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NicoHay9 wrote:
Hi all! I am a big star wars fan so that's why I started this thread. This thread is for discussing anything star wars related or asking questions about that galaxy far far away. (and i know a lot of those answers)
"If only you knew the power of the dark side of the Force"

         -Darth Vader
NicoHay9 wrote:
By the way if u have any questions related to Star Wars i'd be happy to answer them on this thread
"If only you knew the power of the dark side of the Force"

         -Darth Vader
Dima wrote:
the new star wars movie sucked. the only good thing about them were the special effects. the story was the typical hollywood story. i also dont like the liberal ideas and identity politics being mixed into the movie. cant stand these perverted ideologies. thats the primary reason why i dont like this franchise so much anymore. or maybe i just grown up :/
"vorple: the real strategy comes when you cant just win cuz you got lucky and got the big card stack"
farspaceplace wrote:
signed on to PS4 network last month and got Star Wars battle front 2 for one of the free monthly games. Been playing the multi player way too much...even though i ve never been a fan as such (havent seen any of the new movies), i still got this Star Wars feeling with the game. 
I particular like Boosk - the reptilan bounty hunter, who was in a second or two in one of the original movies. you can choose him as a character - and has like a short animation intro, and makes some comments if u play him as a training character at least. He seems bad ass. Even more than Boba Fett - (or at least on par).
NicoHay9 wrote:
Bossk certainly was an effective bounty hunter during the Clone Wars and the Empire's reign. After Boba Fett he was probably one of the best bounty hunters of that time. He was also one of the bounty hunters sent to capture Han Solo
"If only you knew the power of the dark side of the Force"

         -Darth Vader
NicoHay9 wrote:
As for the new movie i thought it was fine although a lot of people disagree. I think i'm such a big fan i just don't care about the plots much just learning all about it
"If only you knew the power of the dark side of the Force"

         -Darth Vader
Hoodlum wrote:
As for the new movie i thought it was fine although a lot of people disagree. I think i'm such a big fan i just don't care about the plots much just learning all about it

young anakin was the only annoyance (acting).
i liked hayden christensen anakin, i know many don't
i didn't mind jar jar binks.
the original 3 were epic of course. and the final 3 were just as epic for me.

mandalorian was awesome, and i'm happy that Taika Waititi (my country man) is going to direct and co-write a star wars film.

i want a ultra-saber so bad, i will get one.

looking forward to the snyder cut :)

Warrant ☰ ★Officer I and a Gentleman
NicoHay9 wrote:
Jar Jar has to be one of my favorite characters. During the Clone Wars he had multiple accidents that destroyed Padme's ship and a couple battle droids and killed some pirates and cult members. 

"If only you knew the power of the dark side of the Force"

         -Darth Vader
NicoHay9 wrote:
Still he was an awesome character mainly because of his clumsiness
"If only you knew the power of the dark side of the Force"

         -Darth Vader
elysium5 wrote:
Samual L. Jackson (Mace Windu) is the only Jedi to have a purple Lightsabre.
"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."
NicoHay9 wrote:
Here a 3 people who used purple lightsaber in Legends ( Legends is NOT accepted by Lucasfilm, Canon has been confirmed by Lucasfilm and is considered the true star wars story) An’ya Kuro, Jaina Solo Fel, and of course Mace Windu

"If only you knew the power of the dark side of the Force"

         -Darth Vader
NicoHay9 wrote:
Purple is a mix of blue and red so any jedi who has a purple lightsaber uses some of the dark side
"If only you knew the power of the dark side of the Force"

         -Darth Vader
NicoHay9 wrote:
For me I am ever loyal to the Galatic Empire. I like that they have cool technology and troopers not to mention the ability to go to any lengths to beat an enemy. Long live the Emperor! Die rebel scum!
"If only you knew the power of the dark side of the Force"

         -Darth Vader
NicoHay9 wrote:
For me I am ever loyal to the Galatic Empire. I like that they have cool technology and troopers not to mention the ability to go to any lengths to beat an enemy. Long live the Emperor! Die rebel scum!
"If only you knew the power of the dark side of the Force"

         -Darth Vader