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lionheart wrote:
Here be my riddle previously posted within another topic, the movement the result of imparted wisdom from a much higher life form.

"What is small, round, uncooked and served to guest of one or two???"

Remember I gave the hint that it is an Asian theme, narrowing it down, as Asia's pretty big, to China.

A final hint, there is a word in the sentence designed purely to throw you
4myGod wrote:
A soccer ball? I suppose that's not really an asian theme...
lionheart wrote:
on the right lines 4my, but football's aren't served to guests of 1 or 2?

by the way its football, soccer is some kind of made up American word.
4myGod wrote:
ok, since we are talking about the Asia area I will allow it to be called a football...
lionheart wrote:
about 90% of the world calls it footy why does America have to be different? American football is rugby with a helmet on, they dont even use the feet and baseball is just a big version of rounders.

okay that last one I admit rounders is a rubbish name
lionheart wrote:
yup, the uncooked part has no bearing just to throw people into thinking about food
chris wrote:
That much I got. Is it a cup or a saucer?

Well, of course I'm mad. It makes things a great deal more interesting.
lionheart wrote:
in ping pong, when you serve you either serve to 1 or 2 players depending on singles or doubles
4myGod wrote:
many Americans probably don't even know that we are being different. :)

Yeah, American football is rugby, with a helmet and a ton of other protective gear, which allows more brutal hits and sweeping the feet. Also we don't start hugging each other. Though I only get my understanding of rugby from the movie I watched on the plane about South Africa...