• 11 posts
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lionheart wrote:
15 people are stuck in a ship that will sink in 20 minutes. The only way to get off the ship is via a 5 man raft, a trip to the nearest island and back takes 9 minutes, how many people will survive?
chris wrote:
Someone has to row the raft. Seems like a 5-man raft's gonna take either 1 person minimum or 2, so either 2 or 4 people are stuck treading water. I want to think of a way that I would save them, but I'll go with 13 survive?

Well, of course I'm mad. It makes things a great deal more interesting.
lionheart wrote:
yes 13, easy to forget the raft needs a rower. Answers coming in to quick im going to run out of riddles in the memory bank soon.

I will wait for the answer to thai's riddle to come through for the next one
4myGod wrote:
I thought rgen got it? something about some dudes hand.

No worries lionheart, you can post them once a week if you want, like on Monday or something it can be riddle day :P
lionheart wrote:
it would be easy enough to find some on the internet when I run out of my own but I think it would be better to have 1 a week anyway
WithAQuickness wrote:
I agree with Thai eventhough you said a different answer. If a round trip takes 9 minutes after the second trip your back at the ship with 2 minutes to spare so you can load the remaining people and sail off as the ship sinks. Actually I just realized it's 13.
lionheart wrote:
the fact that you can take 3 loads is the easy part of the riddle, it makes you think you've solved it (like thai) so you dont think it all through.