This is not possible. Every turn you do consist of several phases:
- Reinforcements
- Attack
- Fortification
It is not possible to go back to the previous stage after you finished one. In the reinforcements stage, you get troops which you can place down anywhere in your own territories. Then in the attack phase you attack other players and finally you can fortify troops between your own territories.
If you want to move troops and then attack, you will have to move the troops and wait for the next turn until you can attack.
This is not possible. Every turn you do consist of several phases:
[list type=decimal]
It is not possible to go back to the previous stage after you finished one. In the reinforcements stage, you get troops which you can place down anywhere in your own territories. Then in the attack phase you attack other players and finally you can fortify troops between your own territories.
If you want to move troops and then attack, you will have to move the troops and wait for the next turn until you can attack.
“This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we really believe in, and those we never think to question.”
- Speaker for the Dead, O.S. Card