riddle for ya
  • 21 posts
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Votazap wrote:
A group of men go to a museum and end up destroying all the masterpieces. The next day the art museum director/worker thanks them.

ARMAS wrote:
The museum director wanted to collect the insurance money? They were supposed to be destroyed to turn them into modern art? The museum director was snarky? ("Thank you so very much for destroying all these wonderful works of art of great value that many, many generations of people would otherwise have enjoyed.";)
lucide wrote:
That was a museum of destruction. They were exhibiting things that have been destructed.

Votazap wrote:
haha,that could be an answer but i had a different one in mind...
A much simpler one..

hint:It has something to do with the jobs the group of men have

hint 2: The muesuem was still there,but the artwork and some of the muesuem itself was destroyed
Votazap wrote:
The group of people were firefighters and they( while putting out the fire ) ended up destroying some of the masterpieces the director thanks them for putting out the fire