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Nutcracker wrote:
christmas is coming soon and I am very excited. I also am interested in what is your usual tradition you do at christmas time. Who else is very excited that christmas is coming?

Here is my tradition:
On the 21st of December, I usually drive up to northern new jersey in the dark, so I could see the snow and always look out in the dark and christmas lights. Then I get to New Jersey where my family lives. The next day we all set up the tree together and decorate it. After that we all slit up and buy presents for each other. We rap them on the 23rd of december and put them under the tree.

We always get to open one present on christmas eve and it is always pajamas, so then we can sleep i our new pajamas and then get excited for christmas day.

Our christmas dinner is always roast beef with many sides. Then we all gather up ad open the presents and sometimes it gets in CHAOS LOL.

We also stay at the house for the new year, and then we usually leave back home around january 7.

If you have any traditions you'd like to share, I am really interested :)

urgul wrote:
So sure I'm Jewish but I love to take a trip up to the Big Apple and see all of the Christmas trees...
Then, on the eve, I go to see all of my Catholic relatives...
Then, on Christmas day, I wish everyone around me a Merry Christmas.
And then I laugh in their face when they say "I got a movie-" or whatever, and then I say "Hey! I got the same thing... But one month ago! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone!
Sygmassacre wrote:
Christmas day = beach day. I'm off to the beach right now with my daughter for a spot of fishing and a picnic before heading to the in-laws for a BBQ and a bucket load of Coronas.
Feliz Navidad!!!
A Harmonic Generator Intermodulator
Dferguson wrote:
I here I had to shovel out the drive way that took 5 hours.. then had some much needed brews and family festivities.