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Crywolf wrote:

Next Mafia game is coming soon!
New people are welcomed to join
Layout will be standard and traditional, perfect for any one thinking of trying a game of Mafia, and filled with action for those wanting an exciting game

Criminal case is on the line, so don't forget to bring your debate and public speaking skills to this game :]...

Sign Ups:
1. @2ofclubs
2. @Tennesseelogman
3. @notoriouspat
4. @elysium5
5. @LizardMagpie
6. @Jacob26

more information will be posted as we get closer to the start of the game
Game will most likely start some times next week depending on the sign ups
New Mafia game coming
2ofclubs wrote:
Over ruled uh wait sustained. I move that charges be dismissed.
Crywolf wrote:
For those deciding to maybe join, here are some good news:
Game will cater to your playing style- more effort = higher chance in winning and less the chance someone's inactiveness will hinder you
don't worry about getting out of the game early, there's much that you can do :]

(secretly revealing mechanics?)
New Mafia game coming
Crywolf wrote:
For those deciding to maybe join, here are some good news:
Game will cater to your playing style- more effort = higher chance in winning and less the chance someone's inactiveness will hinder you
don't worry about getting out of the game early, there's much that you can do :]

(secretly revealing mechanics?)
I will start with 9 people preferabily, but I can make the game with 7 people if needed
Spots are still open to join
New Mafia game coming
Jacob24 wrote:
I would be willing to play if this starts up later
"clubs - go suck eggs! :)"
Tennesseelogman, 2024
Crywolf wrote:
I would be willing to play if this starts up later
With the current lack of interest, it will start when it starts Lol
I have a feeling that it may be a while
New Mafia game coming