what u prefer. why?
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GhostRisk wrote:
question every: what u like more? balence or standard dice. when ansewr please give short ansewr. and how long member d12. ok thank you
GhostRisk wrote:
i ansewr first. i like belence more. less luck for roll. because already horrible luck with dice. it help me win more. i play here for a couple monthe 2014. thank you
Virtuosity98 wrote:
I have no preference: Balanced is better if you prefer more safety in your attacks, as it reduces the chance of poor luck, but Standard is better if you want more unpredictability.
Joined March 2014.
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aeronautic wrote:
I prefer balanced if playing a Capitals game, because when you have a lot of troops attacking, it reduces the chances of losing more than you kill, but if playing 2 player games or Death Match games, the attacks will be with less troops and neither dice types give any safety for that, for example in all games with all types of dice, I accept that I have to have at least 7 troops to attack a 3 troops and so on.

November 2012
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