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- Posted: 1 year ago
- Modified: 1 year ago
Post #1
This is a copy/paste from the Hood Town mafia game from July of last year
The images did not transfer - i will try to get help before the game starts to do so
You can look back at that thread for the images (particularly the map) and any other info before the game starts if you want to. Also feel free to make suggestions. I have eliminated the part about tokens being won. Also, if we start w less than 18 players and you die = you will not come back in a different role. A few other things will be different but the overall theme and play will be the same.
I made a comment in the 2022 game to bring it near the top to make it easier to refer back to it.
Hood Town
18 players
2 Phases. Day & Night (24 hours - Lunch time 1200 server time / suits me best. It's 10pm for me)
Day Phase - Talk in forum, or private chat. (DO NOT include the moderator! also, DO NOT copy paste roles/timestamps/messages )
Night Phase - No forum chat, no private chat (except Mafia). Submit your actions.
Everyone has a unique action. Check your role and action from the spoilers
You can Vote, No Vote or abstain (which is not participating in a lynch vote). Abstaining 2 successive days will be considered inactivity and result in a mod-kill.
Voting/Lynching/Lunching. - use whatever term. either accepted.
(**Pay Attention**) All Votes will be sent anonymously to the moderator through your Role PM. Change your mind as often as you like, up until deadline. The moderator will take the most recent vote.
An hour before deadline is called FINAL HOUR. FINAL HOUR will be announced as well as an update of how many votes are on someone. (who voted will remain anonymous).
*The Jester successfully won his game. He can no longer chat in the game, but he can be persuaded in the dead chat, who to haunt kill, from those who voted him out. (jkl3699, ThickTalon, Bluegoetz, Madagascarter, Abs, pdorward17, Ryomyr )
100% view
All instructions are explained in the roles. All roles are open, there are no hidden roles.
When receiving your role it will just say. You are the ?. eg: You are the Godfather.
There can be more than one winner. eg: the Jester who has to get himself lynched wins his game, but the game is not over until all winning possibilities are played out.
Mafia Roles
![[image]](https://mapconquest.com/images/grimgames/godfather.png )
Godfather - Choose who to kill at Night. You have Basic Defense and Detection Immunity.
Framer - Choose one person to frame each Night. A Sheriff will see the target as suspicious, and an Investigator will get false roles. Frames last until the Framed player is investigated or interrogated.
Consort - Distract someone each Night. You prevent them from using their Night ability. Distracting a Serial Killer, will force them to attack you instead of his intended target. Distracting a Veteran on Alert, will force them to attack you.
Consigliere - Check a person each Night for their exact role.
If the Godfather dies, the Framer , Consort or Consigliere in that order replaces his role.
Mafia win when town and neutrals are eliminated. Mafia will know of each other and co-ordinate their actions
Neutral Roles
Serial Killer - Choose to attack a player each Night, dealing a Basic Attack against them or Choose to go on Alert. Going on Alert means you can deal a Powerful Attack to anyone that visits you. You have Basic Defense and Detection Immunity. You can only go on Alert once.
You will automatically attack any player who Distracts you during the Night instead of your original intended target. You win if you survive till the end.
Jester - You win if you are lynched during the Day, and you can only win by doing so. Upon being lynched, all players in the game will see the message "The Jester will get his revenge from the grave!".
If you are killed during the Night (any way other than by lynching), you automatically lose the game.
If you survive until the end of the game, you lose.
You can choose to Haunt one of the players that lynched you during the Day. That Night they will die. Haunting is a Powerful Attack.
Guardian Angel - You will receive a target at the start of the game. You can protect your target twice the entire game, giving them temporary Powerful Defense. You can still protect your target even if you are dead. Protecting your target prevents them from being killed that Night or lynched the next Day.
Keep your target alive for the whole game to win.
If your target dies during the Night, you will turn into a Townie with no action.
Executioner - You will receive a target at the start of the game. Kill your target via lynching to win. Your target will be a Town member. You have Basic Defense.
You must lynch your target while being alive.
If your target dies during the Night, you will turn into a Jester.
A Neutral wins their game when they complete their mission.
Town Roles
Jailor - Choose to jail somebody each Day. You can choose to execute them, dealing a Powerful Attack to the target. Executing a Townie will result in you losing your execution ability.
Your prisoner gains Powerful Defense, and has all actions against him blocked, and will be roleblocked that Night.
A Jailed target will receive the following message
Jailor asks: "What is your role?".
What would you like me to tell the jailor who may choose to execute you?
25 word message.
Veteran - Choose to go on Alert at Night. When on Alert, you will deal a Powerful Attack to all your visitors. Going on Alert grants you Powerful Defense. You cannot be roleblocked. You have three Alerts.
Vigilante - Choose to take justice into your own hands and shoot someone. Shooting anyone will deal a Powerful Attack to them, but you cannot shoot someone on the first Night. If you shoot a Townie, you will commit suicide the next Night out of guilt. You have three shots.
Sheriff - You may choose to interrogate someone each Night, checking them for suspicious activity.
