  • 17 posts
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skanska wrote:
So I was chatting with this guy on skype, who apparently knows me (no clue who he is.....) and by the end of a very awkward conversation, decides it is now time to sing to me.... (via text, told him my audio and video wasn't working.....).... he started singing the theme song of the jetsons (that old cartoon).....

this discussion goes on and on, i have it saved and i'll put it up later, I want to know about the most random internet conversation you have ever had with a stranger...

and.... go!
4myGod wrote:
A long time ago I randomly met someone online from India perhaps or a country near there. It was in a chat room maybe, can't really remember the details. We were talking about religion, and I was talking to him about God and he was telling me that he was poor or something and couldn't afford even a bible or food and I can't remember if he hinted at it or came outright and asked, but I remember he wanted me to send him things, money perhaps or a plane ticket to America. So I went online and bought him and his wife and 5 children plane tickets from India to America and the next day... Joking. I didn't buy him anything, I looked online for a nearby church I think and told him to go there and ask them. Don't trust strangers!

I may have mixed some things up, it was a long time ago, but that was strange enough for me to remember.
wca wrote:

Perfect for all your random stranger conversational needs.
It matches you randomly with someone you don't know, and you get to talk about whatever you want.
It gets really strange sometimes...
4myGod wrote:
I tested it, tried using it to advertise, most people are just waiting for the 18 year old female to chat with. Suppose I should lie and suck them into the site ;P
4myGod wrote:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hoi
You: bloop
You: hai
Stranger: asl ?
Stranger: poep ?
You: 18/f/your house?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

... Nevermind, didn't work.
4myGod wrote:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: male
You: I eat children
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Alright... that's enough fun for me, back to work.
chris wrote:
Well, I was curious. Never thought I'd get a Pokemon battle, though.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey?
Stranger: A Wild Ditto Appears
You: I choose you, Pikachu!!!
Stranger: Wild Ditto transformed into Pikachu
You: well that figures.
Stranger: Wild Ditto used Transform, Wild Ditto transformed into Stranger
You: Strange Pikachu says hi.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Well, of course I'm mad. It makes things a great deal more interesting.
4myGod wrote:
lmao. Actually, this kinda thing is hillarious. I'd like to see more. See what the most random omegle conversation you can get is. blood420... you shoulda taken him/her up on his/her offer!
4myGod wrote:
lmao. Actually, this kinda thing is hillarious. I'd like to see more. See what the most random omegle conversation you can get is. blood420... you shoulda taken him/her up on his/her offer!
wca wrote:
I once went on and on trying to convert someone to believing in 'the force' from Star Wars.
Apparently they never saw the movies and thought I was talking about a legit religion.
4myGod wrote:
lol! Amazing. It's quite fun what you can do since your name is Stranger and they can never possibly track you down.
wca wrote:
You: hey there! <3
Stranger: wanna trade pics?
You: er....I guess we can. I never have before, but it could be sweet.
Stranger: ASL?
You: I'm only 19 *blushes*
You: you?
Stranger: I'm 19 also.
You: so.... I have one picture of me,
You: its kinda old, I'm much more cute now
You: than I am in this picture.
You: wanna see?
Stranger: sure
You: here it is [url removed]
Stranger: you look kinda like a moose in that picture ;)
You: I'm impressed that you didn't leave the chat as soon as you saw that :p
You: other people just leave right away when they see the moose
Stranger: thats cool, I'm fine with a regular conversation too

Thank you Mr Moose
skanska wrote:
finally someone who doesn't leave from that opening!!!!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: heya
You: A wild Pikachu appears!
Stranger: pokemon sucks a little bit.
You: ya i know
You: but you don't, cuz you didn't leave soon as you saw that
You: most ppl do
Stranger: lmao true..
Stranger: your lame as conversation starter was a win!
Stranger: asl?
You: 19/m/georgia
You: urself?
Stranger: nice...21/f/australia
You: cool
You: how"s the weather?
Stranger: mmmm hot , like always hehe
You: lucky
Stranger: can't complain!
You: its been raingy here for two or three days
You: and about an average of 65 degrees for weeks now...
Stranger: i love rain... its so relaxing to sleep to
You: ya, but not to walk to classes in...
You: thats not fun
Stranger: yeah true
Stranger: gtg, bed time hehe bye bye pokemon
Your conversational partner has disconnected.