A new era
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Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
Today it is impossible to see even on the street someone not staring at a mobile phone, we live in a time of total digitalization, and it is clear to everyone, the next stage is devices on the body such as smart watches, google glasses, etc. It is obvious that powerful people from shadows and globalists want to penetrate the body with their digital chips.
What we do know is that new satellites are launched into orbit almost every day, there are claims that in the future they will be used to enslave the people. Some will enslave themselves as is already the case with chips in Sweden and Belgium, which is what I know for now.
It is almost more than clear that the end of this world is approaching in some period of the next 200 years, this is because of the rapid progress in technological discoveries. All earlier civilizations have disappeared at their peak of knowledge and power and we are following the same path.
“Vital lives are about action. You can't feel warmth unless you create it, can't feel delight until you play, can't know serendipity unless you risk.”
Matty wrote:
The stop using your phone as much? It's a tool. If you need it, bring it and use it. If you don't need it, turn it off and leave it at home.

Problem solved?
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
thats right, but they have progressively got under the skin of people, thats largely impossible today to not use a phone.
slowly but surely it has already become a kind of addiction that people can not do without the phone, and at the same time a great preparation for the digitalization of man ..step by step
“Vital lives are about action. You can't feel warmth unless you create it, can't feel delight until you play, can't know serendipity unless you risk.”
Ready4war wrote:
@Matty I don't see how blag not using his phone as much solves the problem. That would have no impact on the fact that people in power will use technology to control the the population of the world. We are already being tracked by our phones, and like blags point of the post/forum it's bad and going to get worse, fast!!
We will not appreciate water until the well runs dry -Benjamin Franklin
Matty wrote:
It's not your duty to fix the entire world. It's your duty to 'fix' yourself, your family and the people near you. Stop trying to fight systems, it's pointless. Instead, focus your energy in helping actual people.
If you help people all around you, then you help making the world a place in which people care about one another. And in a world in which people genuinely care and look after one another, no evil power will be able to control you one way or another.
You don't start change by shouting at 'big people'. You start change by changing yourself, by 'loving thy neighbour'.

If you think modern tech is too addictive and too controlling, then stop letting it control you. You can, you know. It can't track you if it's not with you and turned off. Sure it's easy to blame google, facebook, the fbi or whoever for spying on you. But why do you let them? Why do you carry it with you?

Change starts with you. So change your own life and care about people.

And then the world will become a bit more beautiful. Step by step.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
Matty meant that each person can individually decide not to use the phone and that it is not mandatory as he said it is a tool.
Which I certainly agree with him but it is definitely in a theoretical sense. In practice the neighbors get through the app even though they are only shared by one door!
We are talking about a deeper problem
Everything is hidden and slowly enters under the skin of the people ...
“Vital lives are about action. You can't feel warmth unless you create it, can't feel delight until you play, can't know serendipity unless you risk.”
Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
certainly so but if we all just work on ourselves and dedicate ourselves to just take a circle of people and no one ever raises their voice against digital colonization then it was all in vain because both we and our loved ones will become slaves to the digital master
“Vital lives are about action. You can't feel warmth unless you create it, can't feel delight until you play, can't know serendipity unless you risk.”
Blagoje_Jovovic wrote:
We certainly cant beat them, we cant even stop it, this is just a statement of what is happening and what will be in the future
and that you said nicely as if you meant in the last sense to dedicate ourselves to the family because we can't change anything. not that it is not our duty, on the contrary, our duty is to fight for a better tomorrow for our children, but in this case we cant.

“Vital lives are about action. You can't feel warmth unless you create it, can't feel delight until you play, can't know serendipity unless you risk.”
farspaceplace wrote:
Well Blagoje does have a point, i think. Ok, maybe now u can theorictically turn off ur phone. But i can easily imagine, that not even far into the future, having an implanted micro chip of some kind would be even mandatory for some occupations. Think fx a tracking device for soldiers, police, firefighters, prisoners maybe even. Or sick people would have some kind of device that could alert the doctor about health issues. A bank manager, some security "key".
Many people would prob even want, (or at least accept) to have some kind of device. Now as with all tech -this can be used benignly or not. Maybe it would self-destruct after a certain time, or be basically safe/simple, and very very hard to hack.

But here again, it certainly depends on the powers that be, and how the rules, copyrights and so forth are formed. I wouldnt like a mandatory chip implanted in me by the Chinese governtment fx, if i lived there.

Again point is, i def think its possible that such devices will become common if not exactly universal. And then u can of course imagine either a more or less dystopian outcome of this.