only my opinion :)
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cody224 wrote:
Let me start off and say this topic is only my opinon.

I wanted to write a article listing the up and coming players(players that are climbing the ranks rather quickly and defeating the top rank players) The ones exempt from the list are all the players on the member section from 1771 and up, and players that havent been active lately.

The number one on the list is : 1. gki7. He is conquering 3 high rank players, and beating all the top ranks execpt for emmdizzle and thaithai. A very unpredictable player, and good at making comebacks.

2. Nuftoby: Although he is one of the players that is exempt from the list, i think he deserves to be added(for gaining a ton of ranks in a weeks time). He is conquering 3 high ranks, beating multiple other good players, has a tally on thaithai, and is tied with Emmdizzle. Not much players can say they have a tally on thaithai.

3. macthehack: This player has also been rising up in the ranks, and has a good standings list to back him up. Conquering his fellow lance corporal dansam20, he also has victorys over players like 1771, and razarac. Time will tell if this player will be a force to be reckoned with on dominating12.

4myGod wrote:
Wow, nice list, didn't know these guys were capable of that.
thaithai wrote:
nuftoby play well at 1vs1 .most important he has good dice while he deal against 1vs1 we need lucky.
we don't have much members.almost left us.i am nothing on conquerclub.
1771 wrote:
nuftoby is a very good player he is a calculating player who looks for opening and grabs them when they are available, not too mention he is an alright fella i like playing against him i know i have a good game coming everytime. gki7 is also very good i can expect a game from him everytime as well. thaithai is an excellent player very skillful and sneaky, which is very good when it comes to risk. i consider thaithai to be my friend without a doubt, at the same time, everytime thaithai and i play 1vs1 he is VERY lucky with dice and placement, which is not good for me because he is already highly skilled one of these days thaithai you will not be so lucky,lol.Cody224 is also a highly skilled player who makes the right moves at the right time. oh yeah and thaithai conquer club is nothing!!!! you are something my friend!!! i have completely given up playing on that site. as far as dansom20 and matchehack well I know your secret don't i?
thaithai wrote:
dansam20's member_is =1326
macthehack's member_id =1325.
maybe they are cousin
nuftoby wrote:
Thankyou Cody.

I see your name just above mine and have u in my sights next. ;) he he he

just joking around. :D

yes since my arm is broken and i work from home anyhow, i hAVe been playing a lot here.

?thankyou for all the games and the good fellowship... however NO MERCY shall be shown on the virtual battlefield. :)