Safari doesnt do the trick
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urgul wrote:
i want the best (free) web browser for a macbook/iphone for playing d12. Safari seems to do the worst job, and chrome sucks too. Firefox does pretty well. Opera is doing surprisingly well and is beating every other browser. Is there any other browser im missing? thnx,
urgul wrote:
for instance, some (when falk. islands map was changed) jumbled the things up, ithers didnt

also, when i create a long term (or short term) game, the bad ones would make me x out and come back in to play. sometimes firefox pulls through and doesnt make me x out and start again. but only sometimes. opera works and excels at everything, though
Vexer wrote:
There is a known bug involving macs and creating games. We have not been able to narrow it down. Have you tried creating a game on your mac using the beta create game page? I wonder if it has the same problem. Lifeinpixels, if you are reading this I'd like your answer as well.
urgul wrote:
the beta create game page does nothing to help.

i thought you could never catch a bug on an apple!
Thorpe wrote:
They are called worms...I get them all the time on my apples, cause I do not believe in spraying
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Crystal wrote:
I get the bug when I create a game. And about half of the time that I reply to a post. And about half of the time that I send a private message. 

But I'm running off of OS11.4 and safari 4.1 Both in dire need of an upgrade!
urgul wrote:
lolol, i have no idea what i have. probably close to whatevers latest cuz this is a brand new computer.
Crystal wrote:
mine is 8 or 9 years old and needs a hardware upgrade before I can even think of upgrading the software... I'm really hoping to just save up enough money to just buy a new computer, but it'll be a long wait....
Thorpe wrote:
Yes and I have been hearing her cry about her old Mac for ...what a year and half? Sell more Spuds!LOL
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Crystal wrote:
true... I've been complaining for about that long... but I'm outta spuds!