You will know if your target is "suspicious" or "innocent".
Roles with Detection Immunity, notably the Godfather, will display as "innocent".
Anyone who has been Framed will show up as suspicious. The Mayor will also receive your results.
Investigator - When investigating someone, the Investigator receives a message which includes 3 possible roles that your target is.
Doctor - You may choose a target to heal each Night. You will heal all attacks on your target giving them Basic Defense. You have 1 self heal.
Psychic - On odd-numbered Nights, you will get three names, at least one of which is evil. On even-numbered Nights, you will get two names, at least one of which is good.
If you are jailed or distracted, you will not receive a vision.
Mayor - Your vote counts as two as you manipulate the votes by choosing a target at night to steal their vote the next day. You cannot be roleblocked. You also receive the Sherrifs interrogation results.
Retributionist - Raise a dead Townie each Night just for the Night to use their ability on another player. You can not be framed. Their ability includes their vote or extra votes that can be used for the next day.
Lookout - You may watch a Suburb Watch tower each Night to see who leaves and who visits. Check MAP in storyline spoiler. Your results will be revealed anonymously and automatically in the morning news if you choose them to be published.
Town wins, when they eliminate mafia and neutrals.
Basic Defense. = Defense against Basic Attack from Serial Killer or Mafia. Doesn't defend against a Powerful Attack.
An attacker will receive the message "Your target could not be killed last night"
You will receive the message "You were targeted last night"
Powerful Defense. = Can not be killed, can not be roleblocked. Defends against a Powerful Attack.
An attacker will receive the message "Your target could not be killed last night"
You will receive the message "You were targeted last night"
Basic Attack. = Is an attack from the Godfather, Serial Killer and Vigilante. Can't kill Basic Defense.
Powerful Attack. = Can kill Basic Defense.
Detection Immunity. You will appear innocent to a Sheriff. The Investigator will get false roles.
Action results will be given in the new DAY phase.
With your NIGHT actions you also get to write a LAST WILL (update that will each night). Your LAST WILL is found on your dead body and can be used to help your faction out. Only your last updated WILL will be read (when dead). Keep the WILL short and simple.
Last Wills & Death Notes (click to hide)
"Night 1, Hoodlum = suspicious!"
"Night 2, elysium5 = innocent!"
Similarly, The Serial Killer and The Godfather can write a DEATHNOTE which can be used to taunt or even help town find the other bad guys as a tactic or whatever.
"GG You're dead!!! regards. Serial Killer" or "I couldn't Kill Hoody, defence too strong. Must be Serial Killer!"
The images did not transfer - i will try to get help before the game starts to do so
You can look back at that thread for the images (particularly the map) and any other info before the game starts if you want to. Also feel free to make suggestions. I have eliminated the part about tokens being won. Also, if we start w less than 18 players and you die = you will not come back in a different role. A few other things will be different but the overall theme and play will be the same.
I made a comment in the 2022 game to bring it near the top to make it easier to refer back to it.
Hood Town
18 players
2 Phases. Day & Night (24 hours - Lunch time 1200 server time / suits me best. It's 10pm for me)
Day Phase - Talk in forum, or private chat. (DO NOT include the moderator! also, DO NOT copy paste roles/timestamps/messages )
Night Phase - No forum chat, no private chat (except Mafia). Submit your actions.
Everyone has a unique action. Check your role and action from the spoilers
You can Vote, No Vote or abstain (which is not participating in a lynch vote). Abstaining 2 successive days will be considered inactivity and result in a mod-kill.
Voting/Lynching/Lunching. - use whatever term. either accepted.
(**Pay Attention**) All Votes will be sent anonymously to the moderator through your Role PM. Change your mind as often as you like, up until deadline. The moderator will take the most recent vote.
An hour before deadline is called FINAL HOUR. FINAL HOUR will be announced as well as an update of how many votes are on someone. (who voted will remain anonymous).
*The Jester successfully won his game. He can no longer chat in the game, but he can be persuaded in the dead chat, who to haunt kill, from those who voted him out. (jkl3699, ThickTalon, Bluegoetz, Madagascarter, Abs, pdorward17, Ryomyr )
Spoiler (click to show)
All instructions are explained in the roles. All roles are open, there are no hidden roles.
When receiving your role it will just say. You are the ?. eg: You are the Godfather.
There can be more than one winner. eg: the Jester who has to get himself lynched wins his game, but the game is not over until all winning possibilities are played out.
Mafia Roles
![[image]](https://mapconquest.com/images/grimgames/godfather.png )
Godfather - Choose who to kill at Night. You have Basic Defense and Detection Immunity.
Framer - Choose one person to frame each Night. A Sheriff will see the target as suspicious, and an Investigator will get false roles. Frames last until the Framed player is investigated or interrogated.
Consort - Distract someone each Night. You prevent them from using their Night ability. Distracting a Serial Killer, will force them to attack you instead of his intended target. Distracting a Veteran on Alert, will force them to attack you.
Consigliere - Check a person each Night for their exact role.
