that's amazing work for two hours. wow. love the ocean texture.
i can offer a number of suggestions though.
First, there are unclear connections. It's known as the 4 corners problem. can san juan attack independ.? can Sud-Est attack independ.? you should change the borders to make it obvious and to reduce connections so that regions are easier to defend. for example it would be better if san juan cannot attack independ. and Ouest cannot attack Pedernales.
Second, the lines need work. i can barely see them. also, try to make them go from territory circle to territory circle when possible. it would help to see them if they had a glow around them like on the great britain map. noxon can do this pretty easily using settings in adobe fireworks, but you can also create a similar effect by hand.
the text is too big and would look better with a black outline. this is easily done in photoshop. you can ask Fendi, noxon or glanru for help with the text.
the numbers on the mini map are too big.
the are two blue colors next to each other that are too similiar.
all that being said, the map is pretty far along already. you're becoming quite skilled. imagine what you could do with photoshop. you know you probably have access to photoshop at school. you could do the text layer in your off period or lunch in the computer lab.
that's amazing work for two hours. wow. love the ocean texture.
i can offer a number of suggestions though.
First, there are unclear connections. It's known as the 4 corners problem. can san juan attack independ.? can Sud-Est attack independ.? you should change the borders to make it obvious and to reduce connections so that regions are easier to defend. for example it would be better if san juan cannot attack independ. and Ouest cannot attack Pedernales.
Second, the lines need work. i can barely see them. also, try to make them go from territory circle to territory circle when possible. it would help to see them if they had a glow around them like on the great britain map. noxon can do this pretty easily using settings in adobe fireworks, but you can also create a similar effect by hand.
the text is too big and would look better with a black outline. this is easily done in photoshop. you can ask Fendi, noxon or glanru for help with the text.
the numbers on the mini map are too big.
the are two blue colors next to each other that are too similiar.
all that being said, the map is pretty far along already. you're becoming quite skilled. imagine what you could do with photoshop. you know you probably have access to photoshop at school. you could do the text layer in your off period or lunch in the computer lab.