Also the triangle symbol
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kindredparadox wrote:

It really make me curious and it midly bothers me because every time I log in this would be the first thing in my mind :)

Thanks masters
Fendi wrote:
You are not the only one, I made sure to ask the creator that question when I got the chance and this is what he had to say:

I couldn't come up with a name that had an available domain so I tried to think out of the box. If I could think of a very unique name, then it would be available. So originally I was going to put on the front page a list of the 12 top players each month and give them like a special badge, like Dominating Feb 2012 or something, and they would be the Dominating 12 every month and I liked the number 12 because Jesus had 12 apostles and 12 tribes of israel and 12 months in a year
so that's why I chose 12.
kindredparadox wrote:
It was such a nice and complete explanation. Thanks

And if you could also ask the Creator when you and him have the chance it would be swell. So every time I see it, my mind wouldn't crunching the "What is that triangle with a dot" phrase :)

It does look like and have an air of foreboding, underworld, or some secret society. I like it though.
BrewDog wrote:
The triangle with the dot is the all seeing eye of the illuminati. Fendi is the puppet master. Fendi pulls all the strings. This site is where she comes to relax after she tells the entire world what to do.
Fendi wrote:
lol, love the Illuminati comment. I will keep the logo in mind till the next time i speak with the creator.