If the Godfather dies, the Framer , Consort or Consigliere in that order replaces his role.
Mafia win when town and neutrals are eliminated. Mafia will know of each other and co-ordinate their actions
Neutral Roles
Serial Killer - Choose to attack a player each Night, dealing a Basic Attack against them or Choose to go on Alert. Going on Alert means you can deal a Powerful Attack to anyone that visits you. You have Basic Defense and Detection Immunity. You can only go on Alert once.
You will automatically attack any player who Distracts you during the Night instead of your original intended target. You win if you survive till the end.
Jester - You win if you are lynched during the Day, and you can only win by doing so. Upon being lynched, all players in the game will see the message "The Jester will get his revenge from the grave!".
If you are killed during the Night (any way other than by lynching), you automatically lose the game.
If you survive until the end of the game, you lose.
You can choose to Haunt one of the players that lynched you during the Day. That Night they will die. Haunting is a Powerful Attack.
Guardian Angel - You will receive a target at the start of the game. You can protect your target twice the entire game, giving them temporary Powerful Defense. You can still protect your target even if you are dead. Protecting your target prevents them from being killed that Night or lynched the next Day.
Keep your target alive for the whole game to win.
If your target dies during the Night, you will turn into a Townie with no action.
Executioner - You will receive a target at the start of the game. Kill your target via lynching to win. Your target will be a Town member. You have Basic Defense.
You must lynch your target while being alive.
If your target dies during the Night, you will turn into a Jester.
A Neutral wins their game when they complete their mission.
Town Roles
Jailor - Choose to jail somebody each Day. You can choose to execute them, dealing a Powerful Attack to the target. Executing a Townie will result in you losing your execution ability.
Your prisoner gains Powerful Defense, and has all actions against him blocked, and will be roleblocked that Night.
A Jailed target will receive the following message
Jailor asks: "What is your role?".
What would you like me to tell the jailor who may choose to execute you?
25 word message.
Veteran - Choose to go on Alert at Night. When on Alert, you will deal a Powerful Attack to all your visitors. Going on Alert grants you Powerful Defense. You cannot be roleblocked. You have three Alerts.
Vigilante - Choose to take justice into your own hands and shoot someone. Shooting anyone will deal a Powerful Attack to them, but you cannot shoot someone on the first Night. If you shoot a Townie, you will commit suicide the next Night out of guilt. You have three shots.
Sheriff - You may choose to interrogate someone each Night, checking them for suspicious activity.
You will know if your target is "suspicious" or "innocent".
Roles with Detection Immunity, notably the Godfather, will display as "innocent".
Anyone who has been Framed will show up as suspicious. The Mayor will also receive your results.
Investigator - When investigating someone, the Investigator receives a message which includes 3 possible roles that your target is.
Doctor - You may choose a target to heal each Night. You will heal all attacks on your target giving them Basic Defense. You have 1 self heal.
Psychic - On odd-numbered Nights, you will get three names, at least one of which is evil. On even-numbered Nights, you will get two names, at least one of which is good.
If you are jailed or distracted, you will not receive a vision.
Mayor - Your vote counts as two as you manipulate the votes by choosing a target at night to steal their vote the next day. You cannot be roleblocked. You also receive the Sherrifs interrogation results.
Retributionist - Raise a dead Townie each Night just for the Night to use their ability on another player. You can not be framed. Their ability includes their vote or extra votes that can be used for the next day.
Lookout - You may watch a Suburb Watch tower each Night to see who leaves and who visits. Check MAP in storyline spoiler. Your results will be revealed anonymously and automatically in the morning news if you choose them to be published.
Town wins, when they eliminate mafia and neutrals.
Basic Defense. = Defense against Basic Attack from Serial Killer or Mafia. Doesn't defend against a Powerful Attack.
An attacker will receive the message "Your target could not be killed last night"
You will receive the message "You were targeted last night"
Powerful Defense. = Can not be killed, can not be roleblocked. Defends against a Powerful Attack.
An attacker will receive the message "Your target could not be killed last night"
You will receive the message "You were targeted last night"
Basic Attack. = Is an attack from the Godfather, Serial Killer and Vigilante. Can't kill Basic Defense.
Powerful Attack. = Can kill Basic Defense.
Detection Immunity. You will appear innocent to a Sheriff. The Investigator will get false roles.
Action results will be given in the new DAY phase.
With your NIGHT actions you also get to write a LAST WILL (update that will each night). Your LAST WILL is found on your dead body and can be used to help your faction out. Only your last updated WILL will be read (when dead). Keep the WILL short and simple.
Last Wills & Death Notes (click to hide)
"Night 1, Hoodlum = suspicious!"
"Night 2, elysium5 = innocent!"
Similarly, The Serial Killer and The Godfather can write a DEATHNOTE which can be used to taunt or even help town find the other bad guys as a tactic or whatever.
"GG You're dead!!! regards. Serial Killer" or "I couldn't Kill Hoody, defence too strong. Must be Serial Killer!"
Spoiler (click to show)
Live long and prosper