Just thought I'd throw some links & maybe have some discussion about fascinating little-known origins of Christmas and other
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SpamFree wrote:
This topic was spawned by some comments regarding Christmas and winter solstice that I wouldn't mind exploring further, but sadly, are less-than-acceptable for Live Game lobby chat.

As I understand it (and I'm no historian), the early Catholic Church (being the big name in "Christianity";) "blessed", adopted or in some way "christianized" various rituals, places, and things of pagan culture in an effort to grow the early church.

I read the following many years ago and found it intriguing:


I hope that others might be unafraid to civilly and calmly discuss this or really any religious historical ideas. I know this may be impossible for many, but please try to check any combative zealotry at the door:thumbs:

I'm hoping an interesting discussion might ensue but can't help but feel such discussions are a thing of the past as "political correctness" seeks to stifle free exchange of ideas by censoring any topic that might offend some thin-skinned group or individual.

The Interwebz, the last shrinking island of freedom of speech, sadly, is populated largely by Flame Warriors who will likely see this as fuel with which to help the world burn.

Enjoy :pirate:

CheekyTeeky wrote:
I'm surprised it is not common knowledge that the days of celebration we use today like Easter and Christmas Day are evolved cultural memes. They have evolved from further back in History than I think most comprehend. All symbols and symbolic days of remembrance once meant something else but as society dictated what it liked and didn't like these meanings changed. As Christianity had a massive impact on life as we know it today, it is not strange that these symbols and holidays have now been marketed under said popular belief.

You are brave young dominator to bring up such a topic.

Merry Christmas ;)
You have a keen military mind Pod...
farspaceplace wrote:
yep read the live comment too...actually a bit surprised it was a sort of holiday in Italy. Without having read your links spam (eventually) as far as i know Cheeky is right... Summer and Winter soltice has been recognized and celebrated throughout centuries by many dif cultures...I haerd that early Christanity actually moved the celebration of the birth of Chirst (according to their calander and historic knowledge) a month or so, so it would coincide with winter soltice, and thus fit in better with the pagan festivals at that time.
SpamFree wrote:
Yes the book linked in original post goes into great detail regarding Easter (ishtar and egg-laying rabbit, why so many eat ham, dying eggs etc.) and Christmas (the tree, santa & moloch's lap etc.) origins. (i had a copy but lent it out a few years ago).

The author has some very interesting ideas. However, there is more regarding modern jews, historical Israelites, the talmud and the Book of Enoch I would also further question, but that's perhaps too much for one thread (and who has the time) ;)
I am always fascinated by religious beliefs and beliefs in general, so really any religion or political organization holds some interest for me, as often faith of some kind or other perpetuates both groups.
I am curious about many things and very much enjoy history so this fits well for me :pirate: