• 84 posts
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Thorpe wrote:
Looks great!...but so many arrows....makes me think I'm on a ship!
Back and forth.....back and forth

I wonder how good the game play will be? Looks like fun!

Great job!
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Vexer wrote:
Looks done to me. I can't wait to struggle figuring out this map in a game.

Noxon said he likes complicated maps, well this is the grand daddy of them all. But not a clustered mess like the complicated maps on other sites.
Votazap wrote:
I love this map, complicated but like vexer said, it looks so neat and organized.
Glanru wrote:
Well, I was an Imagery Analyst in the Army. It was sort of my job for 3 years to create overlays that are as clear as possible, while displaying all vital data. There is a good reason this map took me nearly a year to complete; I wasn't going to go through with it if I couldn't make it with a reasonable level of neatness and organization.
Pntbttr wrote:
So thats why you are so good at map makeing! I hardly knew how to use a computer when I started!

You should write your own tips tricks and ideas forum too! Do you use something other than PDN? We could have a forum for each different type of map making...
Glanru wrote:
Well, I've been using computers for over two decades now. I'm pretty proficient with learning new software. I'm using Photoshop. Something that I never would have learned if I didn't use it in Iraq. It is not very user friendly, and I am not very artistic. But, it is a powerful tool and there are millions of free video tutorials and text/picture tutorials for doing things in Photoshop. Not many that are specific to what we do here for making maps, but most of the principles are the same.
-NoXoN- wrote:
Map looks good but there are some small mistakes with borders and regions. In 1814 Illyria wasnt there. I think is better if you make map with real regions. And to put that Illyria in region with germans is just big mistake. much better if you put it in same region with Italy. When i google italy 1814 i found this map:


 Maybe is better to change name of illyria territory.

 Small mistake with borders: try to make it round, its in many places on map.


 You dont need to agree with me.
Thorpe wrote:
NoXon I have played this map of Italy of 1814 on a game of war a lot of years ago...I think Avlon Hill Bookshelf Games.
Nice game play!
Another map?
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Glanru wrote:

I can assure you that the territory I named Illyria was the Kingdom of Illyria as land in the Austrian Empire after the defeat of Napoleon. However, before he was defeated it was the Illyrian Provinces, French controlled land. I am not willing to rename it, as that is the most accurate name.

I do not believe that you fully read the posts that I put explain my choices in territory names, territory boundaries, and regions. Or, perhaps I was not extensive enough. I suppose I should have included a bibliography. I have made the map as historically accurate as possible given the necessity of requiring good game play.

The area that you circled in red is not a mistake.
Glanru wrote:
The idea that players change the fate of Europe is in itself flawed. Obviously any attack you make is going to be different than what is historically accurate, and on this site you start with random territories. I assure you that if you randomly get Ireland and land in the Ottoman Empire that they weren't actually allied in 1814. Fun and game play are huge factors when making any map.

If enough people are upset over the hours upon hours of research that I did to make the map as historically accurate as possible, I can rename the map Europe 1795-1820. Because of the extremeness of territorial changes during this time, and player interaction "changing" history, I assure you that a blanket of time instead of a single year would make my map perfect instead of greatly accurate. However, I chose the year 1814 specifically because a "Fall of Napoleon" theme sounds better, and anything could have happened when he unconditionally surrendered.
Pntbttr wrote:
I think it is fine...the name the borders regions territories and everything...don't change any of that unless somebody finds a huge flaw...

@ -NoXoN- you made a map right?! I find it impossible to believe that your map is perfect! Nobody will make a map so perfect that the tiny detail on a border is slightly curved instead of being staight. I trace my maps (which makes it look nicer but less acurate) and sometimes I even change the height/width which makes it different and the maps I trace are crappy...And besides who cares if the map is slightly off. Although it is a good idea to make a map as acurate as possible it is a good idea to slightly change it to make the game play better...on the diminican republic haiti map I changed a lot of borders to make game play better and more obvious. I would trust Glanru with making it acurate (I mean did you read his posts it was an insane amount of info). I am sorry if that sounded harsh...I just cant believe nobodies even told you this...

^_^ i am tired...good night...
Thorpe wrote:
lol Pntbttr.
Who realy cares? This is risk not history class!
Lets play!
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Thorpe wrote:
All History is different in the country you live in ...so mote point...

It's just a map that we will play on ...no test will be given...

I hope no test will be given!!!

Will there be one?

I need to study just in case!!!

DANG!!! More things to do!!!
95.5% of the time you kill a players cap before your 2nd turn in... you fail or die next
Pntbttr wrote:
lol...sorry...all day snowboarding it really makes you tired...