Redone- Please comment.
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Vexer wrote:
you're the second person to say that but i think it looks cheesy with more glow. it actually doesn't look too bad without it at all. I'm just keeping it around so that the new version is not too different from the old one.
Holt wrote:
I dont know how you feel about it but I dont think Britain should be able to attack N. Europe. I would rather it only be able to be attacked or attack into Scandinavia and Western Europe.

I also know that you would like to keep it as close to the original as possible but I know that many people do not like how much power Australia has. I would propose that you put another connection from Papua New Guinea to Japan. I would rather see this connection than the one earlier proposed from Madagascar to Western Australia because it would stick with the premise of having to go through asia to get to Australia; But it would also add another connection to Australia making it a little harder to hold. It would also give a little more purpose to Japan. this would add another connection for Asia to hold but I would still keep it at only a 7 bonus because technically if you grab Ukraine that eliminates 2 territories that have to be reinforced down to 1. Not that anyone really ever gets ahold of Asia in a game situation anyway.

I really like the color schemes on this map it's very appealing to the eyes with the darker colors in there. It makes the map much more comfortable to look at for longer periods.

Thank you for listening.
Vexer wrote:
We will have multiple versions of the map. This version will be the same as the one we already have.

You gave no explanation as to why britain should not be able to attack n. europe. We can include your idea in the alternate version if you can convince us why.

We will have a second version of the map that includes a 43rd territory, the Philippines, that will connect to china and papa new guinea requiring Australia to defend 2 territories. This should solve the problem you mentioned, just in another way.

We will also make a version that includes Antarctica but only if players who are asking for it are not satisfied by the Philippines version after giving it a try. Personally I think adding the Philippines fixes the map without the need for Antarctica. And i think that Antarctica doesn't belong in a war game because in reality no one would keep troops there.
Holt wrote:
I guess I don't really have a valid reason as for why I don't like it other than the gameplay part of it. I think it would put more into the path you have to take to get through Europe. Manueverability is what makes each map distinct and I just believe it takes away from the gameplay whenever you can manuever through Europe in so many different ways... It's not a big deal if it doesnt get changed I was just giving my opinion as to what I thought.
-NoXoN- wrote:
What i did: Some changes in ocean, text and terrain.


 I still think that Vexers title is more elegant.
 I will try to complete tonight.
-NoXoN- wrote:
I cant work on it now, im 300 km from home and very busy. Next week maybe
Thorpe wrote:
Need to talk to Vexer and Fendi...this is not a new world map just an updated one. Don't want to change it to much.
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Pntbttr wrote:
How did you do that -NoXoN-? I can never get my shading layer to look like that! It makes the land look like it is popping out, like mountains and valleys!
Vexer wrote:
I asked noxon to play with it to see what he could come up with.

I like the texture on the land. I am not sure about the ocean. I would have to see the whole map. It might be too much. I like fendi's title better and prefer the color of my text. but i am not picky about the font.

@thorpe, we are doing multiple world maps so if something noxon comes up with doesn't match the classic map, we might use it for the world + Philippines map.
Vexer wrote:
Here's what we hope will be the final update but we are still open to suggestions. In fact I am going to make this version live in hopes that we get more comments.

I used some of noxon's layers and tried to mimic his style a bit since he wasn't able to finish a texture layer for the whole map.

What do you think?
Thorpe wrote:
Nice and clean ...simple ..yet very sharp.
Nicely done!...same but different.
Good work all!
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Matty wrote:
Wow, the new world map is there, I would just like to say one small thing:

I love it.
"Strength doesn't lie in numbers, strength doesn't lie in wealth. Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers." ~Maria
Vexer wrote:
Thanks Matty.

@marcoxa. i chose that font because we want this map to be very simple and clear.

If someone else says something about the font then I'll invest a little time into finding a better one. It will be a few weeks before i can get to it though.