fendi how did you get a name like that!

Fendi wrote:
You guys are hilarious! Keep up the good work. =)

Take care.
Pntbttr wrote:
thats what you can do with the moderater thingy! Now I look dumb because I said you forgot the coffee...^_^

Luigi is scared of fendi! ...or at least her

Dsds7292 wrote:
There, now you didn't say it, lol!

Vladimir was over today